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Part I

Daniel looked around him. He didn't recognize the where he was or what the heck he was wearing. He touched his white-gloved hands to his white uniform. Golden tassels decorated the top of his white jacket.

"Your grace?"

Daniel felt a pair of hands on his arm.

"Your grace? Are you well?"

Daniel looked down into a pretty face of a small blond haired woman.

"I'm fine."

Was this his dream come true? Was he really going to be an officer in the British army in the eighteenth century?

The woman pulled on his arm. "You didn't visit me last night your grace."

The blond woman fluttered her eyelids and pouted her small mouth.

Daniel pulled his arm from her grasp.

"I'm sorry, you must have you confused with someone else."

Daniel walked away weaving through the crowd of ballroom dancers. He walked to a pillar and leaned up against it to gather his thoughts.

"Well." An amused voice said, "That's a first. You actually left Victoria standing all alone."

Daniel turned his head to see another gentlemen similarly dressed and lighting a cigarette.

"Do I know you?"

The man flung the dead match away.

"Oh come off it James. We both know the only reason you came here tonight was to yet again rub your Mistress in your young wife's face."

Daniel raised his eyes.

"I have a wife?"

"Alright. How much alcohol have you consumed?"

"Non. Yet." Daniel said.

The other man nodded his head. "Well. Look over there, just by the potted plants. There she is your wife. A tower of chastity and virtue, and just as cold and bitter."

Daniel looked and found a small petite brown haired young woman standing beside some potted plants. She looked very annoyed and trying to wave off indifference at the stares she was receiving from everyone. Her puffed out white dress made her look like some kind of life like Barbie doll.

James caught her eyes with his.

She stared right back before turning her back to him.

"That's my wife?"

The other man slapped him on the shoulder.

"Yes. And my condolences."

James pushed off from the pillar and began to cross the room. What was he about to get himself into?

The young woman looked up at him as he came closer.

"What do you want James?" Her voice was very quiet but behind it was a frosty anger.

"You're not enjoying yourself?" He asked.

The girl gave a shrug of her shoulders.

"We can leave if you wish." He suggested.

The girl turned her head to look at James.

"Wouldn't you prefer to leave with Victoria?" She asked.

"No." James responded truthfully. "What is your name?"

The girl sighed. "What is this, another game to embarrass me?"

"No, to enlighten me."

The girl turned and looked at James. "You know its Sophy."

"Sophy." James mused.

He raised his arm and touched a brown curl near Sophy's temple. "Your very beautiful Sophy."

Sophy jerked her head back like he'd hurt her.

"Are we leaving or not?" She snapped.

James motioned his head to the doorway and raised his arm for hers.

The two walked out of the ballroom followed by the stares of many people.

"You just wanted to do this for some more gossip." Sophy said through her teeth.

"Haven't you ever heard of someone having a change of heart?"

"I didn't know you had one." Sophy muttered.

James helped Sophy with her white velvet shawl.

"Perhaps," he continued. "I just realized how lucky I was to have you."

Sophy looked into James's eyes.

"What is this about? I don't trust you your grace. I never have, and I certainly never will."

James followed Sophy out into a carriage.


The huge oak doors were opened by identically dressed servants.

James walked in behind Sophy. He followed her up the huge staircase, down the hallway and into a very large bedroom.

Sophy turned around and glared at James.

"What are you doing?" She demanded.

"Going to bed I assume."

"You know perfectly well, your bedroom is across the hall."

"But we're married Sophy."

Sophy threw her velvet cape onto the bed. "Only in the eyes of the public your grace. You know that."

James raised his eyes.

"Are you saying that we've never done it?"

"Done it?" Sophy asked.

James motioned his hand to the bed.

Sophy gasped, colour flooding her cheeks.

"How dare you suggest such a thing in my presence! Get out!"

James folded his arms and leaned against the closed door.

"Why shouldn't we talk about such things. We are after all husband and wife."

Sophy looked like she wanted to hit him but James continued.

"Perhaps this is the reason you're so high handed with everyone. How long have we been married Sophy?"

"Do you think me an idiot your grace? We have been married nearly an entire year."

"How old are you?"

"What is this about?!" Sophy exploded.

"How old?" James repeated.

"Nineteen." Sophy bit out.

"So young."

Sophy laughed. "No so very young your grace. If you'll remember your first wife was only sixteen when you married her and look what happened to her."

James face must have shown the puzzlement he felt.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten about Prudence. My step sister?"

"I was married to your step sister?"

"Yes your grace and because of all the antics you played with her, she died of a broken heart. She may have swallowed the poison, but you were the cause behind her death!"

Sophy's face was running with tears.

"She love you like an adoring child and you…you just fluttered her off into the no lands of your Scottish estates! Well your grace! I am not as weak as my stepsister was. I don't care how many mistresses you fling before me, how many rumors you start, I will not watch my beloved family home taken away from me! And you will certainly never EVER get rid of me!!"

Sophy choked back a sob and ran to the small powder room on the far wall. James watched the door slam shut and heard the choking tears coming from behind the door.

Raising himself from the door he walked over to the bed and sat down.

He'd come prepared for battle but not this kind of battle. What kind of tyrant had the other James been? And why did Sophy keep referring to him as your grace?

James felt something in his pocket, he took out a small silver case and lifted the latch. Inside were some elegant cards. They were engraved with his full name.

James Marcus Willford, Duke of Vontille, Earl of Caselwick, Baron of Harshir, etc, the titles just seemed to go on forever.

"Why are you still here?"

James looked up and saw Sophy emerge from the powder room.

"Believe it or not Sophy, I am not the same person you knew just hours ago. And if you don't mind the name is James, not your grace."

Sophy whipped her eyes.

"I want you to leave."

"No. Not until we've reached an understanding."

"About what?!"

James stood up from the bed and unbuttoned his jacket. He shoved his hands into the pockets.

"Sophy. Perhaps, I have changed my mind about you. You're very young, unsure, and have obviously suffered some tragedies in the past."

Sophy gave an inelegant snort that ended on a sob.

"I'm not going to torture you anymore. Sophy, I want this marriage to be a real loving one. It's obviously what you need."


The new outburst came from the doorway.

Victoria, the blond from the party stood with her hand to her throat.

"What are you talking to that little country mouse about?"

"I knew it!" Sophy cried. "This was all just a game!"

James threw his hands up in the air.

"That's it. You, Victoria, shut up and get out of here before I have you thrown out!"


"I want to spend my evenings from now on with my wife! Am I understood?"

Victoria stepped into the room.

"One more step Victoria and I'll have you thrown down the stairs and then out of the house."

Victoria eyebrows snapped together.

"You bastard! You were just toying with me like you do with your country mouse. It's over James!"


Victoria left the room in a swirl of purple silk.

Sophy rubbed her forehead.

"Please. Leave me alone your grace."

James watched Sophy closely. Suddenly she wavered to one side.


James reached out just in time to prevent Sophy from hitting her head on the ground.

She'd been drained of all her energy.

Picking her up gently in his arms, James put her on the bed. Softly he removed the ribbons from her hair and untied the tight back of her gown. Trying not to disturb her.

Now what was he going to do?

James sat beside his new young wife and rubbed the back of his neck.

"This wasn't I had imagined." He said.

Sophy stirred and her hand moved to his on the cover.

James smiled and laid a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"I'm sorry Sophy." He whispered. "I'm sorry for what you had to bear before I came along. But I promise, I'll make it my duty to make the rest of this life of yours, better then you could ever imagine."

James blew out the candles beside the bed. Then laid out beside his wife and gathered her against him in a protective embrace.