Stone & Murphy, Inc.

Tool Makers of
Middletown, Connecticut



Tools Made: Wrenches

Working Dates: 1925-[illegible]

Berkeley C. Stone         B. 1873 D. 22, May 1953

Thomas A. Murphy


     They made an adjustable wrench. Very simply made. Five inches long closed. Patent # 1,566,764. Filed May 15, 1923, granted 22. Dec 1925.

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                                                                                                                                                                       Marked "PAT APP'L FOR"

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The following information is from the Middletown City Directories. Map X

Stone & Murphy Handle Mfgrs (Wire) 30 Williams St 1923-25. (Auto accessories wire valve handles)

Berkeley C. Stone was listed as President of C. O. Stone and Son contractors and builders, 1923, 25 and 30.

Thomas A. Murphy was listed as Manager Middletown Roofing co., 1923-25. 1930 as Sect-treas Stone & Murphy inc.


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