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Chapter One

Chapter Two

That was when Captain Stiles started grimacing. But his face contorted oddly, turned gelatenous, and reformed. "Thank you, Captain. Now we know where to make our stand." said the Founder.

The viewscreen went blank. The 811th Destroyer group suddenly departed at warp 7 towards Cardassia Prime.

"Damnit," said Captain Lane. "It's like the Battle of Wolf 359. They know what we have prepared for them. I didn't realize Starfleet had been so heavily infiltrated by Founders."

A heavily retrofitted Galaxy class starship uncloaked in front of the Ghandi. "It is the Ivanova, commanded by Admiral Cole," said Captain S'lolis.

"Inform them that the 811th is under Dominion control."

"Sir, you don't think they'd destroy those ships, assuming their are Federation survivors still aboard, do you?" asked Geordi La Forge.

"I pray to God that they don't," said Lane.

Troi asked, "What do we do?"

The Gandhi recieved orders to travel to Vulcan. It was enroute to the Vulcan system to meet the 59th Task Force when it started buckling under constant phaser fire.

"Where is it coming from?" asked Geordi LaForge. Lane said, "The sensors are offline. I'm putting the main viewscreen on the origin of the attack."

The screen flickered on and showed a fleet of 500 Jem'Hadar battleships surrounding the Ghandi. That was when a phaser blast ripped through the main viewscreen and destroyed 90% of the bridge, including S'lolis.
--Lee Jamilkowski

You can also read Stephen Errity's Alternate Addition.

On the bridge of the Starship Sovereign, the real Captain Stiles walked out of his ready room, holding the quantum stasis field generator that they had used to control Jtrane's shapeshifting abilities. The Founder looked at Stiles menacingly with the Captain's own eyes.

''You know,'' said Stiles sarcastically, ''I don't like you in that shape. Gives me a bad image.'' He pressed a control on the generator. Jtrane screamed in pain and began morphing into his natural state. The Changeling oozed into a stasis container at the bottom of the command chair. Two security officers moved over to the container. They deactivated the forcefield around the command chair and picked up the box, before departing swiftly via the turbolift.

Stiles sat down in his chair once again. Now, down to business, he thought. Commander Yamomoto, open a secure channel to Admiral Ross.''

The first officer complied, and Admiral Ross' face appeared on the viewscreen. His adjutant, Captain Sisko, was in the room with him.

Stiles spoke first. ''Greetings, Admiral, Captain. I'm pleased to say the plan has worked. All of Starfleet, and the Dominon now believes that the 811th has been taken over by the Founders. I don't like this deception, but I suppose it's necessary. The 811th is ready to leave for Cardassia.''

''Very well. Seen as it's Captain Picard you are rescuing, the Enterprise will also be partaking in this mission. She will depart Starbase 395 as soon as the Gandhi delivers Counselor Troi and Commander LaForge to the starbase. She'll be about three hours behind you, with a Romulan cloaking device activated.''

''Understood. We hope to...''

At that moment, a security officer entered Ross' office, and handed a PADD to Captain Sisko. Sisko read it quickly, and said. ''Admiral, we have a problem. The Gandhi has just been attacked near Vulcan, by a huge fleet of Dominion vessels.''

Ross whispered something into Sisko's ear. The Captain nodded and left the office.

* * *

Troi, Lane and LaForge just managed to dive into the turbolift before the rest of the Gandhi's bridge crew were sucked out into the cold vacuum of space. The turbolift reached the Battle Bridge, and the three officers quickly took up positions in the cramped secondary command centre. Lane stood at the command chair, and spoke to the Gandhi's relief bridge crew.

''I regret to inform you that Captain S'lolis is dead. I am taking command of this vessel.''

He had just finished when the ship was hit by a disruptor beam. It carved another gaping hole in the saucer section, and overloaded power relays throughout the Ambassador-class vessel.

''Release docking clamps! We'll have to abandon the saucer!'' The explosive charges blew the shattered saucer section away from the Gandhi's battle section. The battle section emerged from under the saucer, firing at Dominion ships left, right and centre. It was then when LaForge noticed something odd.

''Captain, only one of the ships is firing on us. All the others are holding position.''

The Gandhi buckled under disruptor fire again.

''Well, we don't have time to worry about them. The one ship is doing enough damage on it's own. Evasive maneuvers. Pattern Gamma.''

Geordi spoke again. ''Captain, another Federation starship is entering the area. It's... wait a minute, make that three starships!''

The three separated sections of the USS Prometheus converged on the attacking battlecruiser at frightening speed. They pounded the Dominion vessel mercilessly with phasers and quantum torpedoes until it's shields failed and it exploded in spectacular fashion. The other 499 vessels suddenly vanished.

''What the hell?'' said Lane and LaForge in unison.

The ops officer turned around. ''Captain, we're receiving a transmission from the Prometheus.''

''On screen!'' Lane said at once.

''This is Captain Sarah Pearse of the USS Prometheus. Aren't you going to thank us, Gandhi?''

''We would, but first we would like to know what the hell happened to that Dominion fleet!'' Lane demanded.

''Holograms,'' she said.

''Holograms!'' Lane repeated. ''Holograms! Four hundred and ninety-nine holographic battlecruisers! That's unbelievable!''

''Maybe so,'' said Pearse, ''but we don't have time to sit here discussing it. A Klingon convoy is under attack in sector 50678. We have to go to it's aid immediately. Can you make it to Starbase 395?''

''Yes.'' said Lane.

''Good. You will transfer Commanders LaForge and Troi to the Enterprise there.''

''Understood. Gandhi out.'' Or what's left of it, added Lane to himself. The Prometheus reconstructed itself and sped off to the aid of the Klingon convoy. The damaged battle section of the Gandhi turned and headed for Starbase 395 at warp six.
--Stephen Errity

"Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax, reporting for duty, sir," said the Trill to Acting Captain William Riker.

"Nice to have you aboard, Commander," responded the superior officer. "And congrats on the engagement."

"Thank you, sir. With the Defiant undergoing repairs after it's abduction, Starfleet decided I should help out somewhere."

"We are scheduled to rendevous with the Ghandi here so that we can pick up Lieutenant Commander LaForge and Commander Troi. I apologize for your first assignment onboard to be such a small one."

"That's fine sir. I have some new tactical manuevers I was going to program into the computers on the Defiant. I guess I'll have to try them out here."

"Well, Dax, we're going to need all the help we can get. Our orders, after retrieving Geordi and Deanna, are to proceed with an 'extraction operation' of Captain Picard."

"Which means?"

"Which means me are going to Cardassia Prime."

"That would explain the Romulan Scoutship," responded the Trill.

"I assume we're getting a cloaking device."

"Yes," said Riker. "But even more to our luck, we have found a cluster of Omega particles that has entered orbit of Cardassia Prime. Our orders are to threaten to destroy it should we encounter trouble."
--Lee Jamilkowski

The 811th Destroyer Group consisting of the starships Sovereign, Endeavour, Budapest, Portland, Lakota and Valley Forge travelled deeper into the heart of Cardassian space. Captain Stiles and his crew had watched in amazement at the amount of Dominion and Cardassian vessels that they passed by. The Dominion's shipbuilding programs have certaintly done their job, thought Stiles, as they passed their one hundred-and-fourth Keldon-class cruiser.They had been stopped several times by Jem'Hadar patrols, but each time, Jtrane had talked them past with a little 'persuasion' from the quantum stasis field generator. They were now less than five light-years from Cardassia and Stiles was beginning to worry. It had been easy up until now, but it was anyone's guess as to how long they could keep up their bluff in orbit of the centre of Dominion power in the Alpha Quadrant. He hoped the Enterprise would arrive soon.

* * *

The remaining half of the USS Gandhi slowed to impulse alongside the Enterprise.

''Open a channel,'' ordered Riker.

A tired-looking Captain Lane appeared on the screen.

''Enterprise,'' he said. ''We've got your crew members.''

He gestured for LaForge and Troi to step forward. Riker smiled as soon as he saw them. ''Deanna, Geordi, it's good to see you again.''

''Likewise, commander,'' said LaForge. ''We're ready for transport when you are.''

''Understood.'' Riker slapped his combadge. ''Riker to Transporter Room Three. Energize.''

LaForge and Troi shimmered and dissappered from the Gandhi's battle bridge.

''So, Captain, what happens to you now?'' asked Riker to Lane.

''I'm not sure of that myself, Commander. The Gandhi is too badly damaged to be worth repairing My orders are to take her to Surplus Depot Z-15, where she'll be broken up for scrap. After that, I don't know.''

''Well, Captain, you've done a good job over the past few days. I'll guess I'll see you around, then.''

Lane nodded. ''Goodbye, Commander.'' he said. The transmission ended. Lane sat down in the conn position and prepared to take the Starship Gandhi on her last voyage.

Meanwhile, Riker sat down in the command chair of the Enterprise. Troi and LaForge had taken their places on the bridge once more. ''All right,'' he said, ''Let's get this show on the road. Red Alert. Activate cloaking device. Commander Dax, lay in a course for Cardassia Prime. Maximum warp.''

''Aye, sir,'' she said.

* * *

''We're entering orbit of Cardassia Prime, sir.'' Ensign McKnight's voice cut through the silent tension on the bridge of the Sovereign.

''Acknowledged, Ensign.''

Captain Stiles turned to his tactical officer. ''Report?'' he asked.

''We are being hailed by Cardassian Orbital Control,'' he said. ''We are being ordered to take the 'captured Starfleet vessels' to Drydock Nine.''

''Do we know where Drydock Nine is, Commander?''

''Erm... yes sir, The precise coordinates are included in the transmission.''

''Very well, order all ships to proceed there.'' The six Starfleet vessels were dwarfed by the massive Dominion space station. The crews stared in disbelief at the gargantuan construction.

''Sir, there is a docking port opening.'' reported Ensign McKnight.

''Take us in!'' ordered Stiles, clenching his fist as he did so. The starships slowly entered the cavernous interior of Drydock Nine under maneuvering thrusters only. The interior was even more incredible than the exterior. At least one hundred Jem'hadar vessels, at various stages of construction, filled the bay. Ensign McKnight expertly piloted the Sovereign towards the designated coordinates. The other five vessels followed closely. As the neared their destination, something caught Stiles' eye. Near the location they were headed for, he saw the starships Venture, Akira, Monitor and Yamato - the survivors of the 967th Destroyer Group.

Several hours later...

Stiles was amazed at how little they had been disturbed since their arrival. Evidently, the Founders trusted each other without question. If this continued, it would only be a matter of time before they were out of here with Picard.

Suddenly, Ensign Meklar, the young Benzite ops officer spoke. ''I'm recieving a coded transmission from the Enterprise. They've entered orbit under cloak,'' he said.

''Then we're ready to begin,'' said Stiles.
--Stephen Errity

"Commander Dax, begin scanning for Captain Picard.  Be careful; keep the power low; we need to keep our cover for as long as possible."    

"I am picking up human lifesigns.  Wait, there is a whole internment camp down there, five times the size of the one Julian and Worf had been held in.  It appears to be at the center of 'rkoraNor, a 'small' farming community."    

"How well protected is it, Commander?"    

"Not very... it is in the middle of the winter.  Temperatures are dropping rapidly because it is 4:30 in the morning there."    

"Beam as many of the prisoners up as we can; put them directly in teh cargo bay."    

"Aye, sir."    

"Deanna," said Riker.  "Go to the main cargo bay and find the captain."    

"Yes, Will."    

"We have all the prisoners," responded Dax.    

"Inform the fleet."    

"There is an emergency transmission from Starfleet... the Klingon task force led by General Martok that was assigned to provide cover for us has disappeared," said Dax.  "Oh, no... a Jem'Hadar squadron has just figured out who we are.  We need to get out of here as soon as possible."
--Lee Jamilkowski

''Dax, scan the surface. Can you locate Picard?'' Riker asked.

''Give me minute.'' Jadzia's fingers danced across the controls.

''Got him. He's in a shielded compound in the largest city of the southern continent.''

''Can you disrupt the shielding?''

''Possibly, but as soon as we did, the Dominion would know that we're here.''

Riker spoke to Data, ''Commander, open a secure channel to Captain Stiles.''

''Aye sir,'' said the android.

The viewscreen came to life.

''Captain,'' began Riker, ''What progress have you made?''

''We have locted the crews from the 967th Destroyer Group. They are being held on board this drydock. How we can get them out is beyond me.''

''Can you remain there indefinitley?''

'I'm not sure, but I'd say we're safe for now. The Founders are leaving us alone. They do not appear to suspect us.''

''Very well. Remain docked there for now.''

''Understood. Sovereign out.''

* * *

''So, human, we meet again.''

The voice could belong to only one man. Captain Picard looked up and found himself staring at Gul Madred, the man who had tortured him for days after the Minos Korva incident in 2369. Picard shuddered as the memories of that harrowing experience came rushing back to him. He steeled himself and said, ''I didn't talk four years ago and I'm not going to talk now!'' he said defiantly.

''Oh, but captain, we don't need you to talk. The Founders look after all of our intelligence needs now. As a matter of fact, I haven't carried out an interrogation in six months. I was pleased when the Jem'Hadar captured you. Now we can pick up where we left off.''

''But you just said...''

''Ah. No questions. I just want you to tell me something. How many lights can you see?''

Four blinding lights snapped on above Madred's desk. Picard stared at them in horror.

* * *

''Commander, I believe I have a solution to our predicament.''

''Let's hear it, Data,'' said Riker, hopefully.

''I have reconfigured the deflector array to scan for and collect the Omega particles we detected earlier. If we can beam some of them to each of the main computer processing centres on Cardassia, and on Drydock Nine, they should destroy the main computer cores. In the ensuing chaos, we should have enough time to rescue Picard and the 967th crew members.''

''Are you sure you can think of nothing else?'' Riker had been hoping that they wouldn't have to use the Omega particles against the Cardassians. An explosion that big would almost certaintly cause high civilian casualties.

''I could develop a conventional computer virus, but it would take several hours.''

''Omega it is, then,'' said Riker.
--Stephen Errity

Suddenly Taitt said, "Incoming secure message... from General Martok."

"On screen," replied Riker. "Hello, General."

"Forgive our belatedness, Commander," responded the Klingon. "We ran into an uncharted wormhole. It actually dropped us closer to Cardassian space then our route would have taken. Too bad-- it collapsed behind us."

"Well, I'm glad you could join us. We have to use the Omega; any other option would take too long."

"What do you have planned, Commander?"
--Lee Jamilkowski

* * *

Glinn Tokel walked into her office to begin the afternoon shift. She activated the computer monitor on her desk. The ODN relays in sector four were acting up again, compromising data storage. She made a mental note to get a repair crew on it as soon as possible. She wanted the place to be working perfectly in time for the Vorta inspector's visit the next day. Then, one of the crew working outside called to her.

''Glinn, I'm detecting a transporter beam near the main core.''

Those were the last words he uttered. The Omega particles finished dematerializing and exploded, vaporizing the massive building and several other structures around it. Simultaenously, every other computer processing facility on Cardassia was destroyed.

* * *

''How many lights, captain?'' demanded Madred.

Just then, what felt like a weak earthquake shook the building. The lights and computer screens flickered and died. Madred and Picard stood in the darkness for several seconds before the room was illuminated by a transporter beam, followed by a phaser shot at Madred. Three Starfleet security officers walked over to Picard. Their spotlights swept across the room.

''Captain, it's good to see you again,'' said Worf.

Picard was about to reply, but the next thing he knew he was standing on the Enterprise's transporter pad.

* * *

Captain Beth Taylor jumped up suddenly. For the first time since she and her crew had been taken from the Venture, something happened. The lights went out and the forcefield dropped. The Jem'Hadar guard outside looked around for a second before a phaser beam hit him in the chest. He crumpled to the floor. Captain Taylor looked outside to be greeted by at least twenty Starfleet personell, carrying phaser rifles. The officer in charge began shouting orders to the former prisoners. ''Alright people!'' he shouted, ''Get back to your ships and prepare for immediate departure. We don't have much time! Come on, move!''

* * *

Captain Taylor sprinted onto the bridge of her ship. Her senior officers ran to their stations.

''Release the docking clamps. I don't want to spend one more minute in this place!''

''Aye, captain,'' said the tactical officer.

The four ships of the 967th broke free of the docking clamps in quick succession, before joining the 811th in making for the main doors of the drydock.

''Captain!'' said the helm officer, ''The drydock doors are closing!''

''Mr. Wilde.'' said Taylor to her tactical officer, ''Please prove the ensign wrong.''

''Understood captain.''

Lieutenant Commander Wilde signalled the other ships to bombard the main doors with torpedo fire. A massive hole was ruptured in the side of Drydock Nine, allowing the twelve Starfleet vessels to join the cloaked Enterprise outside the drydock. Once they had formed up, the thirteen ships went to maximum warp, straight towards the Federation border. The chaotic mess that they left behind ensured that the Dominion could not organize pursuit until it was too late.

As they sped back to Federation space, Picard relaxed in his command chair once more. He was proud of Will and the rest of the crew. They had gone to extreme risks to save him once again.

''Well, Commander,'' said Riker to Dax, ''I suppose you'll be heading back to the Defiant once we get back.''

''Yep. Well, Commander, It's been fun!''

Riker wondered how she could have described what they had just done as 'fun'. Well, that's what you get when you live for eight lifetimes.

Several hours later, the victorious fleet dropped to impulse outside Starbase 395.
--Stephen Errity


This story immediately precedes the events in the novel "Star Trek: The Next Generation: Dominion War: Book One."

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