On the People of the Old Ways

Bruane Says:

"The People of the Old Faith have a very loose organization, now. There was a time when there was no "organization" per se, for the faith flowed seamlessly into everyday life, and no distinctions were needed. In the truly old times, the People were grouped together more like "families" with perhaps a nominal family head or leader.

In these times, every forest or village or valley may have a cunning man or woman who lives within, who is regarded by neighbors with suspicion or perhaps respect, and they carry on the Old Ways within the confines of their solitary lives.

You must understand that this is not truly a new order, for even long ago, the true wise-man or wise-wyf was always a solitary figure, only meeting each other from time to time to share knowledge, or to teach another the Art, and induct that person into the congregation of Those who adore the Toad and who bear the Old One's Mark.

Further north, in the darker lands where the new faith was slower to take root, in the uplands and the outer isles, the People in one local area may still gather together in secret, in a group called a cuveen. The cuveen is led either by a man or a woman, called a Magister or a Dame, respectively. Regardless, some of the People may choose not to involve themselves in a cuveen, but they are unusual, and generally make this decision for safety's sake.

Here in these shires, cuveens are as rare as a warm winter wind, although Three Sister's Wood has been home to one. There are whispers that even the royalty that wears the crown of this land has the blessing of a Cuveen in Windsor Forest that still keeps the mysteries of the Sovereign within the Craft, and has done so throughout our history.

In older times, land-owners who were members of the Old Faith were often the Magisters of cuveens, for they held title to the land the gatherings were held upon.

Long ago, before the priests had barely made a mark, the oldest People and their followings gathered under women only, and the Dame or the Lady, sometimes called the "Queen" or the Lady of Elfhame, was always the leader of the religious gatherings. She was served by all, including the man whom she chose as her second and her consort.

Nowadays, people who wish admission into the Faith must seek out a Wise one, and become what is called a “Prentice” for a year and a day, at the end of which time, they become inducted by their teacher, and become a “Witch-man” or a “Wyse-Man”, or if they be female, a “Witch-wyf” or a “Wyse-Wyf”. This is the title of the common practicing witch. A man is always inducted by a woman, and a woman by a man, unless some extreme situation exists. IN those rare places where Cuveens still exist, The Magisters and Dames are selected from amongst the members, sometimes by vote, or by right, or sometimes by inheritance, or by pure experience and demonstrated ability to lead.

To be the master or mistress of a cuveen is an honor, but it is also a great burden. They must be organizers, responsible for the safety and well-being of their cuveen, and they must also stand as the human representatives of the Gods themselves, and few are the people who can bear this without losing their perspective. In most cuveens in these parts, it is still the Dame who reigns supreme, and the Magister is himself replaced by the standing Stang, or with Skulls and crossed bones, of which you will learn more later.

Sometimes, truly insightful, gifted and powerful members of the Old Faith meet with the powers beyond, and through pure natural ability or talent, or by great effort and sacrifice, they achieve the level of “Master Man” or “Mistress” Witch…And people of such power have not been known in these parts for some time. I myself am the Magister of the cuveen that gathers here in Three Sisters Wood…I am older now, and have been devoted to the Faith all my life, and I myself have never seen one….except maybe Old Isobel, who dwells out in the Far Weald. She may indeed have achieved this closeness with the powers, and she alone in these parts may be the true “Dame”; a human incarnation of the Great Lady.

Never forget that all of us truly embody the Gods, but the Wise Ones have an increased awareness of the presence of the Gods, and a heart and mind that is open to their urgings and to their will. Thus, by their being, and by their experience and understandings, they become a more effective conduit of communication and worship....and can be of great benefit to many people. But in the end, no human needs the presence of another to parley with the Great Powers or to achieve wisdom and spiritual growth.”

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