The Covenstead

A short walk through the woods behind Bruane’s Cottage, you come to a clearing. Bruane tells you that this is the Covenstead. In your left hand, you have a broom, called a Besom, that Bruane asked you to carry.

In the north of the roughly circular clearing stands a Stang, a pole with the skull and horns of a stag attached to the top of it. Tied mid-way up the Stang-pole are two crossed arrows, heads pointing upward.

At the foot of the stang, a small cast-iron cauldron sits. Laying next to it is a small double-edged knife with a fat, round wooden handle and brass cross-guard. On the other side of the cauldron is a small earthen cup.

Bruane walks a few paces into the woods and returns with a sizeable stone and a wooden pail of water, which he places on the ground.

“Now, Prentice, allow me to tell you the meanings of what you see before you. When you are done here, return to the Crossed Roads and enter into the Three Sisters Wood…there are those within that can reveal to you further mysteries. But for now, let us explore what may be done here…”

Hear Bruane's words on:

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The Implements of the Old Faith
Hallowing of the Implements
The Hallowed Ground
Weather Workings

Journey back to the Crossed Roads