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Alternate Additions

This page displays story sections which for one reason or another
could not be used. In most cases, the addition in question was
submitted about the same time as another one for the same story.

Alternate Addition to Awakenings

("Much clos......")("!!?"). I had cut him off in midthought. I could feel his surprise and question. It was like closing a blind, I just shut him out. ("Quick study, aren't yo..."?) I did it again!! It was disconcerting to him, I could feel it. That SOB was getting a taste of his own medic.....

"Hey!! I can feel it." Linda had been tryng to get us out of the ditch.

"Feel what?" she muttered as she rev the engine once again.

"I hear him, feel him and I can shut him out." I was amazed at my sudden and completely sure insight. This slightly dead thing was working out big time.

" You just have to think it and he can't get in." I told her.

"He doesn't know diddly about what's going on." "He's just as new at this as we are." I couldn't help but laugh and I knew the crud bucket heard me. I felt him cringe.

Linda finally spoke, with great difficulty, as she wrestled the vehicle back on to the road. Her mind was being assaulted at that very moment. She slammed on the brakes as she brought her hands to her head "Please!", she moaned in a low tortured voice, "How do I shut him out?" She was soaking wet, shaking like she was having a fit with tears streamig down her face. I was so busy with my new discovery, I hadn't noticed the pained expression on her face and that trapped animal look in her eyes. I knew that look, I had seen it many times in my line of work. The b_____d couldn't get to me so he was tormenting her.

I grabbed her by her shoulders, turning her to me. She was thrashing now. She was in kind of a trance, Her eyes were rolling back in her head. I could just imagine what he saying and showing her. "Linda!, Linda!" I was screaming her name now, panic had set in. I drew my hand back and popped her in the forhead, right above the bridge of her nose. Oh well, a sudden jolted had worked for me hadn't it. She slumped and fell into my chest, crying. "You've got to help me stop him.", she wailed, clinging to me like a child. What had he done to her!!?

"Imagine an open venetion blind!", I shook her violently, " See it!" I was yelling again "Do see it Linda!!?", she nodded. "Now close the blind with your our mind, think it closed. You saw it opened now see it closed."

She began to calm down, the tension left her face, the rapid breath stopped. She put her hand to her forehead, "You hit me didn't you?" she said. I was trying to explain, when like a rush of artic wind I could feel him coming at us again. He was one persistent little prick and he was closer still. "He's tracking us!!!!"), I thought and heard the chuckle. ("You got that right.") he answered. "Close the blind. Shut him out!", I said in a urgent whisper. It seemed he could reach out and touch us he was so close. "He's good teacher, even if he is a little pervert," she answered, "He'll not get in my head again unless I want him too." She had felt it and it sounded like she was forming a plan..

He was banging at our minds now, like a bad kid who couldn't get his way. It was his game and we weren't playing fair. (Oh, poor baby.) Linda had opened a slat in the blind just enough to let that little jibe slip out. My chuckle didn't help matters much. (You S.O.B, . .....) was all he got in before we blocked him.

We got the truck started down the highway. It was time to come up with a plan. But first things first. Time to fill Linda in on some facts of life.

"My name is Max Aurance and I kill people for a living," I said in a rush. Crap, I sound like a first timer at an AA meeting. "In fact, the first deader I saw was a man I'd just hit for a client." She wasn't saying anything. " I'm telling you this now because we can't keeping running. He's tracking us and eventually he's going to find us. We can't keep this mindblock up 24 hours day, we gotta sleep sometime. At least I think we do."

She still wasn't talking. We rode in silence for a mile or so.
--Janice Newton

Alternate Addition to Mindnet

Next thing i knew i blacked out and found my self in a strange room, with a half dozen blinking lights of usually hospital arround, but it didn't seem to be a hospital.

I heard two people at the far end of the room, whispering sometimes i could make it out, then i saw one of them reach there hand with a strange device in hand. After which in went to the reality of the subconcious, but still being fully aware each moment. I started hearing voices in the simulated distance "hahaha" the ground began to spin and shake and tumble, wonder how could i wake my self up. Images began to pour in front of me faster and faster each time, they were of vita and what my self and images sylvia prior to my meeting, but at the time i hadn't realized who were in the images. the images slowed a bit then the voice started to over mask it "hahah, you fool" "be gone, says me, haaa" Then i felt a sharp pain then lost concious. I shoke up in Drive way to the Darius Estate , my memories poured back to me, it seems the virus they gave was just an memory supressor, "vita, Darius,Syliva" i kept thinking over and over. Just as i opened the door to houses, the look as if a tornado had rampaged through. I searched every where no sign of vita hersey either. i kept pondering why would they simply let me go, then something came to mind, few of the doors in the darius estate had been open seemsly with out forced entry, and potential vunerably of witness,.... they had been reading my thoughts through the mindnet device.

I saw Non Mindnet terminal in the old Transit station quite rare to find one intact, "establish a connection to precint 12409 New Haven District" i replied.

"Communications relay stations aren;t responding" computer displayed on the screen and verbaly, "reason" i replied

"Unknown" computer stated

"Run Diagnostic" i spoke

"working,.... all systems operational"

"great" i thought.

Alternate Addition to the Star Trek Crossover Saga

The Jem Hadar escorted the entire crew of the Enterprise E into the cargo bay, except for the blind engineer the humans called Geordi. His technical knowledge of the ship might prove useful, so the Founder ordered him to be kept on the bridge--closely guarded, of course. "You're insane," Geordi growled at the Founder. "If you had made an alliance with Picard, we all may have had a chance to defeat the Borg together. Alone, you won't stand a chance."

The Founder felt only pity for the poor, naive solid. "If only you could realize we have done this for your own good. Soon, the entire Alpha Quadrant will be under the wise leadership of the Dominion. We won't need the help of the Enterprise. If you watch the viewscreen, in a few moments you will see the rest of a fleet of thousands Jem Hadar pour through into Bajoran space. With the our knowledge of the collective, within a week the Borg will be defeated."

Geordi watched the viewscreen, but he did not see the rest of the fleet emerge. Instead he saw a Borg cube drop out of warp and fire on the wormhole's entrance with a full spread of phasers and torpedoes. The entrance exploded and the Borg cube zipped away.

The Founder cried out, "No! That's impossible! We should have known about any Borg ships in this sector!"

Geordi smirked. "Looks like your plans for Alpha Quadrant domination just got put on indefinite hold."

A Jem Hadar looked at his sensor screen and said, "An object emerged from the wornhole just before it collapsed. I'll put it onscreen."

The object was an old-style Federation ship--with "NCC-1701" printed across its hull. Geordi's jaw dropped. "I don't believe it. That's the first Enterprise! The one flown by James Kirk!"


The Founder decided that this new ship may also be useful. In moments, he beamed its unconscious crew into the Enterprise E's cargo hold, which was now extremely crowded, and sent a team of Jem Hadar to restore the old Enterprise' life support systems.

Now able to breathe, the new arrivals began to awaken in the cargo hold. Picard recognized one of them as the legendary Captain Sulu of the Excelsior, but his uniform suggested that he was in an earlier part of his life; probably still serving under Kirk and Spock. However, looking through the new arrivals, Picard could did not find Kirk or Spock among them.
--Argus Skyhawk

Alternate Addition to the Renegades

Alexander beamed up to the Enterprise.

Suddenly, Deanna Troi felt intense feelings of anger and they were not being created by Worf nor her. A Klingon raiding party entered her field of vision and pulled one warrior pulled a disrupter out.

"We aren't here to harm..." was all she had said when the disrupter blast knocked her unconscious.

"Why have you hurt her? What House do you belong to?" Worf asked generally to the raiding party as he pulled his phaser out and shot the apparent leader, who was a tall male.

"Our allegiance is to the House of Duras," proudly stated by a warrior who appeared from the back.

The Klingons touched emergency transporter armbands of obvious Federation design and were transported away with Deanna Troi, except the leader.

Worf walked over to the body of the Klingon leader and asked, "Why did you dishonor yourself on this Day of Honor?" He then asked for transport and beamed up to the Enterprise.

One month later...

"Captain's log, supplemental. we have searched for nearly a month for our comrade, Deanna Troi, and to no avail. Our travels have brought us from one end of the known Klingon Empire to the other, with no luck. On an unrelated subject, Commander Data has returned to Earth on personal leave to finish up some business from his travels to the 1890's only a few weeks ago; this leaves the Enterprise crew severely shorthanded."
--Lee Jamilkowski

Alternate Addition to Renegades

Worf jumped in front of Troi and wrestled the beast to the ground. He pulled his phaser from its holster and knocked the creature over the head with the butt. Just as he was about to turn around, he felt the searing pain of a disruptor beam on his back. He fell on top of the unconscious targ. Deanna was about to move towards him when she felt the sharp end of a Klingon disruptor being pressed into her back.

She spun around to find three formidable Klingon warriors staring down at her. One of them spoke. ''You,'' he said, ''are coming with us''. He tapped a badge on his wrist. He snarled something in Klingon into it. The next thing Deanna Troi knew, she was standing in the dark and musty transporter room of a Klingon Bird-of-Prey.

Two guards came over to the transporter pad and grabbed her. They dragged her and Worf through the corridors of the ship. The vessel was in terrible condition, even for a Klingon ship. Wires hung from the ceiling and pieces of conduit littered the floors. Deanna's eyes stung as she passed through a cloud of leaking coolant.

Finally, they arrived at the ship's brig. She was thrown into a tiny room with Worf. One of the guards tapped a control and a forcefield crackled into existence over the only exit. The guard left and the doors creaked shut.

Deanna looked around. Worf had just regained consciousness. ''Where are we?'' he said.

* * *

The Klingon commander stormed onto his ship's bridge. ''Report!'', he barked.

The officer at tactical responded. ''It has worked, sir. The Starfleet vessel is chasing the decoy. In addition, we have captured two Starfleet officers we found on the surface. One of them is Worf, Son of Mogh''

''Excellent'', the Klingon commander noted. ''They may prove useful in the days to come.''

''What are your orders, Commander?'' asked the helm officer.

''Remain cloaked and set a course for sector 31904'', responded the commander, ''maximum available warp.''

''Setting a course. Speed, warp 3.''

* * *

In the brig, Deanna and Worf felt the deckplates shudder as the ship entered warp.

* * *

''We are closing on the estimated position of the Klingon vessel.'' Ensign Lavelle reported calmy.

''Mr. Data, do you have any suggestions as to how we can unmask the Klingon vessel?'' asked Picard.

''I believe so, sir,'' replied the android. ''If we fire a tachyon beam with a rapid frequency shift from the deflector dish, we should be able to lock on to the vessel.''

''Make it so.''

A thin energy beam emerged from the Enterprise's deflector dish. After several seconds, a sensor reading became available on Data's ops console. He turned to Picard. ''Captain, I am reading a vessel, but it is much too small to be a Bird-of-Prey.''

''Can you get a more precise reading?'' asked Picard.

''No, sir. However, we may be able to beam it aboard.''

''Do it.''

Data performed the operation, got up and headed for the turbolift. He tapped his communicator. ''Data to LaForge. Geordi, please report to Cargo Bay 1.''

''On my way.''

* * *

The Bird-of-Prey dropped out of warp with a judder. Commander Ch'novok stood up and shouted to the officer at the science station. ''Full scan!''

''I am detecting one Yridian freighter holding station 10,000 kellicams off our port bow. It is transmitting the agreed identification signal.''

''Good.'' Ch'novok remarked. ''Drop cloak and hail them!'' The lights brightened slightly. An ugly Yridian appeared on the static-filled viewscreen. Ch'novok hated these wretched cowards, but right now he needed the Yridian's help.

''Greetings, Commander.'' said the Yridian. ''You have the merchandise?''

''Yes.'' said Ch'novok bluntly, referring to the 5ml of biomimetic gel that was presently sitting in his ships cargo hold. ''And do you have our merchandise'' he growled.

''Yes.'' mumbled the Yridian. ''I will transmit the codes now. I can't guarantee that are still in use.''

''They had better be!'' he roared ''for your sake.''

''Indeed.'' said the Yridian timidly as he worked with a PADD. Ch'novok looked over at the science officer. He nodded to his commander to indicate the data had been recieved. Once the stolen gel had been beamed aboard the Yridian vessel, both it and the Klingon ship departed the area.

* * *

Picard eyed the small pod. On the side, the words DEEP SPACE TWO could be clearly made out. Data came over to him. ''Sir,'' he said ''this is a standard Federation decoy pod. I have contacted DS2, and the station commander confirmed that the Klingons stole this decoy pod when they attacked''

''Did they take anything else?'' the captain asked.

''5ml of biomimetic gel and several dozen type-3 phaser rifles, sir'' replied Data.

''These Klingons are obviously up to something'' said Picard. ''We should return to Praxis and see if the away team has found anything.'' He tapped his communicator. ''Picard to bridge, set a course back to Praxis, warp 5.''

''Aye, sir'' said Ensign Lavelle.

* * *

Will Riker stepped down fron the transporter pad. Picard was about to speak to him, but Riker interrupted. ''Captain, we have a problem. Worf and Troi were not down there when we arrived. We searched for hours. We didn't find them, but we found Klingon disruptor residuals.''

''Well, we have problems of our own.'' replied Picard ''When the Klingons attacked DS2, they stole a decoy pod. We've been chasing that, and meanwhile the Klingons have made their escape.''

''I think we should assume that they took Worf and Troi'', said Riker.

''Agreed. The question is, where do we go from here?''
--Stephen Errity

Alternate Addition to Dominion Prey

The Defiant was increasing in size on the Sinclair's viewscreen when Frakes realized something was wrong. "Cadet... what is the nearest task force command ship?" asked the lieutenant commander.

"It is the Ivanova, commanded by Admiral Cole."

"Inform them that the Defiant is planning something... they have stopped dead in their tracks."

"Sir, you don't think they'd destroy themselves, do you?"

"I pray to God that they don't."

The helmsman said, "We are 50 meters off the Defiant's belly."

Furlong asked, "What do we do?"

"We wai...."

Suddenly, the Defiant took off at maximum warp.

The Gandhi was enroute to the Vulcan system to meet the 59th Task Force when it started buckling under constant phaser fire. "Where is it coming from," asked Geordi LaForge.

"The Defiant uncloaked and is attacking!" responded the captain.
--Lee Jamilkowski

Alternate Addition to Dominion Prey

Commander Riker sat in the ready room chair of the Enterprise, wondering how Admiral Hayes kept Starbase 395 in one piece. It was an old Regula-class starbase, built over 70 years ago, and only intended to be a minor refuelling and resupply outpost. However, in recent months its location had put it second only to Deep Space 9 among the Federation's most important outposts. When the Enterprise had arrived at the starbase, towed by the Hercules, there were at least fifteen starships docked at the station, and half a dozen more holding station in the space around it.

Riker was studying the week's duty roster when the desktop computer terminal started bleeping. He turned it around. There was a priority one message coming in from the starbase commander's office. Riker activated the monitor and Admiral Hayes' face appeared on the small screen.

''Will, I've got some good news and some bad news.'' Riker looked at Hayes suspiciously. He hated it when people said that. Hayes continued, ''The 811th and 456th Destroyer Groups are on there way here, but they won't be accompanying you to Cardassia.''

''Why not?'' asked Riker.

''Admiral Ross has decided to launch another attempt to retake Deep Space Nine. It seems as if every godamned ship in Starfleet has been assigned to the fleet for this mission.''

Riker broke in. ''Except for the Enterprise.'' he said.

''In a word, yes.'' replied Hayes. ''Your mission to Cardassia will go ahead as planned, without the other ships, obviously. However, we've been doing some talking with the Romulans, and they've agreed to outfit the Enterprise with a cloaking device for the duration of this mission. A Romulan science ship will arrive here in one hour. Any questions?''

Riker was silent for a moment. ''None,'' he said at last.

''Good. Hayes out.''

Author's Note: The 811th and 456th have been reassigned to the fleet we see in the episode ''Favor the Bold''.
--Stephen Errity

Alternate Addition to Awakenings

Oops!! Have chickens come home to roust?

An attendant came barrelling thru the lab door. Halfcrazed with pain, his face and his right arm were missing and in their place sinew and a bloodied stump, He was tryng to speak but the lack of lips can be a severe verbal handicap. Something or someone had tried to eat his face off.

Sorry guy, but all I can think of right now is, I gottta get out of here, untie me ! Untie me!!! Appetizer was now flopping about the room in a very unappealing fashion. I was not going to lay here Within the last six weeks. I've been dead, then alive, If they think I'm going out like this, lets just say, you don't even what to go there!!
--Janice Newton

Alternate Addition to The Window

The alley smelt of piss and mild corruption. (not a good combo while running.)jack throught wreched at the smell as a window opened in front of them."What in hells bathroom!"tasha said, as she came to a sliding halt on the wet alley floor.

jack wasn't far behind in the running orthe profanities when he saw the siz of the window."Tasha...?"he began but was cut off .

"It's not mine" she whispered.

"That is absoluteley correct child Its's mine"Bokahagus said in a sort of voice that struck your fear and your hate. Jack watched as the words slipped off his tounge but could not believe the horror they held."Now!!"Boka shouted. Then three pale men stepped onto the earth from the super-sized window eyes glowing and ther canines just-anatomicly speaking-a tad to long.

"Kill her , hurt him.DO NOT kill him" Boka rasped" the president has plans for him."

A thick acidy taste hit the back of Jack's throught as the three men moved in their direction. In one horribly gracious move two of the strangers fell on Tasha.By now she was screaming as she was bitten ,kicked, clawed and bled to death . In the meantime Jack was thrown in a into a distorted hold.The breath of the man-beast-thing fell doun his neck like cold water.Revoltingly enough the stench of his mouth was nothing in comparison to the words he spoke.

Tasha laid loose on the wet concrete twitching a few times then moving into that rest we like to call death. The smell of her blood was enough to relieve the acidic taste in his mouth ."Do you like the smell?" whispered the painfully happy man-thing"No? will."
--Robert Cates

Alternate Addition to The Classic Trek Story

 Then, the transporter came on. Then, 5 Klingons appeard on the transporter. Then, Koloth ran out of the transporter room and went and took control. He went to the bridge. He had 50 men beam over to the Enterprise. He got everyone off the bridge except his men. He got the crew of the Enterprise all on the Hanger Deck. Kirk was smart. He could call a red alert and a distress call from any deck. He called a distress signal and the USS Potemkin came. The Klingons heard the signal, saw the Potemkin and...
--JJ Crockroft