Ode to Lady Freyja

Freyja, beloved One,
I want to be in thy arms,
hot, cosy and warm.
Wonderful is thine voice’s tone!

Freyja, thy sweetness is total!
Makes me fall in adoration.
Thy love is infinite and overall!
Ye have all of my fascination.

My heart is in Valhol, but too in Volkgang.
Even if I am a Odin’s Kin,
To stay at thine side is a win.
With all my beloved friends as one gang.

Everything that comes from thee,
Is called threasure.
Thine beautifulness I see,
brightful, sweet and pure.

Threasure is thine love,
and for it I seek thy admiration.
I must give my best move,
even if I am full of fascination.

From into the seas deepest,
to the Highest Mountain,
Of thine sweet honey I seek the fountain
I could not find anything more best.

Thine Love is infinite,
Shared with all of us.
With thee, I must be polite,
to a damsel who is such marvelous.

Glorious Lady of Wonders,
to adore thee, I’ll never repent.
Forever, I want be one of thy lovers,
and with t’is, that poem have an Happy End.

<BGSOUND SRC="images/sayyousayme.mid" LOOP=true>

Music: Say You, Say Me

By: Octavio Augusto Okimoto Alves de Carvalho
Godhi Medhal Mikit Stór-Ljon Oddhinsson

Norse Religious Traditionalism