The Source Eternal

You feel dizzy for a moment, and then you find yourself standing in a forest. It is nighttime, and people, dressed in animal skins and roughly woven cloth are all standing and sitting around a fire. One man, who seems to have their attention, is making an invocation of some kind. He is half-speaking, half singing, and he says:

“Invoketh I Caer Pedryvann
Four times turning
The first word from the cauldron-cup,
Whence was it spoken?
By the breath of Nine Maidens
It was gently warmed
Is it not the Cauldron
Of the King of the Underworld?
How does it appear?
A rim of pearls is around its edge;
It will not give to the false,
It will not give to the cowardly!

The scene fades, and you can see nothing, but you can hear a woman’s voice speaking to you.

She says:

“The source eternal is the womb of the Great Mother. It constantly pours forth generation, and re-generation. It is called “cauldron” or “well” in the symbolic language of humanity…But the source, which has inspired man and woman since the first mornings is much more. It is the creative power of the Mother, of The Great One, that mysterious power which she has to give life, to shape power, to set in motion…For the nature of power is motion, and to be alive is to be endowed with movement….The eternal source contains all pasts, all futures, and so is Fate…Men seek it to drink of it and find understanding, gain knowing. This power is reflected into all created forms…into all birthed forms…

It is the very unseen container that holds the deep mind! Within it, the essence of what is called past, present, and future, are distilled and boiled till they have become the sacred substance of Omniscience. All things are within the cauldron. You call it the drop of soul.

The great river sweeps from the cauldron and encircles creation, and returns to it…the river called by man “time”.

Know that when a soul is renewed, and the waters of oblivion wash their memories away, all these things are kept within the source, for the source knows no ending, nor does it know a beginning… Everything is with you, for the source is within you. The source is in every invisible particle of air, in every leaf, in every feather, in every tooth, in all things. If you listen, you will see that it is enlivening all things, and filling them with all knowledge. What is oblivion? Why do you forget your dreams upon waking? Oblivion is the fate of all mortal things. What is a mortal thing? Anything that changes is mortal. Your thoughts, your memories, your ideas, your sense of self, all constantly changing, all mortal. Fear not. Oblivion is the name you give to your fear of forgetting, for it is the doom of men, that they forget. The truth is, you do not forget, you simply change. Nothing is truly forgotten. The great forces that underpin your thoughts and feelings, they exist always.

Do not fear. Fear blocks the light of reality, and the light it blocks will illuminate the knowledge all things share. Fear seperates you from the power of the Source. All things root from it, all have their origin in it. All things are united by it….it upholds all things, and it is the common experience of all things.”

You hear the man’s voice singing again. He says:

‘The living source of the womb fills me,
Endows me with life, all things with life
The wind with life, the land with life,
The trees with life, the air with life,
Its secrets speak from all things
That radiate with its life”
Nothing there is, it does not contain
Nothing there is, that contains it not”

A child’s voice says to you

“Do you remember floating in the womb? You were not aware of an “inside” of you nor of an “outside”…you were the oceanic power of creation….That has not changed…remember….

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