Weather Working

Standing with Bruane inside the Circlestead, He looks at you and says “The rains have been slow in coming. The people of this Shire need more rain to ensure a bountiful harvest. We amongst the Pellars have always been charged with protecting the fertility and fruitfulness of the land.

By power, and by art, the rains can be shaped to our will. We are as much a part of nature as the trees or the rivers or the winds, indeed, even as much a part of nature as the Gods. Thus, we may influence it by making changes within ourselves, just as they do. One’s mind and heart are the instruments used to make changes within ones’ self.

Standing here in the Circlestead, rightly cast, all actions have power. Under the auspices of the Lady, and with a combination of emotion, symbolism, direction and aspiration, we can influence the weather. Of course, you must believe in yourself, as can do nothing without would not even be able to walk if you did not believe that you could. So always believe in yourself, and in your art, and in the Lady.”

He closes his eyes, and holds out his arms, and breathes deeply for a few moments. Then, he says, in a strange tone of voice:

“I call upon you, Old Brock,
Eternally fierce, Always protecting,

I call upon the sweet smell
Of the red-haired Lady

By them I call upon the Most High…

I call upon you, Cold Spirits,
Come ye forth, You Seven Sisters
By you, come forth She,
M’dam Mam Hen-ooen
M’dam Mam Hen-ooen
M'dam Mam Hen-ooen
Mother light and dark
Spinning Fate
Spinning the path of stars
About the Nowl
Weaving the Weald and the Waters
Great Annis, Thee I invoke…”

As he chants this, a strange feeling begins to descend upon the clearing. You had always felt it, but now it has gotten stronger, as if the entire world around is “waking up” and taking notice of the goings-on here.

Bruane looks at you suddenly, and he has a look in his eyes as one drunk or dreaming. He says….”It is the rains we aspire to bring…and it is the love of our people and their well-being that I will call upon to gain power. No emotion is more powerful than love. I turn my mind’s direction to this task and let it wander not….and as for the last..."

He dips the a rag into the pail of water and begins striking the wet rag against the stone, sending out quite a small shower of water drops all over the circlestead. As he beats the rag, and re-dips it, and beats it again, he cries out:

“I knock this rag upon this stone
To raise the rains in the Horned One’s name
It shall not lie till I please again!

I knock this rag upon this stone
To raise the rains in the White Lady’s name
It shall not lie till I please again!

I knock this rag upon this stone
To raise the rains in the Horned One’s name
It shall not lie till I please again!”

Finally, he dips the rag a final time, and with a cry, slings it up into the air. Water falls all around you, followed by the rag. As the rag falls, a strange feeling of tension suddenly vanishes form the circlestead, and the odd presence in the woods all around seems to fade a bit, too.

Bruane is down on one knee, his eyes closed. Then he stands. He looks at you and says “It is accomplished. By the lady’s power, the rains are not far behind. You, my friend, have learned all you will here. Go now back to the crossed-roads, and visit Three Sister’s Wood. Others wait for you there. The blessings of our Lady go with you.”

As you turn to leave, you hear a far away rumbling of thunder.

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