Hotchkiss & Smith

Tool Makers of
Middletown, Connecticut


Tools Made: Try and bevel squares, machinist rules, screw drivers, calipers and dividers.

Julius Hotchkiss

Edward C. Smith

Working Dates:1878-81.

      This company succeeded the Star Tool Co. In the 1875 City Directory Julius Hotchkiss was listed as President of the Star Tool Co. and Edward Smiths' employment there. Also, Julius was listed as President of the Airline Railroad. I don't know if they made tools under their company name or continued to use the Star Mark. The company was listed as Tool Manufacturers and as iron and brass founders located at Zoar south of Pamecha pond in the 1877 city directory. Map J.

Julius Hotchkiss, born 11 July 1810 in Waterbury, CT. and died 23 December 1879 in Middletown.

See Star Tool Co., Hayden and Ferree & Hayden.

References:  20, 36, 66.           Back Home

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