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Welcome to visit my personal web site

This is my personal webpage. My name is Tianfu Wang, come from China. During 1987 to 1991, I was studying B.Sc. of Forestry in Northeast Forestry University Harbin, China and started work in Hebei Forestry Bureau from 1991 to 1995. I moved to Finland in September of 1995, and studying B.Sc. of International Forestry in Kuru College of Forestry and in December of 1996, I was enrolled to study M.Sc. of Forestry in Helsinki University.

My major is Forestry Pathology. Recently I am working with Spruce shoot blight caused by Sirococcus conigenus and spruce rust disease caused by Chrysomyxa abietis.

My wife is Li-mei Wang, or call her May. She also graduated from same University as I had in China. Her personal hobby is Paper Folding known as Origami. I have a lovely daughter, Amy Wang . She is 6 years old and they came to Finland in August of 1997.

My personal hobby is Chinese Kungfu in term of Wushu.It has been bringing me lots of fun.

I also like Chinese calligraphy and Chinese tradational paintings .

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