square and compasses

Fund Raising Information


Malta Lodge #17, of Thermopolis, Wyoming, Fund Raiser Information


To donate to Malta Lodge #17 AF&AM, please use the following information

  • Make checks payable to Malta Lodge #17
  • Send checks to 521 Arapahoe St, Thermopolis, WY 82443
  • write "scholarship" or "building fund" in MEMO section please

  • Our renovation

    Malta Lodge #17 has housed several businesses as well as hosted regional and State Masonic meetings, from teen dances to receptions, the building at 521 Arapahoe has cast a long shadow. Over the last 116 years, countless fundraisers have taken place within its walls, perpetuating the philanthropy of the Masons, The Eastern Star, Jobs Daughters and DeMolay. But now, the building needs our help. We, the Mason’s of Thermopolis, are reaching out, to help renovate the lodge building, to help it continue its dignity in our community for another 116 years. The Lodge is currently seeking grants, and is being considered for the National Registry. If you’ve ever enjoyed one of our “Masonic Tacos”, or if you ever quietly benefited from the help we’ve offered, please consider a donation. Donations will go to the Malta Lodge Building fund. This will be a multi-year, multi-phase project, so stop back from time to time. Thank you for your support.

    Our Renovation Video

    Our Scholarship

    Malta Lodge #17 was established in Thermopolis, over 100 years ago, in 1905. It is in the spirit of this that a deserving senior boy will receive $500 each school year. Applicants were asked to write a one page essay explaining their connection to brotherhood and the community, a belief in a higher power, and a dedication to learning and scholarship, specifically in the arts and sciences. A committee of one Masonic brother and several HSCHS staff members read the application essays and decided on the winner.

    Scholarship Information
