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Articles by Voy Wilks

DISCLAIMER: As mentioned on my other web sites and pages, I do not espouse to all of the beliefs expressed on the reciprocal links I have provided here. My web sites are a venture into the pros and cons of diverse aspects of religious beliefs. I leave it completely up to each individual to decide what is truth and what is not. I am also not responsible for any cost or donation purchases that are made through these links. These reciprocal links are purely for educational and research purpose only. Please view these links at your own discretion.

Voy Wilks

Cisco, Texas

Voy Wilks passed gracefully from this life March 14, 2010, at Hendrick Hospital, Abilene, Texas. He was eighty-nine years old. Voy was preceded in death by his wife of fifty-eight years, Myrtle Fenter Wilks, several grandchildren, and four of his six siblings. He is survived by his wife, Sue Wilks; brother Kirby Wilks of Buda and sister Myrl McLean of Houston. Voy is also survived by his children: Beth Maynard of Rising Star; Ruth York and husband Joe of Cisco; Farris Wilks and wife Jo Ann of Cisco; Tovayah Nelms and husband Kerry of Bruceville; Dan Wilks and wife Staci of Cisco. He had forty-two grandchildren, forty-six great grandchildren and five great-great grandchildren.

Voy was born to William Wesley Whiteside Wilks and Erie Catharine Wilks on December 17, 1920 near Hedley, Donley County, Texas.

Voy Wilks was a long-term resident of Eastland County. He was instrumental in the establishment and growth of the Assembly of Yahweh, which he pastored for many years. In addition, he was a brick mason whose work is still evident in buildings throughout Texas and beyond. He has left a powerful legacy of faith, family, hard work, achievement, knowledge, and caring for others. He will be missed sorely. - SOURCE


The Forbes 400's Newest Undercover Billionaires:
The Wilks Brothers

Farris Wilks
$1.4 B As of March 2012

Frac Tech brothers crack list of richest Americans
By Jaime Adame
Posted September 22, 2011 at 8:59 a.m.

Wilks Family Pictures


Are They One and the Same Being?
By Voy Wilks, Cisco, Texas

The Veil Over The Eyes
By Voy Wilks

Who Raised Yahshua From The Dead?
By Voy Wilks

The Lying Pen of the Scribes
By Voy Wilks

Rev. 22:14,15.
By Voy Wilks


Why do people believe that Yahshua pre-existed? What is the real reason? The answer is, The pre-existence is a tradition of our fathers. In early times the Roman Catholic Church accepted the doctrine of the Trinity , which is a tenant of all pagan religions. The pre-existence of Yahshua is an integral part of the doctrine of the Trinity. Without the pre-existence of Yahshua, there can be no Trinity.

In the 15th and 16th centuries, when many people broke away from the Roman Catholic Church to form the Protestant movement, protests were made against many doctrines of the "Ancient Church". However, the doctrine of the Trinity was not included in these protests. The majority of Protestants made no changes in this pernicious doctrine.

True, a small minority of Protestants realized the fallacy of the Trinity doctrine, which calls for "God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit". What happened when a minority of Protestants refused the Trinity? Instead of dropping the pagan doctrine in its entirety, they dropped only one third of it and retained two thirds. "God the Holy Spirit" was dropped from the "godhead", leaving two deities instead of three; "God the Father, and God the Son", a Twinity, rather than a Trinity*.

WEBMASTER COMMENT: Note that the concepts of "God the Son" and "God the Holy Spirit" are not taught in Scripture.

Parallel to this was the Zoroastrian religion which has endured since ancient times. It consist of a Duality of deities - a Twinity; another deterrent in accepting the Biblical truth: faith in the ONE (o-n-e) true Deity, Yahweh.

Plato and other Greeks held the view that the SON of the true god is the divine governor, and is the ORIGIN of all things present and future (Encyc. Judaica, article: Logos). Does this sound familiar? It surely does. Contrary to Scripture as originally given, many Bible readers hold this view today concerning Yahshua of Nazareth. Yahshua the son of Yahweh, is honored as the Creator.

Just as the Greeks and other Gentile converts retain pagan holidays such as Christmas, Easter, Halloween, May Day; the immorality of the soul, and the Trinity; they also retain their belief that the SON of the Supreme Being was the actual cretaor of the universe. Only one step further brought them to the analogy of identifying Yahshua as that Son who created all things.

Most Biblical scholars held these views even before they began translating the Scriptures into the English language, so it was only natural the the Greek view would, to some extent, manifest itself in our English translations. Examples of his are John 1:10; Eph 3:9; Col. 1:15-18; Heb. 1:2. CLICK HERE to ask for our (FREE!) studies on these Scriptures please.

CLICK HERE FOR E-MAIL to request these FREE studies.

Brethren, let us drop the false traditions of our Fathers, and accept Biblical Truth.

End Note

* Many speak of Jerusalem which is holy to three monotheistic religions. This is a falsehood. Christianity is Trinitarian so, for that reason, cannot qualify as a monotheistic religion. The very word Trinity (three) cancels this possibility. This is also true of the Duality. It is a contradiction in terms to refer to a Duality (a Twinity), as a monotheistic religion. Duality means two. Therefore Duality cannot be a monotheistic religion, as mono = one, theos = god; Monotheism = One god). It is contradictory to claim monotheism for Trinitarian and Dualistic religion. It is a false declaration.

May the one true El bless you.


Voy Wilks


An Explanation Of Our Views

Father and Son

Mt.20:23 - Father And Son - two persons.

Jn.3:16 - For Yahweh so loved the world that He gave, not Himself, but His Son.

Jn.3:17 - Yahweh sent His Son into the world. Did Yahweh send Himself?

Jn.5:37 - You have not heard or seen the Father (but they had seen and heard the Son) two different persons.

Jn.5:37 - There are TWO witnesses - (1) the Father and (2) the Son (two persons).

Jn.5:43 - Yahshua came in the Father's name, but they did not receive him.

Jn.8:18 - There are TWO witnesses; the Father and the Son (two persons).

Jn.8:19 - You know neither me nor my Father (two persons).

Jn.10:29 - The Father is greater than all (others).

Jn.12:28 - Yahshua said, "Father, glorify thy Name." A voice answered. Was it Yahshua answering himself? Are they One and the Same Person? Jn.14:1 - You believe in Yahweh, believe ALSO in me (two persons).

Jn.14:25 - My words are not mine, but His who sent me (two persons: sender/sent).

Jn.14:28 - My FATHER is greater than I - truly (two persons; Father & Son).

Jn.15:1 - I am the vine. My FATHER is the vine dresser; two different parties.

Jn.15:9 - The Father loved me, so I haved loved you (three parties; Father, Son & disciples).

Jn.15:10 - If you love me you will keep my commandments just as I have kept my Father's commandments.

Jn.15:24 - They hated BOTH me AND my Father (two persons).

Jn.16:3 - You have not known the Father nor me (two parties; Father & Son).

Jn.16:28 - I came down from the Father and go to the Father. Did Yahshua go to himself?

Jn.16:32 - I am not alone, for the Father is with me (two persons).

Jn.17:1 - Yahshua prayed to the Father. Did he pray to himself?

Jn.17:3 - ETERNAL LIFE is knowing you, the ONLY TRUE EL, AND Yahshua Messiah whom you sent. Do we want eternal life? If so, believe in the Father and the Son (two persons).

Jn.17:4 - I glorified you on earth, and finished the work you gave me to do (the Boss & the workman). Jn.17:5 - Now Father, glorify me. Two parties; one is superior, one inferior).

Jn.17:11 - Father, keep my disciples, that they may be ONE AS WE ARE ONE. Comment: Yahshua and his Father were "one" just as the 12 Apostles should be "one;" that is, "one in purpose and doctrine.

Jn.17:18 - As YOU sent ME, so I send them into the world. Three parties: You, me, and them.

Jn.17:21 - That they may all be one in US; you and I. Us equals two or more persons.

Jn.17:22 - That the Apostles may be one as WE are ONE. Were the Apostles only one person, rather than 12 persons? Just as the Apostles were 12 individual persons, but with one goal, so the Heavenly Father and His Son were two individual persons with one goal.

Acts 2:24* - Here we have TWO persons: One ALIVE, one DEAD. Yahshua, being dead, could not raise himself. Who did? Yahweh raised him from the grave - from death (Acts 3:14,15).

Acts 2:27 - Yahshua's soul was not left in hell; it too was raised from hell, from the grave, from the dead (vs.32). By whom? By the power of Yahweh (two persons are referred to here).

Rom.1:3 - Declared to be the Son of Yahweh, ... by his resurrection from the dead (two persons).

Gal.1:1 - Yahweh (the Father) raised Yahshua (the Son) from the dead. Yahshua was subject to death, but his Father was not subject to death.

Eph.6:23 - Peace to all from Yahweh the Father AND from Yahshua. Two separate and distinct persons.

Ph.1:2 - Grace from Yahweh our Father AND from Yahshua Messiah. Two persons.

Col.1:1 - Paul an Apostle of Yahshua Messiah by the will of Yahweh (three persons: Paul, Yahweh, & Yahshua).

1 Th.1:1 - Peace from Yahweh the Father AND the Savior Yahshua (two persons; Father and Son).

2 Th.1:2 - Grace and peace from Yahweh the Father AND from Yahshua the Messiah (two persons).

1 Tim.1:1 - Paul, an Apostle of Yahshua by command of Yahweh AND Yahshua Messiah (Two persons).

1 Tim.1:2 - Grace, mercy and peace from Yahweh the Father, AND from Yahshua the Messiah.

2 Tim.1:2 - Grace and peace from Yahweh the Father AND from Yahshua our Savior.

Titus 1:1 - Paul, a servant of Yahweh, AND an Apostle of Yahshua.

Phil.3 - Grace to you, and peace (1) from Yahweh our Father AND (2) from Yahshua Messiah.

Heb.1:1 - Yahweh in times past spoke through the prophets, but in these last days spoke to us by His Son.

Ja.1:1 - James, a servant of (1) Yahweh, and (2) Yahshua.

1 Pe.1:3 - Blessed be the El and Father of our Savior, Yahshua.

2 Pe.1:2 - Grace to you through the knowledge of Yahweh, AND of Yahshua Messiah (two parties).

1 Jn.1:3 - Our fellowship is with the Father, AND with His Son Yahshua the Messiah.

1 Jn.2:1 - If anyone sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Yahshua the Messiah (Father Yahweh & advocate Yahshua (two persons). 2 Jn.9 - Whoever abides in the doctrine of Messiah has BOTH the Father AND the Son.

Jude 1 - Yahweh the Father, AND Yahshua Messiah (two persons).

Jude 4 - Some deny the only Yahweh, AND our Savior Yahshua the Messiah (two persons).

Rev.1:1* - The revelation which Yahweh gave to Himself. No. No. Yahweh did not give the revelation to himself, but to His Son Yahshua the Messiah.

Rev.1:4* - A salutation from two persons: (1) Him who is, who was, and is to come (the eternal Yahweh);

And from Yahshua Messiah the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, etc.(vs.5).

Rev.1:9* - The word of Yahweh and the testimony of Yahshua: Two persons.

Rev.2:8* - The words of him who died (Yahshua). It is impossible for the Father to die, therefore Yahshua is not one and the same person as the Father.

Rev.2:26 - He who overcomes, I (Yahshua) will give power over the nations, even as I myself received power from my Father (vs.27). Two persons: The lesser receives power from the other.

Rev.3:5 - Two persons: one of which will confess our names before the other. Who are these two? Father Yahweh and Son Yahshua.

Rev.3:12* - He who overcomes, I (Yahshua, Vs.11) will make him a pillar in the temple of MY ELOAH; and write on him the name of MY ELOAH; etc. Yahshua's El was someone other than himself.

Rev.3:14 - The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of El's creation. Two persons spoken of: (1) El the Creator, and (2) the one who was created - the True Witness (Yahshua).

Rev.3:21 - Overcomers will sit with me (Yahshua) in my throne, as I overcame and sit with my Father in His throne. Two thrones and two persons are spoken of: (1) the Father and His throne, and (2) the Son and his throne.

Rev.4:2-11 - He who sat upon the throne (Rev.4:2,3,9,10; 5:1,7; 19:4; 20:11; 21:5), was Yahweh, the Almighty El. Yahshua, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, the Lamb who was slain, and who opened the seven seals (Rev.5:2-10); was not Yahweh. He stood before the throne on which the Father (Yahweh) sat: two persons.

Rev.5:11-13 - Praises were given to (1) Him who sits on the throne, and (2) the Lamb who was slain.

Rev.6:16 - Hide us from (1) Him who sits on the throne, and (2) the wrath of the Lamb: Two persons.

Rev.7:9,10 - Salvation belongs to our El, and to the Lamb: Two persons.

Rev.7:17 - The Lamb, now on the throne, on his Father's right hand (Heb.1:3), will be their shepherd; and Yahweh will wipe away all tears: Two persons.

Rev.11:15 - The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Yahweh, and of His Messiah: two persons.

Rev.12:17 - Those who keep the commandments of Yahweh (first person), and who bear testimony of Yahshua (second person).

Rev.14:1,4 - These have the Father's Name written in their foreheads (Greek - Father and Son's name), and are the firstfruits to Yahweh AND the Lamb.

Rev.14:12 - Those who keep the commandments of Yahweh AND the faith of Yahshua: two persons.

Rev.15:3* - Three separate persons are named here: Yahweh, the Lamb, and Moses. If Moss and Yahweh are not one and the same persons, why should we think the Lamb and Yahweh are one and the same person?

Rev.19:4-7 - Four parties are named here: Yahweh the Almighty, The Lamb (Yahshua, the bridegroom), the bride of Messiah, a great multitude.

Rev.20:6 - They will be priests (1) of Yahweh and (2) of the Messiah

Rev.21:9,10 - Three parties: Yahweh, the Lamb, and the bride.

Rev.21:22 - Two parties are named: Yahweh and the Lamb. These are the temple in the New Jerusalem.

Rev.22:1 - The river of life flows from the throne of Yahweh AND of the Lamb (two persons).

Rev.22:3 - No more curse will be there for the throne of Yahweh And of the Lamb will be in the city: two persons.

Conclusion of these thoughts

Brethren, to create only ONE person from these two:

(1) Yahweh the Father (who sits on the throne), and

(2) Yahshua the Son (the Messiah, the Lamb);

Requires too much bending of terms, titles, names, logic, facts, and Scriptures. It is much better to accept the "sincere milk of the Word" (1 Pe.2:2), and "receive with meekness the engrafted Word" of Yahweh (Ja.1:21),

"...which is able to instruct you for salvation through faith in the Messiah Yahshua. For all Scripture given by inspiration of Yahweh is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of Yahweh may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works" (2 Tim.3:16,17 KJV).

One good work which we should continually promote is FAITH; Faith in the following:

(1) Faith in the one Supreme Being who has LIVED ETERNALLY. His Name is Yahweh, the Creator of the heavens and the earth and all things in them.

(2) Faith in Yahweh's Son; Yahshua the Messiah, who DIED to redeem sinners and arose again the third day. He was "declared to be the Son of Yahweh... by his resurrection from the dead (Rom.1:1-4).

Yahshua Came Down From Heaven
1990 - Revised 1993

"The Glory I Had With You Before The World Was"
Yahchanan [John] 17:5

I would also like to inform you of some studies compiled and written by Voy Wilks on the "Trinity", "Jesus is God" and the "pre-existence" doctrines. I have been greatly blessed in my understanding of Father Yahweh's word because of these studies. They are available free of charge with no obligation on your part by e-mailing: and specifically asking for the '70+ studies compiled by Voy Wilks on the Trinity, Jesus is God, and pre-existence doctrines'. This groups web site is at: . When I received these studies, they came in two separate mailings because there were so many. A few of these articles are available online at: Also there are some online studies at: by John Cordaro.

By: Voy Wilks

The Name "Yahweh" in Scriptures: Is this something new, or has this name been in the Sacred Writings all along?

The name of the Creator, YHWH (Yahweh), has been in the Sacred Writings all along, in every generation since the time of Moses. All that is needed to prove this is to consult the Old Testament in the Hebrew language, and there it is - the four letters (the Tetragrammaton), the Sacred Name, YHWH. All Hebrew Scriptures contain the Name YHWH, and have done so since about 1,490 B.C.E.

Translations From the Hebrew

It is only the translations of the Holy Scriptures into English and other languages which do not contain the Sacred Name, YHWH. Instead of leaving the Sacred Name in place those 6,823 times, as it appears in the Hebrew Scriptures,

English translators choose to substitute LORD.

Greek translators usually choose to substitute Kyrios.

Latin translators choose to substitute Deus.

German translators choose to substitute Herr, the same title given to Hitler.

Ad infinitum.

There are, however, at least seven Biblical Versions in which the Sacred Name, YHWH, has been restored to the Text, in whole or in part:

The Emphasized Bible, a Protestant Version (1897).

The Holy Bible in Hausa, one of several Nigerian languages (1932).

The Holy Name Bible, a Protestant Version (1963).

The Jerusalem Bible, a Catholic Version (1966).

The NIV Interlinear Hebrew\English O.T., a Protestant Version (1979).

The Sacred Scriptures, Bethel Edition, (1981).

The Scriptures, the Koster Version (1994).

[The Word of Yahweh, Assembly of Yahweh Version (2000).]

Ancient Evidence of The Name

The Dead Sea Scrolls, some of which date to 100 B.C.E., contain the Name YHWH, just as modern Hebrew Scriptures do.

A recently found papyrus roll of the Septuagint Version is dated in the 2nd or 1st century B.C.E.

Although these fragments of Deuteronomy are written in the Greek language,

"not one of these fragments shows an example of Kyrios or Theos used instead of the divine name, but in each instance the Tetragrammaton is written in Aramaic characters. ... [This] proves the original LXX [the Septuagint Version] did contain the divine name [YHWH] wherever it occurred in the Hebrew original" (The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures, Foreword, pages 11 & 12, 1969).

In addition, fragmentary text of the Minor Prophets (of the Bible) found in a cave in 1961 in Wadi Nahal Hever, Israel are dated at 50 B.C.E. to 50 C.E. The report is as follows:

"Although the text is in Greek, one word, and one word only, repeatedly appears in Hebrew - the tetragrammaton, the four Hebrew letters YHVH, often spelled and pronounced Yahweh ... the ineffable name of God. Moreover, the tetragrammaton is written ... not in square Aramaic Hebrew script used at the time the scrolls were written, but in the paleo-Hebrew script used before the Babylonian exile in the sixth century B.C." (Books In Brief, Biblical Archaeology Review; March\April, 1991, page 4. Emphasis added).


What further proof is needed? The Creator's name has always been, and still is today, YHWH (Yahweh).

By Voy Wilks

The 6th letter of the Hebrew alphabet (waw) is sometimes transliterated as vav. According to the Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, * and other reference books, this is because of German influence. Did Germans influence the Hebrew language in Adam's day, or Noah's day, or in David's day? It is reasonable to assume they did not.

The German (Ashkenazi) influence arose only within the last 1800 years, after the Jewish dispersion in 135 C.E. As Jewish communities gradually developed in Eastern, Central and Western Europe, German influence eventually made its mark on the Hebrew language. From there the Ashkenazi influence spread to England and North America.

German influence was not present in earlier times, therefore the Hebrew language was not affected by German pronunciation until medieval and modern times. We can safely conclude that David, Isaiah and Jeremiah were not influenced by the German language and pronunciation.

Therefore, in ancient times, before the German influence was felt, the Creator's name was not spelled with a V (Yahvah), but with a W (Yahweh).


* Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, by Harris, Archer, Waltke; Moody Press, 1980, Volume II, Page X.

The Story of the Aleph Beth, by David Diringer, Thomas Yoseloff Press, New York & London; Pages 29, 30.


Joshua 24:15

Honorable Life-Style - Individual serves Yahweh and keeps Yahweh's Commandments.

1. Loves Yahweh.

2. Worships no idols.

3. Does not take Yah's name in vain.

4. Keeps the Sabbath.

5. Honors father and mother.

6. Does not murder.

7. Does not commit adultery.

8. Does not steal.

9. Does not lie about others.

10. Does not covet property of others.

"Draw near to Yahweh and He will draw near to you." (James 4:8).

Dishonorable Life-Style - Individual serves the Low-Life and ignores Yahweh's Commandments.

1. Loves the Low-Life.

2. Low-Life is his/her idol (drugs, alcohol, carousing).

3. Ignoring the Law is to take Yah's Name in vain.

4. Ignores the Sabbath.

5. Disobeys father and mother.

6. Ignores Yahweh's Law, so murders Yahshua afresh.

7. Commits all types of illicit vileness.

8. Steals, cheats, will not meet obligations.

9. Indulges in malicious gossip, falsehoods.

10. Covets property of others (autos, wives, husbands).

"Unfaithful creatures! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with Yahweh? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of Yahweh." (James 4:4). "Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you men of double mind." (James 4:8)

"I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore choose life ..." (Deuteronomy 30:19).

"...The soul that sinneth, it shall die." (Ezekiel 18:4).

"The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of Yahweh is eternal life in the Messiah Yahshua our Savior." (Romans 6:23).

"Blessed is the man who endures trials, for when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life which Yahweh has promised to those who love Him." (James 1:12).

In His Service,

Voy Wilks

What Is The Messiah's Name?

Animal Sacrices Today?
by Voy Wilks 1971

"Why do you not offer animal scarifices today?"
This question is frequintly asked because we teach that none of the laws of the Bible have been abolished or made void. This question is also asked because we observe the seven annual holy days which Yahweh has chosen as His festival days. We are asked, "If you observe part of the law of Moses, why do you not observe all of it, including the sacrifice of animals in rites of worship?"

Though it is not generally known, it is really true that no portion of the "the law" has passed away, been abolished or has become void. Yahshua said that He "did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it" (Mt. 5:17-19). This means to live the law perfectly. He also says that if you and I expect to be great in the Kingdom of Yahweh, we too, must do and teach all the law, even the smallest points of the law. As long as heaven and earth stand, not one law of the Bible will become void. "But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away, than for one dot of the law to become void" (Lk. 16:17). * If possible, the New English Bible reads more emphatically. "It is easier for heaven and earth to come to an end than for one dot or stroke of the law to lose its force." Since the law has not lost its force, this means that it is still to be observed. Planet earth is still here, so this is testimony that no law of the Bible ** has lost its force, or become void.

Paul, the great Apostle of Yahshua the Messiah agrees with the Savior about the law. He wrote, "Do we then make void the law through faith? Yahweh forbid: Yea, we establish the law" (Rom. 3:31 KJV). He also testified that the law is holy, just, good, and spiritual (Rom. 7:12-16)

Now that Yahshua Messiah and Paul the Apostle have established the law, and tell us it has never been abolished, and will never be abolished as long as the earth stands, let us carefully examine the laws concerning animal sacrifices.

Animal sacrifices were not to be offered at any place of their choosing, but only at the place where Yahweh placed His Great Name (Deut. 16:5).The Law of Yahweh required that all animal sacrifices were to be offered at the door of the tent of meeting - the tabernacle. We should also note that this Law required the assistance of the priest and the Levites (Lev. 17:1-9). These public officials were to recieve their portion of the offering and the sacrifices. Any person who would not comply with these Laws was to be cut off from Israel.

In view of these findings, we see neither Jew nor Gentile can properly offer animal sacrifices today because:

1. Today the tabernacle (or temple) is not standing. It is not proper to offer animal sacrifices unless that which is offered can be brought to the door of the tent of meeting.

2. Since there is no temple, the Levites and the priest are not officiating, so it is improper to sacrifice unless these people recieve there portion of that which is offered.

3. On the penalty of death, it is unlawful except anyone but the Levites to offer sacrifices (Lev. 12:19,26; Num 3:9,10; 8:19; 18:4,7,23; 18:3-5).

* Unless otherwise indicated, all Bible quotations are from the Revised Standard Version.

** All the Laws of the Bible are Laws of Yahweh, whether called the "Law of Yahweh" or the "Laws of Moses"

No Law Abolished

This does not mean that any of the laws of the Bible have been abolished, however. On the contrary, this means that the sacrifices are of such great importance to the Almighty that they must not be done improperly. As to the annual festivals, however, we can observe them without the assistance of the priest and the Levites. It is possible to observe the DAY to Yahweh, therefore, we are obligated to do so. Since it pleased the Supreme Being to ordain that these days be observed FOREVER, it should be our pleasure to comply with his wishes (Lev. 23:14,21,31,41).

Now to continue with the study on animal sacrifices. Let us divide this into two parts, Gentile and Jewish.


Yahshua the Messiah was, and is, our sacrifice for sin, and is totally adequate in every way.

"But when Messiah appeared he entered once for all into the holy place, taking... his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption" (Heb 9:11,12).

"But when Messiah had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sin, he sat down at the right hand of Yahweh,... for by a single offering he was perfected for all time those who are sanctified" (Heb. 10:12-14).

"... But as it is, he [Yahshua] has appeared once for all at the end of the age to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself" (Heb. 9:26).

"... For Messiah, our paschal lamb, has been sacrificed [for sin]" (1 Cor. 5:7).

"The death he died, he died to sin, once for all" (Rom. 6:10).

This being true, there is no need for other sacrifices for sin on our behalf. For Gentiles there is a parallel between animal sacrifice and circumcision. We do not need physical circumcision, but we need the circumcision made without hands in the act of baptism (Acts 15, Col. 2:11). In the same way, Yahshua Messiah became our personal sacrifice for sin when we accept the ritual water baptism (Rom. 6:1-11). For us today, Yahshua is our totally adequate sacrifice for sin!


It is not understood why the Jewish people need offer animal sacrifices since the Messiah has come as the perfect sacrifice for sin. However, Scriptures tell us that this is to be done FOREVER, an EVERLASTING STATUTE! (Ex. 29:9, 26-28; 30:8; Lev. 6:22; 7:34; 24:8,9; Nu. 15:15; 18:18,19; 19:1,10,20,21; 25:13).

Since 135 C.E. the sacrificial offerings have been suspended, but the prophet Ezekiel says that in a future time, eventually after the Messiah returns, animal sacrifices will be once more offered (Ezek. 44:9-31). The question has been asked, "Why will this be?" One answer is: this will be a convenient means of feeding the multitudes who go up to keep the annual festivals. There surely are other reasons, but those reasons are not known to this writer. Since Scripture says that this will happen, however, we are obliged to accept it, even though we do not fully understand the reason why.

As long as the Levites were officiating in the temple at Jerusalem, it was NOT IMPROPER for the Jews to worship in this fashion. - even those who believed Yahshua to be the Messiah. We learn this from the story of Paul, the great Apostle of Yahshua the Messiah. When he returned to Jerusalem from his last missionary journey, we find that thousands of Jewish saints who believed in Yahshua continued to keep the law of Moses (Acts 21:20,21). The report was that Paul no longer kept the law, so he, with four other men, set out to prove that they, too, kept the law of Moses, including the sacrificial law.

"We have four men who are under a vow; take these men and purify yourself along with them and pay their expenses, so that they may shave their heads. Then ALL WILL KNOW that there is nothing in what they have been told, but YOU yourself will LIVE IN OBEDIENCE OF THE LAW" (Acts 21:23,24).

Please notice that these men were already under a vow. The seven days, the shaving of the head, and the offering of the animals were all part of the termination of the vow, not its beginning (Nu. 6:9,18,19). It was on the last day of purification, and the last day of the vow, that the head was to be shaved and the animals offered for each person.. For these rites, the offering required were as follows:

1 male lamb, 1 year old
1 ewe lamb, 1 year old
1 ram
1 basket of unleavened bread
Cakes of fine flour
Unleavened Wafers
A cereal offering
A drink offering

Every person was to offer these eight items at the conclusion of the nazarite vow (Nu. 6:13-20). Animal sacrifices, except for the burnt offerings, were cooked as food and eaten. They were baked in the oven, boiled in the pot, and cooked as roast, so what this amounted to was a full meal for the five men and the priest who officiated. Indeed, it was a feast - a banquet! The Apostle Paul joined in this to PROVE that he, too, observed the law of Moses as did thousands of other Jewish people who believed in Yahshua as the Messiah.

It is only fair to point out that the leaders of the Jerusalem assembly had no complaint against these rites of worship. Indeed, they were the ones who suggested this be done! Nor did they have a complaint against those thousands who continued to observe the customs of the law. Non-Biblical historical accounts also say that the early "Christians", being mostly Jewish, continued to observe the Jewish traditions (Encyc. Brit., 9th Ed., Vol. 7; Page 531).

"There is ONE LAWGIVER, who is able to save and destroy..." (James 2:12).

This ONE LAWGIVER is Yahweh the Almighty, the Supreme Being who spoke from the mountain top.

"For Yahweh is our judge, Yahweh is our lawgiver, Yahweh is our king; he will save us" (Isa. 33:22 KJV).

"The law of Yahweh is perfect,..." (Ps. 19:7).

"The sum of thy word is truth and every one of thy righteous ORDINANCES ENDURES FOREVER" (Ps. 119: 160).

"... the WORD OF Yahweh abides FOREVER" (1 Pet. 1:25).

Sice Yahweh's LAW is PERFECT, and his ORDIANCES ENDURE FOR EVER, why should anyone wish to change them? Since they are EVERLASTING, let us begin today and except them as they are!


+ Yahshua is our sacrifice for sin.
+ As long as the temple stood, it was not improper for believing Jews to offer animal sacrifices. Thousands did this very thing.
+ It is improper for either Gentile or Jew to offer animal sacrifices when
(1) there is no temple standing, and
(2) when there are no Levites to officiate in this worship.
"Everything that I command you, you shall be careful to do; you shall not add to it or take from it" (Deut. 12 32).

The New Covenant and the Sabbath

The New Covenant and the Sabbath By Voy Wilks, Texas

Many believe the Messiah took away, or abolished, the old covenant so that he could establish his own covenant - a new one. It is further believed that since the old covenant has been replaced by a new one, the Sabbath of the seventh day has passed away along with the old covenant; and therefore, the new covenant calls for a new day of worship.

The sincerity of those who believe this is not questioned. Not at all. But sincerity does not establish truth. Scriptures establish truth; therefore, let us examine the Scriptures and learn what is true. The answers are surprising.

The above mentioned faith Is based, at least in part, on the statement In Hebrews 8:6 to 13 which reads as follows in the Revised Standard Version, with the names of the Father and son reinstated.

"But as it is, the Messiah has obtained a ministry which is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant He mediates is enacted on better promises. For if that first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no occasion for a second. For he finds fault with them when he says,

"The days come, says Yahweh, when I will establish a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah; not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; for they did not continue in my covenant, and so I paid them no heed', says Yahweh. "This is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days', says Yahweh 'I will put my laws into their minds and write them on their hearts, and I will be their Elohim and they shall be my people. And they shall not teach every man his fellow, or every man his brother, saying, "Know Yahweh," for all shall know me, from the least of them to the greatest.

"For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and will remember their sins no more.

"In speaking of a new covenant he treats the first as obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away."

These Scriptures speak of two covenants - an old, or first one, and a new one.

Who Made the First Covenant?

There seems to be no question about who made the first covenant, or with whom. The Supreme Being (the Mighty One of Israel) established this covenant with the nation of Israel [Ex. 19:3-8, 24:3-8]. The Decalogue is a part of this covenant. The two tables of stone on which were written the ten commandments are referred to as "the tables of the covenant."

"And he wrote upon the tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments" (Ex. 34:28).

If we discover this first covenant has not been canceled, then as a consequence, none of the ten commandments have been canceled either. Every one of them will still be in force, including the fourth commandment which directs us to remember the Sabbath, the seventh day, and keep it as a day of rest and worship.

"In speaking of a new covenant he treats the first as obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away" (Heb. 8:13).

This was written about the year of C.E. 64, approximately 31 years after the death of the Messiah. Still, after 31 years, the old covenant had not yet passed away. True, it was becoming obsolete. True, It was growing old. That it was becoming obsolete and [B>growing old. That it was becoming obsolete and growing old indicates it had not yet passed away. Look at me. I too am growing old, but I have not yet passed away. I still have life, vitality, and force. So it is with the first covenant. In C.E. 64 it was growing old, but had not yet passed away. It too still had life, vitality, and force. Perhaps it is not necessary to mention that we, today, live in the same era of [favor] as did the gentleman who wrote the Letter to the Hebrews.

The first covenant includes the Decalogue, so this means the ten commandments are still in force today. Since the covenant has not passed away, neither has the Sabbath law passed away. Also, since the old covenant still stands today, this indicates the new covenant has not yet been established. It is for a future time.

Who Makes the New Covenant?

The preface to a number of English Versions (including the RSV) state that the four letters L-O-R-D (when spelled with capitals), has been substituted for the personal name of the Supreme Being, Yahweh the Elohim of Israel.

"Behold, the days are coming says the L-O-R-D, that I will make a new covenant ..." (Jer. 31:31).

We now discover it is not Yahshua the Messiah, but Yahweh the Father who makes the new covenant. Yahshua is the mediator, a go-between, who mediates between Yahweh and Yahweh's people (Heb. 8:6).

Know Yahweh

And they will not teach every man his fellow, or every man his brother saying, 'Know Yahweh'..." (Heb. 8:11a).

This is generally believed to be speaking of the present era of [favor] in which we live. Not so. Remember the Great Commission? Go and teach all nations (Mt. 28:19). From that day to this the saints have gone out teaching many peoples saying, "Know Yahweh." This has continued 1900 years and still continues today; believers teaching relatives, friends, and strangers about the Supreme Being and his Great Salvation through Yahshua the Messiah. Once the new covenant is made and becomes effective, however, this teaching will not be necessary. Why? Because, "... all shall know me
from the least of them to the greatest" (Heb. 8:11b).

Did all know Yahweh in C.E. 40, In C.E. 500, in C.E. 1500? Do all know him today? No, my friend. Many people have never heard of Yahweh, the Supreme Being, and the salvation offered through his Son. The Scriptures have been translated into hundreds of languages, yet we have more than 1,000 languages to go. Many peoples in the most cultured nations today do not know Yahweh There are also the Pigmies in Africa, the Aborlgenes of Australia, New Guinea, and Brazil. Do all of them know Yahweh? If all know Him, why continue sending missionaries?

Evidence that the new covenant has not yet been established is the fact that much of the earth's population does not yet know Yahweh. When the new covenant is established in the earth, all the earth's people will be acquainted with Yahweh, the Elohim of Israel. Scriptures says, "... for the earth shall be
of the knowledge of Yahweh as the waters cover the sea" Isa. 11:9, Hab. 2:14).

His Mercy On Israel

The new covenant comes at a time when Yahweh will "... be merciful toward their iniquities and will remember their sins no more" (Heb. 8:12). But someone says, "Oh, that is now!" No. This is not speaking of our time, but of the future. Please keep in mind that Yahweh spoke, not to the disciples of Yahshua, but to the House (nation) of Israel and the House of Judah [Heb. 8:8]. This is the very people with whom he made the first covenant. Yahweh will remember Israel's sins no more. Has he forgiven the nation of Israel today? No. This too, is future. The Apostle Paul speaks of the time when this will come to pass. He exclaims,

"Now if their trespass means riches for the world, and if their failure means riches for the gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean?" (Romans 11:12). This is not a chance remark. Paul confirms this statement by adding,

"... and so, all Israel will be saved ... and he shall turn away unrighteousness from Jacob: for this is my covenant with them when I shall take away their sins" (Rom. 11:26,2 7).

Paul spoke of the future. The historians tell us he wrote this about C.E. 60 when the present era of [favor] was almost 30 years old.

The Same Laws

"I will put my laws into their minds and write them on their hearts ..." (Heb. 8:10, Jer. 31:33).

This indicates the Father's laws have not been abolished. Instead, they will be a part of the new covenant when it is established. Being written in the heart and in the mind indicates all will know him, from the least of them to the greatest.

The Observance of Passover
(Sometimes called the Communion)

The new covenant of Jer. 31:31 which we have been considering may, by some, be confused with the covenant Yahshua made at the Last Supper.

"For this is my blood of the new testament (or, covenant) which is shed for many for the remission of sins" [Mt. 26:28].

Are these the same covenants? Let the Scriptures answer. The covenant of the Last Supper was made by Yahshua the Messiah. He entered into a nazarite vow, for he will not again drink fruit of the vine until he comes again and drinks it new in the kingdom which he will establish [1 Cor. 11:24, Lk. 22:15-18]. Until this happens his disciples are to

(1) Remember the Messiah, by observing the Passover Communion, and
(2) Remember the Messiah's death (not His resurrection) by this service (1Cor. 11:25, 26).

Comparing These Two Covenants Jer. 31:31 & Mt. 26:28

#1. The memorial covenant of the Passover Communion is to be observed until the Messiah returns (Lk. 22:20).

The covenant of Jer. 31:31 will not become effective until the Messiah returns. Please recall the evidence given above.

#2. The covenant of the Passover Communion was and still is made with the disciples of the Messiah, whether Jew or Gentile (Mt. 26:17).

The covenant of Jer. 31:31 will be made with the nations of Israel and Judah the same people with whom Yahweh made the first covenant at Mount Horeb [Heb. 8:8].

#3. The covenant of the Passover Communion was made by Yahshua the Son of Yahweh.

The covenant of Jer. 31:31 will be made by Yahweh, the Father of Yahshua.

#4. The covenant of the Passover Communion is for the present age of [favor] (1Cor. 11:23-34).

The covenant of Jer. 31:31 will be at a future time when Yahweh's tenderness will melt the stony hearts of Israel and Judah, a time when he will completely forgive them; a time when they will dwell securely; and a time when they will have no more wars (Ezek. 36:22-32; Hosea 2:14; Isa. 40:1-5).

Israel and Judah have not been blessed in these ways. For the past 1900 years they have suffered greatly. Why? Because they knew not the time of his (Yahshua's) visitation (Mt. 23:27 - 24:2; Lk. 17:25). One day, however, Yahweh will bless them with peace and security, and will forgive them their sins. When this happens, he (Yahweh) will make a new covenant with the houses of Israel and Judah.


In view of the foregoing evidence, we can safely conclude that the covenant of Mt. 26:28 and the covenant of Jer. 31:31 are two separate and distinct covenants made -

With different people,
With different circumstances,
With different stipulations,
At different times,
And for different purposes.

Further, we have found that the old, or - first covenant of Heb. 8:6-13 is still in force today; that the new covenant spoken of in these same verses will be made at some future time between Yahweh and the nations of Israel and Judah.

Also we have found that the weekly Sabbath is a part of the first covenant. Since the first covenant is still in force today, so is the weekly Sabbath.

Humbly Yours,


How to Estimate the Season of the Messiah's Birth

[Yahshua] is generally thought to have served a three and one-half year ministry, after which He was crucified at Passover time (Matthew 26). Since Passover occurs, at the latest, in April, simply count back three an one-half years and we come to October, when His ministry would have begun. Count back another 40 days to allow for His temptation in the wilderness (Luke 4), and we arrive at the time He was baptized - undoubtedly in early September. And what does the Bible say in this regard?

"And [Yahshua] himself began to be about 30 years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, ... (Luke 3:23).

Yes, "He began to be" about 30 - that is, He passed His 30th birthday - at the time of His baptism, which was sometime in September.

So [Yahshua] was not born in the wintertime after all. And that being true, Christmas can not be considered as commemorating His birth.

Author unknown.

Submitted by Voy Wilks


Galatians 4:8-11

"Howbeit then, when ye knew not Yahweh, ye did service unto them which by nature are no deities. But now, after that ye have known Yahweh, or rather are known of Yahweh, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage? Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years. I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labor in vain."

Many people believe:

1. The Galatian brethren had a desire to return to the observance of the law of Moses.

2. That keeping the law of Moses was a return to bondage. 3. That the Apostle Paul condemned then for observing the Sabbath and the annual festivals of Yahweh.

Most Galatian believers were Gentiles, although there is indication that some were Jewish. Naturally Jewish saints continued to observe the law. They were obligated to do so, since no portion of the law was ever to become void, or to pass away (Mt. 5:17-19; Lk. 16:17). However, the law of Moses is not under consideration in Galatians 4:8-11. Then what was this bondage to which the Gentile members longed to return? Let us consider the evidence. Only then can we give a correct answer. Please notice verse eight in the Revised Standard Version.

"Formerly, when you did not know Yahweh, you were in bondage to beings that by nature were no deities; but now that you have come to know Yahweh."

Formerly before they came to know Yahweh, the Elohim of Israel. Paul did not speak of Jewish brethren, for from early childhood every Jew knew Yahweh. This means Paul addressed Gentile believers; those "who did not formerly know Yahweh;" those who formerly had worshiped idols beings which were not really deities at all. Other versions confirm this.

"But formerly, when you knew not Yahweh you were in bondage to elohim that have no real being" (Conybeare & Hawson).

"In those days when you were ignorant of Yahweh, you were in servitude to elohim who are really no elohim at all" (Moffatt).

"Before you Gentiles knew Yahweh you were slaves to so-called deities that did not really exist" (Fay).

So the truth is, in earlier life these people never knew the true Elohim, Yahweh. The objects of their worship were not deities at all, and especially not the One True Elohim. It was by Paul's preaching that they came to know the One True Elohim. It was by Paul's preaching that they came to know the One True Elohim, Yahweh. Before Paul's arrival they worshipped (were in bondage to ) idols which were the work of men's hands: objects of wood, stone, silver and gold; carvings which were worshipped as deities. Notice again how the Fay Version says it: "Before you Gentiles knew Yahweh" Paul spoke to Gentiles in particular, not to Jews: Gentiles who were "slaves to so-called elohim that did not really exist. How can you turn back again to the weak and beggarly elemental spirits" (Verse 9).

Was the Mighty One of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob a weakling? Was the Mighty One of Yahshua a beggarly fellow? Was he an "elemental spirit?" No, my friend. None of the above. The Elohim of Yahshua was the same Yahweh whom Abraham, Moses and Eliyah worshipped: a Mighty One of power and majesty, but filled with loving kindness and tender mercy.

The elements are the basic properties from which everything is made. So then, the "elemental spirits" were the basic products (properties) of the earth; things carved by man from material elements and worshipped as deities. This Scripture, then, cannot be referring to Yahweh as an "elemental spirit," nor to the law of Moses, but to the idols of the Gentiles whom the Galatians had formerly worshipped. There was a desire to return to that base idolatry, and to once again be in bondage to those so-called deities which were made of the material elements of the earth by the hands of men. The Norley Version gives an interesting translation of verse nine.

"But now, after you have learned to know Yahweh, or rather, after Yahweh came to know you as his own, how can you turn back to the weak and helpless elemental false elohim, whose slaves you want to be once more?"

When we summarize these two verses we can see why Paul feared he had labored over them in vain. The Galatians worshipped

First, idols,

Then the one Supreme Being, Yahweh,

But now, Paul wrote, there was a desire to return "to backslide" and worship idols once again.

Verse Ten

"Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years."

Is this a condemnation for the observance of the Sabbath, the festivals of Yahweh, and the Sabbath years; and therefore a condemnation of the law of Moses? Many will answer yes, but the correct answer is no. There are at least three reasons why verse 10 is not referring to any law which Yahweh gave through Moses.

Reason #1. To Be Observed Forever. The Sabbath is to be observed forever.

Past (Ex. 31:12-17).

Present (Heb. 4:9, 10 RSV & Lamsa).

Future (Isa. 66:23, Ezek. 46:1, 3).

The Festivals are to be observed forever.

Past (Lev. 16:29-31; 23:5, 6, 14, 21, 31, 34, 41).

Present (1 Cor. 5:7, 8; 16:8; Acts 20:6, 16).

Future (Ezek. 45:17; 46:9; Zech. 14:16-18).

Yahweh's laws (through Moses) are forever.

Past (Ps. 119:86, 144, 152, 160; Ex. 40:15).

Present (Mt. 5:17-19; Rom. 3:31; Rev. 14:12).

Future (Lk. 16:17; Ezek. 44:24; Jer. 33:18).

Reason #2. Worship to Idols.

As noted above (Gal. 4:8, 9), the Galatians worshipped idols before they learned of Yahweh, the Mighty One of Israel. Since they did not formerly know Yahweh and his laws, it is certain they did not in former days keep the Sabbath, the festivals, and the law of Moses. Therefore it is safe to conclude they could not return to keeping them.

Reason #3. Divining by the Clouds.

In addition to observing days, months, and years, the Galatians also "observed times." What is meant by this? "Observing times" was an ancient mysticism - a mixture of witchcraft and astrology; and was against the law of Yahweh. Turn to Leviticus Chapter 19, where the Great Lawgiver was in the process of delivering his law to Moses. [Please keep in mind that only four chapters over (in Lev. 23), he delivered the laws concerning the everlasting Sabbath and the festivals. IT is likely that both chapters were delivered to Moses within the same twenty four hour period. Since chapter 23 was given last, nothing in chapter 19 can in any way cancel the Sabbath and the festivals named in chapter 23.] So the Almighty instructed Moses,

"Ye shall not eat anything with the blood: neither shall ye use enchantments, nor observe times" (Lev. 19:26).

Young's Concordance does not list this word times, but it does list "Observe times, to." The Hebrew word is anan, and means to 'observe the clouds.' Four other references are given.

Deut. 18:10-12. "There shall not be found among you anyone that makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or that uses divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all these things are an abomination."

Deut. 18:14. "For the nations which thou shalt possess, harkened unto observers of time, and unto diviners; but as for thee, Yahweh thy Elohim hath not suffered thee to do so."

2 Kings 21:6. "And he [Manasseh, verse 1] made his son pass through the fire, and observed times, and used enchantments, and dealt with familiar spirits and wizards. He wrought much wickedness in the sight of Yahweh."

2 Chr. 33:6. "And he [Manasseh, verse 1] caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom; also he observed times, and used enchantments � he wrought much evil in the sight of Yahweh to provoke him to anger."

So there it is. Twice it is recorded that King Manesseh of Jerusalem "observed times," and was very evil. Three times the law warns Israel (and us) not to "observe times." Adam Clark's Commentary is no help with Galatians 4:10, but comes through clearly in explaining the above mentioned Scriptures, as follows:

Lev. 19:26. "An observer of times - Ye shall not divine by clouds, which was also a superstition much in practice among the heathens, as well as divination by the flight of birds."

Deut. 18:10, 14. "Observe times ... One who pretends to foretell future events by present occurrences, and who predicts great political or physical changes from the aspects of the planets, eclipses, motion of the clouds, etc., etc." (Vol. 1, page 785).

2 Kings 21:6. "An observer of times ... He practiced divination by the clouds, ... (Vol. 2, page 556).

We see that King Manasseh worshipped the hosts of heaven (that is, the sun, moon, and stars), and did other terrible things. The clouds were considered to be the expressions of the deities; therefore, by observing the heavens they could (supposedly) learn the secrets, the pleasures and displeasures of the many deities, and, most important of all, what the future held.

Now we can see clearly that the law of Moses is not under consideration in Galatians 4:8-11. Instead, the Galatians were inclined to backslide into weekly, monthly, and yearly rites and festivals in honor of their former deities of earth and sky. The Phrygian religion was most popular, and was zealously promoted in the districts of Galatia, Lydia, Lyconia, and Phrygia, an area known today as Turkey.* At times these religious rites were wildly ecstatic and sensuous. The pig was the proper sacrifice, though sometimes humans were offered as well. The chief deities were Cybele and Zeus. Cybele was the mother of deities, her Greek name being Artemas (Dianna in the KJV, Acts 19). She was sometimes depicted as nurse maid for Bacchus. Zeus, the son of Cybele, was considered king of all the deities.


Before Paul's arrival most of the Gentile brethren in Galatia had been in bondage to idols. The Apostle Paul converted them to the worship of Yahweh, the one true Elohim. Some of these brethren were inclined to return to the bondage of idolatry. This included witchcraft, sooth-saying, and divination in order to please and appease the idols of earth and sky. For honoring the heathen deities there were, evidently, weekly, monthly, and yearly rites and festivals. In addition to this worship, and in connection with it, the Galatians observed times. It is no surprise that the Apostle Paul was afraid of them, lest he had labored over them in vain.

*Cybele: Taken from the book,

A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Mythology

By Michael Stapleton

Bell Publishing Company, NY

1958, Pages 43 & 59

Yahshua was not a Lawgiver

1. There is only one lawgiver, not two or three. This one lawgiver is Yahweh, the Father (James 4:11, 12; Isa. 33:22).

2. The law which Yahweh gave was perfect (Ps. 19:7-9) and so could not be improved upon, not even by Yahshua the Messiah.

3. Yahshua did not have the authority to cancel his Father's law (John 7:15-19).

4. Yahshua did not have the authority to make a new law (John 14:24).

5. Yahshua did not come as a lawgiver or a judge, but as a Savior in order to save us who have transgressed the law which the Father gave (John 12:47, 48, 49; 7:16 and Rom. Ch. 7).

6. At his trial before the Sanhedrin, witnesses were sought to testify against Yahshua. If he had at that time canceled his Father's law and made a new one, this surely would have been used against him in the trial, just as it was used (falsely) against Stephen (Acts 6:13). The Jews would have considered this a great offence. This charge was not lodged against him, however (Mt. 26:59-67).

7. If Yahshua gave a new law, there should be Scriptures which tell us where, when and what.

A. Where do the Scriptures say that he made a new law?

B. When did he give this new law?

a. If before his death on the tree, the Jews would have known of it and, at his trial, would have accused him of this, but they did not (Mt. 26:59-67).

b. If Yahshua gave a new law after his trial, when was this law given?

1. While the nails were in his hands?

2. During the forty days before his ascension?

3. After his ascension - one year, two years or forty years?

C. What does this law consist of? The Father's law had ten major points. How about the Son's law?

8. IF Yahshua gave a new law, why did the Apostles, in 66 C.E., continue to prove their doctrine by the law of the old Scriptures? (2 Tim. 3:16, 17).

9. If Yahshua gave a new law, why did he say, "Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them ..." (Mt. 5:17 RSV).

10. If Yahshua gave a new law, why did the Apostle Paul say that he, Paul, was forbidden by Yahweh to abolish the law. On the contrary, he was to establish the law - set in on a more firm basis (Rom. 3:31).

11. If Yahshua made a new law, why did the Apostle Peter say that Yahweh's law (his spoken words) endures forever? (1 Pet. 1:25) 12. The seventh day Sabbath is a part of this law (Ex. 20: 8-11).

" ...if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things" (Phil. 4:8).

The Sabbath Has Never Been Lost

4004 B.C. Genesis 2:1-3: Yahweh hallowed.

1950 B.C. Genesis 26:5: Abraham kept.

1491 B.C. Exodus 16:25, 26, 28: Israel kept law and the Sabbath.

1491 B.C. Exodus 20:8-11: Yahweh gave from Sinai.

1491 B.C. Exodus 31:13-17: A perpetual covenant.

1451 B.C. Deuteronomy 5:12-15: To Israel beyond the Jordan.

1042 B.C. Psalm 92 (title): "A . . . song for the sabbath."

1004 B.C. II Chronicles 8:13, 14: In Solomon's day.

712 B.C. Isaiah 56:1-8, The Sabbath -- a blessing!

594 B.C. Ezekiel 20:11-13, 19, 20: God displeased because Sabbath was broken.

445 B.C. Nehemiah 13:15-20, The governor commands Sabbath to be observed!

A.D. 26 Luke 23:56, After Yahshua's execution. A.D. 53 Acts 17:2, Paul's custom.

A.D. 64 Hebrews 4:9-10, (See R.S.V. and Lamsa version).

A.D. 90 I John 2:3-5, (The fourth commandment also).

A.D. 96 Revelation 14:12: (Sabbath is one of the Ten Commandments).

Future: Isaiah 66:22, 23, To be observed in the new earth.

This means that the people of Yahweh knew when the Sabbath was for 4,100 years, although during this time most people could not read. How could we (in the twentieth century) fail to know what day the Sabbath is?

The first of the week is mentioned only eight times in the New Testament. The Sabbath is mentioned about 59 times.

Are the Dead Really Dead?
(Adapted from a sermon by Elder Voy Wilks)

Also see the following articles related to the above article by Voy Wilks:

Are The Dead, Really Dead - What Is Death?

Are The Dead Really Dead?

Are the Dead Really Dead?
This Study Looks at Scriptures that Deal with the Doctrine of Death
- Tammie Burak

Is Brain-Dead Really Dead?
By Monica Seeley

With What Body are the Dead Raised?
Did Yahshua ascend to the Father in his physical body?

By Sameuel Bacchiocchi
(Response by Voy Wilks6\18\91)


By Voy Wilks

Many times we have heard the statement, "Abib is the month of green ears." But do Scriptures make this claim? No. Both Scriptures and reference books indicate the month of Abib occurs in the spring of the year, so naturally there will be a profusion of green vegetation, but the month of Abib occurs when the barley grain is ripe or ripening, not green. Only two Scriptures in the King James Bible speak of "green ears," so let us examine these two Scriptures:

"And if thou offer a meat offering << cereal offering, RSV >> of thy firstfruits unto Yahweh, thou shalt offer for the meat offering of thy firstfruits <<green>> ears of corn dried by the fire, << even >> corn beaten out of full ears" (Lev. 2:14, KJV),

The word green is an added word, so does not appear in the Hebrew text.

This instruction, of course, would include the firstfruits (the wave sheaf) of Lev. 23. The barley beaten from full ears was to be further dried over the fire. Please note: green ears and full ears are a contradiction. They cannot exist at the same time. Green ears come first. Only later do the full ears appear. Now for the other Scripture:

"And ye shall eat neither bread nor parched corn, nor <<green>> ears until the selfsame day that ye have brought an offering unto your Elohim ..." (Lev. 23:14, KJV).

Again, green is an added word and does not appear in the Hebrew text. Even so, this added word seems to have misled many sincere people, even to establishing a calendar by "Green Ears." This is not the Biblical way to reckon the calendar as given by Yahweh.

Abib: Name of The First Biblical Month

From the Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, Harris, Archer & Waltke, Moody Press, Vol. 1, page 3. "Abb, assumed root of the following: la = aeb, freshness, fresh green. 1b = abib, barley.

"This noun [1b] refers to barley that is already ripe, but still soft, the grains of which are eaten either rubbed or roasted (Koehler & Baumgartner). The ASV and RSV agree (but see Lev. 2:14). The seventh plague brought ruinous hail upon Egypt's barley crop at least two weeks before it was fully ripened and ready for harvest (Ex. 9:31). Abib was also the NAME of the first month of the Jewish Calendar (the month of Passover). In that month the barley came to ear, but the usual time of harvest was the second month (Iyyar). According to Lev. 2:14 the grain harvest was to consist of firstfruits of abib."

Abib is the name of the first Biblical month.

To be the month of Abib, the barley stalks must have grain on them; ears, full kernels. Stalks without grain will never do.

Wilson's Old Testament Word Studies, McDonald Pub. Co., 1990, page 2. "Abib, the name of a month, so called because corn [grain] was then forming the ear, a few weeks before harvest, falling somewhere about March or April, afterward called Nisan, the first month of the Hebrew year."

Yardman's New Bible Dictionary, 1979, page 178. "Abib, ripening of corn (Ex. 13:4); ..."

Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary, 1967, page 3. "Abib (abib, Heb. aviv, an ear of corn), the pre-exilic NAME for the first month of the year (Ex. 13:4; 23:15; 34:18)."

Harper's Bible Dictionary, Harper & Row Pub., 1973, page 2. "Abib, (an ear of corn), the first month of the Hebrew year (March-April); ..."

Gesenius Hebrew Lexicon, Baker Book House, 1984, page 5. "Abib [#24], an ear of corn; a << green >> * ear Lev. 2:14; 9:31; the barley was in the ear; that is, the ears were developed: ... the month of << green >> ears ... beginning at the new moon of April (of March, according to the Rabbins), the first month of the old year (as instituted on coming out of Egypt) Ex. 13:4. Lev. 23:15; Deut. 16:1."

The Revell Concise Bible Dictionary, Fleming H. Revell Co., 1984, page 2. "Abib (ah-bib, an ear of corn), the first month of the Hebrew ceremonial year, ..."

The New Brown, Driver, Briggs Hebrew-English Lexicon, Hendrickson Publishers, 1979, page 1. "Abib: #1 Fresh, young ears of barley (Ex. 9:31); #2 Month of ear-forming, or growing << green >>, ..."

Strong's Concordance #24. "Abib, tender, << green >>; i.e. young ears of grain, hence the NAME of the first month, Abib or Nisan: abib, << green >> * ears of corn."


This reference material indicates the following points:

Abib is the name of the first Biblical month of the year (Several Reference Works).

Observe the month of Abib and keep the Passover (Deut. 16:1).

This day you are to go forth in the month of Abib (Ex. 13:4).

Only two references speak of green ears in the KJV (Lev. 2:14; 23:14).

The word green does not appear in the Hebrew Texts (Lev. 2:14; 23:14).

Green is a supplied (added) word which misleads (Lev. 2:14; 23:14).

Instead, the grain was to have full ears (mature or nearly so), not << green >> ears (Lev. 2:14). As all farmers know, when ready for harvest, barley is no longer green, but has turned a golden color.

Green ears and full ears are a contradiction. They cannot exist at the same time in the same crop.

Green stalks come first, then later the full (mature) ears appear.

I respectfully suggest, the Biblical Calendar is determined by the sun and moon (Gen. 1:14-16), not by "Green Ears." Brethren, let us follow the Biblical way.

End Note

The << >> * used here are only to remind the reader that the word green does not appear in the Hebrew text. Emphasis throughout was added.

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[PDF] Yahshua: the End of the Law
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"Before Abraham Was, I Am"?

Can A Spirit Being Die?
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CLOTHING For Men and Women
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Assembly of Yahweh (7th day)

Also See My Web Page: "WOMEN".

How It Came To Be

What Is The Proper Way To Spell The Savior's Name?

Did This Name Derive From The Name Zeus?

The Names Joshua & Jesus
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[PDF] Did Yahshua Messiah Break The Sabbath?
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Joshua 24:15

Voy Wilks - a letter to his grandsons about STDs

How To Raise Good Children

Speaking In Tongues

Also see my web page "Speaking In Tongues (Lauguages)"

Yahweh’s Passover
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by Voy Wilks

Was It The Decalogue And The Ordinances?
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The Spiritual Birth
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November, 1981 (Revised 6/89)

Galatians 4:8-11
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1981, Revised 1990
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Acts 15:24; 21:24, 25
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Psalm 78 and The Pre-Existence
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Galatians 3:19
(Has the Law been done away?)
by Voy Wilks
Accompanying Articles:
Ordinances Which Were Against Us?
Yahshua was not a Lawgiver

A Brief Comparison of Views
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A Reference To Sunday Worship?
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An Ordinance of Worship?
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Revised 7127\94

ALONE, #905
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Accompanying Article:

This Is Never Found In Scriptures