The Endless Beginning

The cave fades away and is replaced by a huge expanse of stars, set against an ebon black void.

A deep voice says:

“Time, as you know it, does not exist. There is no past behind you, no future ahead of you. All things are now. Only Now.

The Great Creation did not happen eons ago. It is happening now.

Every moment, you are being created. Every moment, you are changing, every moment, you are destroyed, every moment, re-created. You and every other form in existence.

The stories told by your people about Great Mothers giving birth to worlds in the “beginning”…these fables speak of real forces, yet they arrange them in linear form, for the minds of those not yet ready to grasp the reality.

The truth of the matter is, these stories illustrate a complex web of relationships that the forces in creation have with each other, from man to God. The Great Mother, for instance, is that thing which gave forth all life, and who sustains it. The story reveals this.

Stop thinking of things in terms of linear time, and the deepest mysteries will be revealed to you.

The Beginning is therefore endless, and the End is therefore Beginning-less.

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