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Click below for facts about the Titanic and her two sister ships as well as the Rescue Ship.

RMS Titanic

TitanicRealPic2.jpg (75342 bytes)


RMS Olympic

Olympic.JPG (32624 bytes)


HMHS Britannic

Britannic.JPG (15555 bytes)


"The Rescue Ship"
RMS Carpathia

Carpathia.jpg (59551 bytes)




(168 Mistakes)

In the scene at the start of the movie with the "authentic" piece of film, you can see a girl with a hat waving to the people at the ground. When the ship is leaving port in the film, she and others are in the same positions, only in reverse, because the first "authentic" shot is the same shot, only reversed.

When Jack is playing poker in the beginning of the movie with the Swedish guys and Fabrizio we can see a short shot of his cards. He then takes another card and wins by having a full house. However, there was no way to get a full house with the cards he had by just drawing one more card.

The lake that Jack told Rose he went ice fishing on when she was threatening to jump is Lake Wissota, a man-made lake in Wisconsin near Chippewa Falls (where Jack grew up). The lake was only filled with water in 1918 when a power company built a dam on the Chippewa River, six years after the Titanic sank.

Just as Jack begins to draw naked Rose, he draws a dark line down the center of his paper. In the next shot of the page the line is suddenly much fainter (over to the right) and he is now drawing her face.

When Rose is trying to rescue Jack she spies a fire axe. Smashing all the glass out from the holder she grabs the axe and turns round. The next camera shot shows Rose standing in front of the case with almost all of its glass intact.

When Jack and Rose are going down with the ship, there is a man holding onto the flagpole. The man's life jacket disappears and reappears. 

In the scene where Jack comes to the first class door for the first time in his tux you can see a cameraman in the glass door before he enters.

In the scene where Jack is persuading Rose not to jump, Jack's shirt collar changes position several times, revealing his white t-shirt from a little to a lot.

When Rose breaks Jack's handcuffs with an axe she doesn't hit the handcuffs on the pipe but Jack's hand. The handcuffs come apart by themselves. 

Just as Titanic breaks apart, the compass platform (seen in front of the third funnel when the lights were still on) suddenly disappears. The water isn't even high enough to have reached its aft-most legs. The white projection on the deck that held the chandelier in the lounge is also gone, and the ventilator that sits on it is flush with the deck.

When Jack and Fabrizio are at the bow, the anchor well below them is black. Along with that, the foremost railing is not connected with the rest. But when Rose and Jack are there the well is white and the railing connects. Plus during the "flying" sequence the gap between the vertical bits of the railing is different in different shots of the ship.

When Rose is running in the hallways trying to find help for Jack when he is hand-cuffed, she finds a man and asks him to help her free Jack. She gets frustrated with him and says "listen" then hits him. In shots before (you can put it in slow motion to see it) you can look at the man's hand and it already has blood on it before he touches his face.

Rose mentions Austrian psychoanalysist Sigmund Freud's ideas on the male preoccupation with size to Bruce. However this is 1912, and Freud did not publish the work relating to this until 1920 in "The Pleasure Principle." Also, up until 1919, Freud relied solely on data from females.

During one side shot of the ship sinking at night, the bow has clearly begun to slide under. There are several lines hanging off the side of the boat. The lines are perpendicular to the boat, not the water, indicating that the model was filmed when level and tilted digitally.

Many scenes used computer graphics to show the length of the ship. Passengers were also added walking on deck. The shadows for the passengers don't always match. There is actually a shadow of a woman wearing a large hat when the woman is wearing only a very small one.

At the part when Jack or Rose (I can't tell which) wipes their hand on the fogged up window, they show it again in the next shot and you can definitely tell it's a completely different handprint.

When Rose is arriving in New York half asleep, she looks at the Statue of Liberty, which is the same color as now (green). But if you visit the statue of liberty, you'll find a plate telling you that the original color was brown, and it took over 35 years for it to change color. The statue of liberty was placed there in 1886, so in 1912 it should have still been partly brown. Also, the flame was replaced in 1986 (for its 100th anniversary) with a gold flame. The film shows the Statue holding a torch with a gold flame, not the original.

When Jack and Rose are running from the raging water that is gushing down the hall after them you can see the faces of the stunt doubles through the computer generated ones of Leonardo and Kate.

When Jack and Rose finally come aboard the top of the ship after she rescues him they ask the Colonel if there are any boats left and he says "up that way" The woman on the left, who looks kind of pathetic, is then later seen on the life boat with Molly Brown. (They show her face right after Molly says the line "it's your men out there") The life boat with Molly Brown in it was sent out before the scene with the Colonel, meaning that she must have gone on the life boat, swam back onto the ship and then back onto the lifeboat.

In the beginning of the film, when Jack is running to the boat on the pier, his rucksack is a Swedish Army rucksack, model 1939, and nowadays widely sold as army surplus.

In the scene where Jack is handcuffed to the pipe below decks, the elbow joint is a modern welded joint, not a bolted flange joint as in the rest of the ship. I'm sure this was done to allow Jack to move about with greater ease as the water level rose.

After being shot at by Cal, Rose and Jack race down the hallways outrunning the rising water. Rose is wearing white sneakers, yet she is seen two minutes later wearing period shoes when Jack retrieves the gate key that the crewman dropped beneath the rising water.

Look closely at the location of Rose's beauty-mark the first time you see her at the dock. It is on the opposite side of her face during the rest of the movie.

At the end of the dinner scene when the men rise to go to the smoking room Jack hands Molly a pen which he borrowed for writing the note for Rose but the note is clearly in pencil.

Anyone who's ever been on a boat knows how dangerous it is to have a bigger boat floating nearby - it produces huge waves that make the little boat tilt and many times turn over. Now what kind of waves would such a huge ship as Titanic produce!? However, at the beginning of the movie, when Titanic is leaving the port, there is a fishing boat nearby with a fisherman in it - and nothing even moves.

In the scene when Rose and Jack run through the dining room with Cal shooting them, notice that the floor is tilted to reflect the ship sinking. In the next scene when they run down the stairs, the floor is now perfectly level. There is no tilt to the floor. Notice how the water tumbles out of the door - it falls on a flat surface and disperses evenly with no angle to it.

In the scene where the ship tilts to a vertical position, you see people falling and hitting objects on the deck. In a close up of that, you can see that a black and bronze-topped capstan has wrinkles in it and bends when someone hits it.

When Rose's mother is getting into the lifeboat and Rose runs off to find Jack, she is the only person on the boat whose breath is not freezing.

At the beginning of the film, when Brock is being taped in the submersible, the sub is already underwater. Only seconds later, if you look out the circular window, it's the reflective tops of the waves. Did they just rise up to the surface suddenly?

In the scene where the men are checking the store room for Rose and Jack, the men are using huge battery powered bright white flash lights that look like they're from Jurassic Park, which were not around in 1912. Back then they would have produced yellow light.

When the ship is about to leave the dock, there's a lot of people saying goodbye to the ones that are going to leave the city. In the following shots, you can see jack and his friends playing cards inside the pub. If you look through the window you won't see anyone. In the next shot, when Jack leaves the pub, the crowd is there again.

When the ship is sinking, there is a shot of Victor Garber leaning against the wall in deep contemplation. The camera angle is very tilted and a few things slide off the shelf in front of him. Look carefully on the DVD and you'll see a wire coming out under his arm behind him pulling the china cup off the shelf.

When Rose and Cal are on the private promenade drinking coffee, Cal puts his coffee cup on his saucer plate twice.

When Jack and Rose are running through the boiler room not only is there no door between boiler room 6 and the cars but the cars were kept two decks higher, and there was a shaft between them.

When the ship splits in half, one of the passengers falls upwards, defying gravity.

When Jack and Rose enter the flooding dining room as Cal is chasing them there is a light and some equipment that can be seen through the window.

The pipe on the starboard side of the forward smokestack changes by the time the ship sinks. When Captain Smith tells Murdock to speed up the ship it bends at the top and creates a half circle. But when it is collapsing behind Cal, it has the shape of a "P."

In the scene where Jack is drawing Rose, the first close-up of Jack's hand shows charcoal on his thumb and nail which vanishes seconds later on the next close-up.

When Jack and Rose are talking on the deck. Rose is explaining to Jack why she considered jumping. She stated that she felt that she was screaming at the top of her lungs and no one was listening. He looks at her ring and states that she'd sink straight to the bottom...etc. If you watch that scene, pay attention to Rose's hair. One second, her hair in perfectly curled with bangs, then it is behind her ears. It alternates back and forth: bangs, no bangs, bangs, no bangs until she grabs his portfolio and they sit down on the chairs to look at his drawings.

In the scene where Jack and Cal finally convince Rose to get on the lifeboat, Jack's hair is very scruffy with slight curls at the tips. When Rose jumps back on the ship, and Jack runs back inside to meet Rose again, his hair is perfectly straight and very well conditioned.

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