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Have you saved the world from imminent disaster?

Will your delegation's peace proposal lead to a lasting peace?

Or will it be just a temporary truce or cease fire between India and Pakistan?

It wasn't easy to reach consensus within various groups to resolve this world issue!

Whether peace lasts or not you can feel proud of yourself!

You know why?

Because by participating successfully in this web quest you have:

Wow! Well Done!

You know something?

Your work does not end with this Web Quest on Peace and Diplomacy.

Continue reading on-line reports, accessing television and newspaper analysis to follow the latest developments in the subcontinent.

Check to see if your proposals are actually implemented to solve this conflict.

Keep on questioning and asking . . .

I leave you with this final question:

What can each of you do in your own countries and communities to ensure a safer and better world for your future generations?

Peace is not something you wish for;
it's something you make,
something you do,
something you are,
and something you give away!

Robert Fulghum