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Usagi and Zolanith

Usagi sighed as she leaned back against a rock, happy with her life. It seemed ages ago when she was working as a drudge at the hold, and now she was a dragon rider of the best dragon in the whole of the planet, Zolanith. She turned her gaze to her brown, who was now splashing in the cove. She stared at her bare feet and wrigled her toes and leaned back. A huge splash waved over her and she looked up, her old red pants and white shirt dripping wet as she spluttered at her dragon, ignoring the laughter of the other riders around her.

:Sorry, It slipped.: His voiced echoed in her head. Now thtat you are wet come in and swim, the water is warm.
"Zomy, I wish you wouldn't do that!" She exclaimed. She grinned, "But you do have a point there." She smiled and waded into the shallows and accpeted her dragon's aid for getting on his back. She smiled and scratched his neck. Brown riders were able to become wing seconds and possibly even wing leaders. It was a dream of hers, and she was sure that she was going to see it through to the end.

Usagi's Search>/a>
Usagi's Hatching Story
Usagi's Stats
Usagi's Picture
Talor Cliff Weyr
