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Khetla's Story

a picture of Khetla, I drew it myself! Like most of the other graphics on this page.

Khetla looked around her, everything was a blur. The hatching was coming so quickly, and everyone seemed to have something to do but her. Khetla was sitting at a table to the far end of the dinning area, all alone. She didn’t think anyone noticed her, and that was fine with her. She didn't want to be noticed. A strand of her dirty blond hair fell into her eyes and she tucked it back behind her ears. Kletla didn’t ask to be a candidate, it just, happened. Now, as she picked at the food in her dinner tray, nothing will ever be the same. She looked at the people in the Weyr with a parted eye, as if seeing everything from another persons point of view, from another persons eyes. Everything was so distant, so far out of reach. A tap on her shoulder brought her back to reality. She turned to see her foster mother, Tyasta.
“Oh, hello Tyasta. I was day dreaming again wasn’t I?” she asked, her green, gray eyes sad and somber, to match her tone of voice.
"Khetla, what am I ever going to do with you?" Tyasta said exasperated, loud enough for others to hear. "Your 15 turns old, and Now that you are a candidate, a candidate at Jerdan Weyr, you should begin to be responsible. Like a lady." Khetla rolled her eyes and said nothing and went back to playing with her food. "Khetla are you listening to me?" she asked, exasperated.
"Yes, foster mother." Khetla replied still looking down. Oh, how she wished she could be left alone! Tyasta eyed her suspiciously and said another lecture that by now Khetla had known by heart.
"It’s not right for a girl your age to go around, eating dinner at a table alone. You should be sociable and talk to people. You don’t want them to think that you think that you are too good for them, or that you can’t mix with the other candidates because both your parents are dragon riders!"
Khetla felt hot tears spring to her eyes. She wasn’t proud like Tyasta thought that she was, she was just shy, and the other candidates had already formed there own social groups, a shy girl like Khetla had no chance of getting into one after it had formed. It was true that she was proud of the fact that both of her parents were both dragon riders, but not in the way that Tyasta suggested. She just looked down at her tray and said nothing, fearing that if she did the tears would spill over and she wouldn’t be able to stop them.
Tyasta just gave an imperious look and said as a finial word, "Just try to make friends Khetla, please?" and went off to harass another of her foster children.

Khetla sighed and stretched as she got up, she was tall, very tall fort a girl anyway. About 5’6. Most of the time she felt like a giant, towering over all the others that she knew. Most of her friend were short, even half the boys she knew were shorter then herself. Not a pleasant experience.
She thought that woman, her foster mother, would never go away. Tyasta was usually not like this, it was just with a hatching so soon, almost expected at any moment, and this was the first time that any of her fostered had ever been a candidate, it probably meant a lot to her. She cleared away her dishes and decided to go for a walk around the weyr. She went out side and whistled for her canine, Spark, to come.

Spark came up to her, as eager to please as ever and Khetla smiled. Having Spark around always made her feel like some one needed her, that she was wanted.
"Where do ya’ want to go boy, huh?" she asked him, tussling his fur. His response was a yawn and a long series of pants. She laughed and they headed of to the beaches.

The beaches were a beautiful site, the sun was just setting and it cast a red glow over the water, making it sparkle and gleam. Spark ran into the water and started to jump around with Khetla keeping a close eye one him. She sat down and took of her boots and sighed as she felt the hot sand squish between her toes. and she thought that she could see some dolphins in the distance. She called Spark back from going in to far and he ran up spraying water everywhere. She laughed and threw her hands out in a desperate attempt to keep the water and sand from getting on her tunic, which was already stained from the juice she had spilt on it during dinner. The call of a watch weyr brought her back to reality and she started back to the weyr, munching on a piece of bread and some fruit that she had smuggled from the dinning hall.
A sound like something breaking brought her back to reality. Half buried in the sand infront of her was a bunch of broken fire lizard egg shells. She bent to examine it, all of the eggs had hatch save for one, but this one was hatching! Oh, what to do, then she remembered that when her foster brother, Grishalar, had impressed his blue all he did was feed it. A tiny head imerged from the shell and out pooped a pale blue fire lizard. She gasped, she had never seen a flitter that shade of blue. forgetting for the moment what to do. Then she remembered and began to stuff his mouth with food. It ate until she had nothing left and she picked up her fire lizard and looked at it’s beautiful sleeping form.
Fellis, isn't he cute?

Khetla walked back to the weyr, with Spark on her trail and her baby blue in her arms. She was going through a list of names and decided on Fellis, because that was the only thing that she feed it with, and he had a large stain on his (the fire lizard’s) mouth with the juice. Her foster mother was pleased that she had found a fire lizard, and couldn't stop gawking at the color, and they even started to get along, for a few minutes anyway. Khetla managed to make a few friends, with the help if the friendly neighborhood filtter and everything was great. Now she had to face the challange of moving into her pwn, personnal weyr.
"Oh Spark!" she cried, exasperated at the running jumping ball of fluff. "Please stop barking. i've work to do. i'll play with you later." the dog stoped and ooking rejected climbed under the bed. Khetla sighed and lay down on her belly looking under the bed, and not to mention getting very dusty. "Oh Spark. Don't take it that way. I'm sorry. I promise I'll play with you later, once I finish cleaning this place up a bit." she sighed as she got up and looked around the weyr. It looked a lot better before she started to clean, when she picked it as her own. Her very own.
It was dirty and covered in dirt and grim. The furniture was new, and of good quality, but it was too new, and most of it still smelled of paint. Fellis came and perched on her shoulder whistleing. "Yes, I knoe you will help." she replied laughing. To prove his point the flit, just passed the age of being a hatching shot like a, well a flitter, from her shoulder and began to gather tiny things, large hunks of dried dirt and threw it out of the window.
Khetla laughed and he came back over and perched on her shoulder. She sweep the floor and found that most of the dirt and dust, mainly it was all dust, came of easily. Unfortunately, there was a lot of dirt that needed a little coaxing to come off. She sighed and grabbed a scrub brush and a pail of soapy water.
She scrubed nearly until her fingers started to bleed, but it finially came off.
She got up and surveyed her work, proud that she could do it. "Done." she said happily. Fellis flew back onto her shoulder and chirped happily. Spark also seemed happy with the job. He panted, now he sat on the bed, instead of under it. He always slept on her bed ever sinse she was a kid. She smiled and thought that everything was right in the world.
To find out what happens to Khelta follow the link, if you want to read her journal follow the link, etc.
her journalhasn't happened yet!her status sheet

Main Wing List
Main Weyr Bowl
Like the graphics(background set, and the picture of Khetla)? Heehee, I made them. Please don’t take them. I spent a long time making them and they are exclusively for Khetla. NO ONE MAY USE THESE GRAPHICS. I might make a set if you ask me to, but remember that I’m going to be gone from august 1 - 28 and might not be able to get back to you for a while. The flit came from Greyhaven Nexis and the canine came from Naronis Weyr
