
Inside the cave is pitch black.

After what seems like an eternity of inching down a narrow, steeply declining tunnel, you start to feel strangely tired, like you are entering into a dream, while still awake. You begin to hear strange things, things like far away music, or crowds of people talking…and stranger noises than that….In fact, it seems like this whole cave has taken on dream-like qualities. You start to feel afraid again, but the Owl on your shoulder makes you feel very safe.

Suddenly, you come into a light. You are in an immense cavern, lit by a light source you cannot find. It is very powerful and surreal seeming….yet also, strangely familiar. You cannot fight the feeling that you have been here before.

The Owl suddenly takes flight again, and this time, hovers right above you, surrounded by a strange radiance. It speaks into your mind again. It tells you that you have entered into the womb of the world, the source of all waters. It says that you are now within every person, every leaf, and every dream. It tells you that you need only ask it, and it will guide you into the direct experience of whatever thing you ask.

You may ask it about:

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The Shape of Power
The Source Eternal
The Divine Powers
The Endless Beginning
The Ebb and the Flow

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