Elder Fuþark Row

Hail our Glorious Raven Flag!!!Ásatrú Vanatrú - Forn Sed BrazilWe art Lord Wotan's Wolves

Wotan's Man w/Spears and Sword        

The One Eyed Alfather Lord Wotan


        Wotan's Man w/Spears and Sword

Heill WODEN!!!

This site was designed to
a resolution of
Este Site foi designado para
ser visto em uma resolução de

Lo there do I see my Father,
Lo there do I see my Mother,
Lo there do I see my Sisters and Brothers
Lo there do I see my Ancestors
Lo there do I see the line of my People back to the beginning
Lo they do call to me.
Lo they do bid me take my place amongst them In the Halls of the Gods,
Where the Brave and Worthy may live FOREVER!!!
Parting Prayer - Norse Traditional.
(þüsínd þókk to Paul Strong Culling-Australia)

"Odin I await thee
Thy True son am I
I hail thee now as I die
I pledge thee my sword and to no man I kneel
Ours is the kingdom of steel"

"Gods of War I call thyselves
My sword is by my side
I seek a life of Honour
Free from all false-pride
I will crack the whip with a bold mighty hail
Cover me with death if I should ever fail
Glory, Majesty, Unity, HAIL HAIL HAIL"
By: Manowar

'I Hail Thee, Oh Lord Wotan of the Aesir
Lord of the Winds, Alfather, Valfather,
Lord of the Runes and the Norse Misteries,
And Great Yng Hero from the Oriental Lands!
Thou art the holder of the Traditions at the same time
thou art the Great Inovator!
Wotan, The Great Shaman! Wotan, Far wanderer,
going where no God went before!
Great art thy gifts and thy ways.
In Honour of thyself, the Aesir and Vanir,
Aesgaarð and Our Glorious Raven Flag
We Send our Hails.
For the magical powers of
Fire, Ice and Wind:
Goði Meðal Mikit Stór-Ljón Oddhinsson

Postumous Homnage / Homenagem Postumas



The Hall of Inspiration
O Salão da Inspiração


How I became a Heathen and Why I am a Wodan's Man

Freedom Statement/Um Grito Pela Liberdade

Ásatrú(Norse Religion)/Ásatru(Religião Nordica)

The Myth of the Dark Side of Odin
O Mito do Lado Negro de Odin

Ásatrú is not Nazi

Ásatrú vs Satanism
Ásatrú vs Satanismo

Porque a Wicca não é Celtica v3.2

Ásatrú e Cristianismo

Jornal Asafreedom

Jornal Asafreedom
Noticias sobre Ásatrú,
Combate a Discriminação Religiosa
E Denuncias


Ásatrú Texts / Textos Ásatrú

The Poetic Eddas

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Elder Fuþark Row

We aren't sheeps of a God who is alien to us
We art Lord Wotan Wolves

Não somos cordeiros de um deus que nos é estranho
Somos os Lobos do Lord Wotan

If someone knows something about the authorship of any contends of t'is site that is without the
Apropriate notes of Authorship, please email me.
Se alguém souber algo sobre a autoria de algum conteudo deste site que não esteja citado,
por favor, mandem me email e eu corrigirei a situação assim que puder.

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Pagina elaborada por

Goði Meðal Mikit Stór-Ljón Oddhinsson