On "Magic"

Bruane says:

“The Lady is the key to all things…and the power behind what we do. More you shall learn of her later…You speak of “magic” and “powers”….it is true that some people seek fulfillment through mystical experience- this is correct if one does not forget the duty of “involvement”- the prime duty of the wise. It is not enough to see the Lady, it is better to serve Her and Her will by being involved in humanity, and the process of Fate. The single name of all the Gods is “Fate”.

In Fate, the overcoming of fate is the true graal, the true goal…for from this, inspiration comes, and death is defeated. There is no fate so terrible that it cannot be overcome- whether by literal victory gained through action and time, or the deeper victory of the spirit in the lonely battle of the self. Fate is the trial, the Castle Perilous in which we all meet to win or die…therefore, the people of the Old Faith are concerned with Fate- for humanity is greater than the gods, although not as great as the Goddess, the Lady. When mankind triumphs, fate stops and the gods are defeated- so you understand the meaning of “magic” now. Magic and religion are aids to overcoming Fate, and Fate is the cradle that rocks the infant spirit.

Now you know what “witches” are.

Doing lesser forms of “magic” is a matter of ritual and symbolism…for the deep mind speaks in terms of symbols, not words. In my way of thinking, it is not what people know about ritual and symbolism that counts, but what they basically desire from the ritual, regardless of the form that the ritual takes. The important issue is not what form the ritual takes, but what force it invokes and shares amongst the participants.

So these are the things essential to structure any ritual: Emotion, Symbolism, Direction and Aspiration. Admittedly, other aids can be used, but the four motive powers, and one other, Unity, are the basis of any ritual that will work properly. The other ingredients are the people involved, and most importantly, the Divine forces being present, in physical and comprehended form.”

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