Ethics in the Old Persuasion

Bruane says:

“If you are ready to walk the path of the Old Faith, be prepared to do so alone. Lucky you are indeed if your closest loved one or your dearest friends also share the path with you, but there is no necessity that your loved ones should also belong…since one of the basic tenets of wisdom is that of tolerance. The people of the Old Faith have had and experienced many centuries of intolerance, persecution and pain- therefore we make no attempt to convert- but instead we are just content to belong, that being enough in its own right.

A little piece of advice for you, if I may be allowed to give it, is that no philosophy, no creed, no God is worth more than the love that one human being may give and receive in their lifetime. It really doesn’t matter how wise or knowledgeable one is, providing one can love and be loved in return. All one needs after that is the “Witch Law”:

Do not do what you desire- do what is necessary.
Take all you are given, give all of yourself.
“What I have- I hold!”
When all else is lost, and not until then, prepare to die with dignity.

…These may sound like peculiar laws, but they are wise, and based upon experience- the first is perhaps one of the most difficult to live by, since there is no room for illusion- the second allows you little time for yourself- the third is the keystone of wisdom and the fourth is the key to the “personality” of the Wise Ones.”

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