C.W.C. Computer Classes

Some helpful places to look...

Central Wyoming College (Riverton, WY)
Northwest College (Powell, WY)
Laramie County College (Cheyenne, WY)
Sheridan College and the Gillette Campus
Casper College
The University of Wyoming
Montana State University (at Billings)
Lesley College

Grad. Class of 1999!

Computer Classes

Locating People
WhoWhere? - A Communications Guide to the Web
The Switch-Board
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Yahoo People Finder
High School Alumni - Keeping People Together For Years To Come
GradFinders (Lots of schools)

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Internet Links
Britannica Internet Guide
The Big Eye...lots of links(favorite)

Snopes: Internet E-mail hoaxes
DataFellows Hoax Warnings Page
Urban Legends (Debunking e-mail tales)
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Gateway 2000 Computers
The Microsoft Homepage
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Neat Places to Look (Archives)
Center for Disease Control
Smithsonian Institute
Track any major airline flight online!
"Biography" (Discovery Channel)
The Electronic Library
The CIA Fact Book
Huge movie datebase
Online rules and tools for the family
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RealAudio free download
Sound America (sound effects)
On-line computer games (Need to join)
Looking for a (new) job?
Priceline.com (Name your own price)
E-Bay online auctionhouse
Boxlot online deals

Art Sites
Russian Hermitage Museum
Van Gogh Gallery

Chat Rooms (I take no responsibility for what you read!)
Citylive Chat (Usually monitored)
The Chathouse (huge selection)

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