Hallowing the Implements

Bruane says:

“Making the implements of the Craft hallowed is called “saining” them. It is not difficult, but it requires more than passing knowledge of our secret language. As I have told you before, all acts of ritual require six things: First, the physical and obvious presence of the Divine Powers. Then, proper Emotion, Symbolism, Direction and Aspiration. Finally, a perfect unity of all these things. In this, see the six arms of the Witche's Foot; you shall discover more of this later. When you do anything inside the bounds of a Compass, you do a special kind of magic. For being within the space of the Compass is the same as being within the womb of the Creation, which is the source of all powers. By creating an action within, an action emerges into the outside world, as well. As within; So without; difference there are none, truly.

So to sain any of the implements, you should enter into a Compass rightly turned. Scratch upon the ground a witches’ foot: a six-pointed star, made of three lines that meet in the middle.

Invoke you the divine powers, and invoke them well. You must be able to feel them as real and present. Only your heart can do this.

When you are done, aspire to have the implement sained, bearing in mind what it’s primary purpose is. Bend your mind toward this goal, thinking steadily on it. Bend your heart towards it. With pure power, and the mind and the heart working together, a person can do anything. The symbolism you require for the saining is thus:

Pass the implement through the fire three times. These are the fires of purification that burn the Past and the Present away. Say so.

Sprinkle the implement with waters from a natural source, most especially a river. These are the waters of time and forgetfulness, which wash away the ashes of the past and present. Speak this.

Lay the implement on the witches foot and partly cover it with earth, So that the implement will absorb life from the womb of the mother, which is in the earth, and become born new. Say so.

Finally, breathe upon it three times, your own vital breath, for this is the breath of life which endows all things with motion and life. Say so.

Hold the implement up and mark three blood or spittle marks on it, to bind it to your own power. As you hold it up, move through your body the Serpent-power, from the world around you, and make it "red" or enliven it. To the implement you give saining and hallowing by the might of the Serpent. Say so. If you are saining the cord, loosen it’s knots, and pull each of them tight as you direct the serpent-power into them, in the Nine-Fold Mother’s name.

Finally, wrap the implement three times or nine times, depending on it’s size, with the cord. If you are saining the cord, wrap it on itself and tie it shut. This binds the power.

Give an inspired dedication to the True Old Powers, and to the Lady, of the tool’s task. Thus it is accomplished.

Keep the newly sained implements away from the general usage of those not in the faith."

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