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Anala and Corath

Anala grabed her flying gear and put it on, grateful for the chance to be able to get out of the WEyr. Everything was a bustle of activity in getting ready for the first gather. Her dragon, Corath had jsut reached full size, It was amazing how much one dragon could grow in that short amount of time, short it seemed to her, even though it was the passing of several turns. Life was good in the Weyr, nothing really amiss, thread had fallen reguarally and soon Anala would face the desion of letting Corath chew firestone and be sterial, or letting her abstain and possible rise to clutch.
She pushed that thoguht out of her mind as she headed down to the sunning ledge where Corath was.

Corath, isn't she huge?

:Anala, are we going to fly again?: Corath's voice was very hopeful,
"Of corse sweets, in a few minutes, let me get the harness on you first. " Corath stood pachently for that to happen and finally when that was finished gave her rider a bost up. "Thank you Cora." Anala said, and they were off.

Anala and Corath's Records form Teen to Hatchling
"Corath, have you ever stopped growing?" Anala said, cranning her neck to see her green's head.
:No: was Corath's reply. :Never:
Anala sighed and valted on her back, she was truely vaulting up now, even though Corath knelt down to help her. She was a rather small green but Anala was a very small girl and had quite a bit of trouble mounting up.

"I've got a few things to deliver over to Falora at Talor Cliff Weyr, care to be of any help? corath's relpy was a laugh, if a dragon could laugh that was what it would be anyway. "Just what I deserve, a dragon with a sense of humor.
Anala checked to see if the pakets were all in order and braced herself for the cold of between.

Anala looked up at the sun nad scrathed Corath on the neck. Corath leaned into it, and gave the closest thing to a sigh that a dragon has ever come close to. Anala grinnd and sighed as well. The day had been a long on. The were both taking part in a few weyrling exercises, for the weyrleader had just decided that both she and Cora were ready, now everything seemed to be so hard! Anala often wondered why, though.

Anala heald her breath as she vaulted on Corath, holding her head high. She did everthing that she was told to do, check the riding straps and the harness and Corath lanched into flight. It was unlike anything that Anala had ever experienced before, the wosh and the jump.
"We're flying Corath, we're flying!"

The short little hatchling story

Anala sat down at her weyr and strocked her head of her green hatchling, Corath. She was so surprised that she impressed, she hardly could believe her luck. Corath Raised her head and Anala felt her smile.

:Anala Corath complained I'm hungry.:
"Again?" Anala said, more to herself then to her dragon.
:I'm a growning girl:
"Of course you are Cora, now let's get you cleaned and I'll get oyu feed." Anala said grinning. Out of all the candidates in ther world why was she chosen? She carefully brushed her bright red hair out of her eyes and smiled and she rubbed Corath all over with hide oil. She didn't want anything to happen to her dragon's hide.
After patiently waiting for a while Corlath complained, :Can I get something to eat now?:
"Sure sweets, lets go."

Main Weyr Bowl
Talor Cliff Weyr, where Corath is From.
The Winglist
Anala's Candidate Story
