The Cunning Man's Cottage

The interior of the cottage is filled with an endless variety of fascinating objects. Drying herbs adorn the walls, an old-looking pitchfork stands in one corner of the main room, and various bottles and wooden boxes crowd the little shelves. A well-kept hearth emits a red glow that fills the warm interior of the cunning man’s abode.

Before you, sitting on a small wooden chair, is Bruane, the Cunning Man of Three Sisters Wood.
He eyes you insightfully, and he seems to always have a small smile on his lips,
as if he knew a secret joke.

“What does the Prentice want of the cunning man?” He asks.

“Speak your questions, for those who will answer you are rare in these parts...and answer you, I shall."

He continues: "Outside, in the woods beyond my cottage, is a clearing called the Covenstead. It is the place that the People of Three Sisters Wood meet to honor the Old Ones. After we finish speaking here, I bid you accompany me to it, for much can be learned there, as well."

You may hear Bruane's words on:

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On Ethics
On Secrets
On "Magic"
On the Hallowed Nights
On the Houzle
On the term "witch"
On the People of the Old Ways

Journey on to the Covenstead

Journey back to the Crossed Roads