Tool Makers of
Middletown, Connecticut

The information in the following pages is about tool makers in Middletown, Connecticut during the 1800's and 1 from 1925. Also, I've provided a separate page that lists the references that I used and a links page to other tool related sites.   Please look them over and if you have any information to add or comments please email them to me. Each maker has a separate page. It has a picture of one of their products,  if available, tools made, years of operation, owners names, location if  known  etc. Makers with an (*) have at least one picture.

© 2024 Richard D. Dickerson. All Rights Reserved.


  About Me

Last updated 1 July.  See Whats New

Traffic Report for June 1,135 Total for 2024  6,779

Allison, William P. (*)

Allison, J. D. (*)

Arnold, James H. Co. (*)

Arrowmammett Works (*)

Baldwin Tool Co  (*)

Barnes & Johnson (*)

Beaumont, Joseph

Bill, John

Bonfoey & Work

Burrows & Hubbard


Carter, Benjamin (*)

Carter & Co. (*)

Chamberlain, Lewis & Co (*)

Clark, Joseph

Closson, N. H. (*)

Cooley & Co

Coulman E. J.

Crouch, T. C. & Co.  (*)

Davenport, John (*)

Doebler Mfg. Co.

Donohoe Brothers

Doud, Daniel

Douglas, W & B (*)

Draper & Hall

Ferree & Hayden (*)

Flagg, W. F.

Flagg & Bonnell

Garratt, John

Globe Mfg. Co  (*)

Grover &Young (*)

Grover, Oliver F. (*)

Hall Brothers

Hannan, J. (*)

Hayden, Randolph (*)

Hedge & Co.

Hinsdale & White

Hotchkiss & Smith

Hotchkiss Mfg. Co. (*)

Hotchkiss Hardware Co. (*)


Hough, Isaac J (*)

Hough & Co. (*)

Hubbard & Brothers

Hubbard & Curtiss Mfg. Co  (*)

Hubbard HDW Co  (*)

Hubbard, C & F (*)

Hubbard C.C.  (*)

Johnson, Pratt& Loth



Kelsey, George R.

Libby & Jordan

Low, F. W. & Sons

Middlesex Mfg. Co  (*)

Middletown Machine Works

Middletown Tool Co  (*)



Neal & Hubbard

Nelson & Hubbard  (*)

Nelson, Merrick (*)

Nelson & Savage

Noble, William M. (*)

Penfield, Ira K. (*)

Richardson, Asa (*)

Richardson & Co.

Rule Makers

Russell, W (*)

Sanseer  Mfg. Co.

Savage & Carter

Savage, Seth (*)

Smith, James O.


Smith, Otis A. (*)

King & Smith

Johnson & Smith

Savage & Smith   (*)


Spencer, William D. (*)

Star Tool Co  (*)

Starr Mfg. Co  (*)

Stevens J. & E. & Co.

Stiles & Parker Press (*)

Stiles & Pollard

Stiles, Norman C. (*)

Stone & Murphy (*)

Stroud, William

Tewksbury & Tuttle

Tidgewell & Co  (*)

Tidgewell & Son

Van Sands, George

Vansands, S. D.

Victor Sewing Machine Co    (*)

Ward, Samuel C.

The Warner Family (*)

Warwick Tool Co  (*)

Way, William

Wetherell, Henry (*)

Wilcox-Crittenden (*)

Wolcott-Russell (*)

Tool Makers of Middlesex County

Middletown and Middlesex County Patents


From Other Countries

Kimball, Abraham T.


Connecticut State Library

Connecticut State Historical Society

Mills, Making Places of Connecticut

Middlesex County Historical Societies

