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Whew! You're done!

Here's your chance to evaluate your work during the Web Quest by using the following rubrics.

Your teacher will be using the same rubrics to evaluate how well you accomplished your tasks.

You will be evaluated on your performance in the following tasks:

1. Delegation Collaboration

2. Peace Proposal (Creative Solution)

3. Individual Letter to the Editor/Web Site/Peace Organization

In addition to checking yourself against the rubrics, do another self-evaluation by writing the answers to the following questions and sharing them with a classmate before giving them to your teacher:

  1. What could you have done to work more effectively during this Web Quest?

  2. Identify your greatest frustration and greatest success.

  3. Which was your favorite web site and why?

  4. Did you find a web site that could be added to the quest? What is it's URL?

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Evaluation Rubrics

The Point Scale being used is at the end.

1. Delegation Collaboration Rubric


4 - Gathers a lot of information which is all relevant to the role.

3 - Gathers some basic information which is mostly related to the role.

2 - Gathers very little information or information is not relevant to the role.

1 - Does not gather information relevant to the role.


4 - Shares a lot of information relevant to the peace proposal.

3 - Shares some information, some of which is relevant.

2 - Shares either too little information or information that is not relevant.

1 - Does not share any information.

On Task

4 - Always does assigned work without being reminded and performs team role.

3 - Rarely needs reminding to complete work and usually performs team role.

2 - Rarely does assigned work, needs many reminders and does not perform team role.

1 - Relies on others to do the work and does not perform assigned team role.


4 - Considers all views and helps delegation to come to fair solution.

3 - Usually considers all views usually helps delegation to come to fair solution.

2 - Often sides with friends instead of considering all views.

1 - Usually wants own view considered while ignoring other views.

2. Peace Proposal (Creative Solution) Rubric

Representation of Views

4 - Includes meaningful, relevant information from all of the roles.

3 - Includes meaningful, relevant information from five of the roles.

2 - Some of the information was irrelevant or lacked meaning and was from fewer than five of the roles.

1 - Much information was irrelevant and did not have meaning and was from fewer than three of the roles.


4 - Is expressive, focused, insightful, original and well organized.

3 - Is thoughtful, original, well organized.

2 - Shows some thoughtfulness, originality and organization.

1 - Lacks thoughtfulness, originality and/or organization and was difficult to follow.


4 - Spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure are correct and error free.

3 - Spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure are correct and essentially error free.

2 - Spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure contain many errors.

1 - Proper spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure contain were not used.


4 - Information is analyzed or synthesized to form a conclusion which reflects understanding.

3 - Conclusion restates topic sentence and may add additional comment to support it.

2 - Conclusion is a simple statement.

1 - No conclusion stated.

3. Individual Letter to the Editor/Web Site/Peace Organization Rubric


4 - Topic is clearly stated and draws the reader into the piece in a creative way.

3 - Topic is clearly stated.

2 - Topic is not stated but the reader is aware of it because the letter includes sentences or phrases which are related to it.

1 - Topic is not stated and without prompt the topic would not be clear.

Development and Organization

4 - Main idea is fully developed.

3 - Main idea is developed and sequencing is logical and effective.

2 - Main idea is developed.

1 - Main idea is stated or implied but the ideas are no connected or organized.

Word Choice

4 - Vivid words and phrases strengthen writer's ideas.

3 - Some vivid words and phrases are used to strengthen writer's ideas.

2 - Variety in word use is limited and may seem forced or overused.

1 - Writer exhibits limited vocabulary.


4 - Spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure are correct and error free.

3 - Spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure are correct and essentially error free.

2 - Spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure contain many errors.

1 - Proper spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure contain were not used.


4 - Information is analyzed or synthesized to form a conclusion which reflects understanding.

3 - Conclusion restates topic sentence and may add additional comment to support it.

2 - Conclusion is a simple statement.

1 - No conclusion stated.

Point Scale

= Exceptional: 47-52 (90-100%)

= Excellent: 42-46 (80-89%)

= Average: 37-41 (70-79%)

= Below Average: 32-36 (60-69%)

= Fail: Below 32 (59% and below)