Sanseer   MFG. Co.

Tool Makers of
Middletown, Connecticut


Tools Made: Lathes, shovels and machinery.

Working Dates: 1823-1884.

Iron & Brass Foundry.

    "Sanseer Manufacturers of Machinery, Cutting and Stamping Dies, Punches, models. Wooden Hat Patterns

    to order. Also, Plate Locks, Cast Shovels, bed-stead Joints, and Fancy Castings. Special attention given to

    repairing Machinery and forging of all kinds. Manufacturers of American Excelsior Pruning Shears, South Farms.

    Officers in 1874: S. North, Pres. and Treas. F. W. Flagg, Secretary."

    Started by Samuel D. 1799-1855 and Richard Hubbard 1792-1839 and Samuel Gill for manufacturing textile machinery (Brewster Spinning Machine, invented by Gilbert Brewster). This company made various types of machinery, including a back geared lathe. Also, a machine for making ivory combs. Below are the patented issued to Gilbert, of Norwich, CT. Unfortunately, no number are listed.

Patent Item                                                     Number                     Patent Date

Spinning wool by rotary motion                      000000                       3/13/1824

Wool receiving device                                      000000                        3/13/1824

Throstle spindle making                                  000000                        3/13/1824

Spinning wheel                                                 000000                       2/27/1824


     From Ref. 55:

        The Sanseer Manufacturing Co. was incorporated 1823, with a capital

        of $20,000. C. F. Browning, President : J. H. Goodrich, Treasurer;

        W. S. Whitney, Secretary. Their main building is 52x30, two stories,

        with ell 28x36, one story ; foundry 56x40 ; annealing shop 37x28 ;

        blacksmiths' shop and brass foundry 26x32. This company manufactures

        butts, plate locks, bedstead joints, coal shovels, and light castings.

        Employ 35 persons, and consume about 200 tons of iron annually.

        The power here is furnished by a breast wheel, with 10 feet fall, situated

        on the Sanseer stream, from which this company takes its name, about

        one mile from the post office, at South Farms.

     The building is located on Main Street extension. Map P.  Historic information and pictures here.The building was burned and rebuilt in 1845 by Lewis, Prior & Co. In 1871 it was sold to George S. Hubbard. The last company to own it was the Russell Co. The building is in use today for small offices.

Below is a Wikipedia link for this company.



Sanseer1.jpg (55681 bytes)


Ad in the 1873 Connecticut Business Directory

Sanseer2.JPG (76831 bytes)

Ad from the 1873 Connecticut Business Directory.

Sanseer3.JPG (136343 bytes)


References:  14, 16, 30, 55, 62, 65.   Back Home

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