On the Houzle

Bruane says:

“The Houzle is the sacrament that unites us to the Great Ones themselves, to the powers beyond our immediate ken. It was they, the Dark One and the Cunning Father that were joined to bring forth all living things. As the blood of both of your mortal parents runs through your veins, so does the power of the Great Ones run through all of their offspring. Thus the stalks of grain that made this bread and drink are your siblings as well. By eating their flesh and drinking their blood, you take the power of the Bloodmother and the Father-impregnator into you. You share this with them, as a reminder that we are one with the Gods, and there is no part of us which is not of them.”

Bruane takes a wooden bowl with some bread in it, and a small silver cup of ale, and puts them before the hearth. He takes a small, antique looking knife and puts the tip of it in the wine, and says:

"Ageless Lady in the Land, Sky-clothed and Darkly-tressed Tara de Rosilea, Our beloved Lady and Elven Queen, Thou who art clad in white, thou art asked to come and appear, To fill the Horn Cup with favor, love abundant everyday. Great Queen, thy blessings give to this sacramental wine in thy wondrous name. May I thrive. Great Mercy .”

Likewise, he touches the tip of the knife to the bread and says:

“Master Orvendale, Great Archer, and Bringer of Light, The May-Queen’s Devil, raise your tines in the Horn Dance! Ellfed King of the secret faith, grow forth as ye hear the summons to arms. Hear the sacred bell, and look upon our Art. Grief I suffer, pain have I without thee. Superior Lord, therefore be this night with your faithful gathering, Bless our lives and sain the sacred bread with power, might, And wisdom. May I thrive. Great Mercy .”

Then he takes a small sip of the wine, and eats a small portion of the bread, and reverently places the rest of the houzle in front of the hearth.

He says "Hallowed blessings be upon the Good Ones in the Hollow Hills, and hale might be upon my Fetch, strength to our union...

As I take, so do I give, I, a Son of the true Family of the Old Faith; For what is taken is given, and what is given is taken. Day and night are wed, as well the living and the dead. Such is the Mystery."

He bows his head once, and then turns to you. “Thus is the Houzle performed”, he says.

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