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Role Portfolios

  1. Kashmir Portfolio

  2. Pakistan Portfolio

  3. India Portfolio

  4. USA Portfolio

  5. Nuclear Non-Proliferationist's Portfolio

  6. Human Rights Activist's Portfolio

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Kashmir Portfolio

Use the Internet information linked below to answer these questions specifically related to Kashmiri people and groups affected by the conflict between India and Pakistan.

Internet Sites for Kashmir

Jammu and Kashmir
The sites got everything you ever wanted to know about Kashmir in the form of photographs and reports from a variety of sources.

The Simla Agreement
Review the terms of the agreement signed by India and Pakistan after the 1971 war over Kashmir.

Indo-Pak Relations
The site's got it all: news reports, opinion and analysis. You can read proposals for positive steps to reach a solution and improve relations.

Don't forget to get ideas from
Pakistan-India Relations: The Way Ahead

The Official Site of Pakistani Government
It's got news, basic facts, religion, history, Kargil Special, and news of Kashmir.

Want to know it all? The sites going to deliver. Facts, opinions, reports, resolutions, pacts, agreements, articles, research, discussions, and further links on the Kashmir issue all in one place.
What more could you ask for?

Subcontinent Sees a Light
Examines leadership, conflicts and steps toward peace.

Pakistan-India Relations and the Kashmir Dispute
The main and loudest opponent to Pakistan's withdrawal to their side of the Line of Control. The Jamaat-e-Islami are the biggest supporters of the mujahideen fighting in Kashmir.

Discover India
This is the official Indian government website with links to nuclear policy, India at the U.N., a country profile, and foreign relations. Here you will focus on

Pakistan's Sharif meets with military over Kashmir
This very useful site from CNN has links to perspectives of Pakistan, India, and Kashmir.

Pakistan Portfolio

Use the Internet information linked below to answer questions specifically related to people affected by the conflict between India and Pakistan.

Internet Sites for Pakistan

The Simla Agreement
Review the terms of the agreement signed by India and Pakistan after the 1971 war over Kashmir.

Indo-Pak Relations
The site's got it all: news reports, opinion and analysis. You can read proposals for positive steps to reach a solution and improve relations.

Don't forget to get ideas from
Pakistan-India Relations: The Way Ahead

The Official Site of Pakistani Government
It's got news, basic facts, religion, history, Kargil Special, and news of Kashmir.

Want to know it all? The sites going to deliver. Facts, opinions, reports, resolutions, pacts, agreements, articles, research, discussions, and further links on the Kashmir issue all in one place.
What more could you ask for?

Pakistan Link
There are many stories on the site which describe the peace efforts and history of the conflict.

Building Trust in South Asia
A leading Pakistani newspaper provides insight. This paper is worth searching for more well-written and intelligent analysis.

Subcontinent Sees a Light
Examines leadership, conflicts and steps toward peace.

Pakistan-India Relations and the Kashmir Dispute
The main and loudest opponent to Pakistan's withdrawal to their side of the Line of Control. The Jamaat-e-Islami are the biggest supporters of the mujahideen fighting in Kashmir.

Contains everything you want to know about Pakistan! Check out the "View from Pakistan." Includes data from air defense reports and the Pakistani government.

Pakistan's Sharif meets with military over Kashmir
This very useful site from CNN has links to perspectives of Pakistan, India, and Kashmir.

India Portfolio

Use the Internet information linked below to answer these questions specifically related to Indian people and groups affected by the conflict between India and Pakistan.

Internet Sites for India Official

Contains everything you want to know about India! Check out the "View from India." Includes data from the Indian military and the wars of 1965 and 1971. See the Kashmir crisis from India's point of view.

The Simla Agreement
Review the terms of the agreement signed by India and Pakistan after the 1971 war over Kashmir.

Dateline Kargil
India Today will give you the Indian perspective on Kashmir through a visual documentary, an animated account and complete news coverage.

Indo-Pak Relations
The site's got it all: news reports, opinion and analysis. You can read proposals for positive steps to reach a solution and improve relations.

Don't forget to get ideas from
Pakistan-India Relations: The Way Ahead

Subcontinent Sees a Light
Examines leadership, conflicts and steps toward peace.

Discover India
This is the official Indian government website with links to nuclear policy, India at the U.N., a country profile, and foreign relations. Here you will focus on