Recomended Sources

And some comments bellow.

An asterisk "*" denotes a highly recommended source. Some of this books listed
bellow was used to build t'is site.
An ":-(" means a "not very much recomended source. It means that parts of the contends
are inacurate in an historical sense, but certain parts of its contends was used in this site.
If ye want to purchase it ":-(" be adviced.
An ">:-(" means a very NOT recomended source if ye don't want something new age, or up from
modern fantasies without any academical base...

--The Poetic Edda translated by Lee M. Hollander, University of Texas Press, 2nd ed., 1962.***
Univ. of Texas Press, l988, ISBN 0-292-76499-5, $13
( The main collection of eddic lays, originally in Old Norse. Most composed around 10th century.)
Very very very good and recomended source!!! The only complainment is that Mr. Hollander
is not a heathenist, and maybe one or another of those very helpful notes for studies and references
would contain doubtuous interpretations. Anyway, Mr. Hollander is a very studious one on this subject.
Also know as The Elder Eddas

--The Prose Edda of Snorri Sturluson translated by Jean I. Young **
University of Calif. Press, 1954, ISBN 0-520-01232-1, $8
(One of the greatest works of Norse literature/mythology.)
Another great source to any serious student of the norse culture and heathenism.
Also know as The Younger Eddas

--The Saga of the Volsungs translated by Jesse L. Byock, University of California Press, 1990.*
University of Calif. Press, 1990, ISBN 0-520-06904-8, $9
A very good historical source of study. Very recomended to those who already studied
the Elder and Younger Eddas.

edited by Einar Haugen, University of Calif. Press, 1973, ISBN 0-520-03507-0, $10
(Definitive work of Norse mythology by one of the most influential academic
specialists in mythology of our time. Author founded school of Structural
Mythology. Translated from French by Einar Haugen and his old Norse class.)

--Gods and Myths of Northern Europe by H.R.Ellis Davidson.*

--The Norse Myths by Kevin Crossley-Holland, Pantheon Books, 1980.*
Pantheon Books, New York USA, 1980, ISBN: 0-394-74846-8, $7.95
(Excellent retelling of myths, with some good cultural background, even what they ate!)

--Gods of The Ancient Northmen by George Dumezil, 1973 *
edited by Einar Haugen, University of Calif. Press, 1973, ISBN 0-520-03507-0, $10
(Definitive work of Norse mythology by one of the most influential academic
specialists in mythology of our time. Author founded school of Structural Mythology.
Translated from French by Einar Haugen and his old Norse class.)

--Heimskringla translated by Lee M. Hollander.
(This is a marginal item, as it treats mostly of Christian times, but it does
have a lot of useful information in it for the dedicated.)

--Eirik the Red and other Icelandic Sagas translated by Gwyn Jones, Oxford University Press, 1961.
--The Well of Remembrance by Ralph Metzner, Shambhala, 1994.
--Teutonic Religion by Kveldulf Gundarsson. *
--Teutonic Magic by Kveldulf Gundarsson, Llewellyn Publications, inc; 1994.*
--A Book of Troth by Edred Thorsson, Llewellyn Publications, inc; 1994.
Some of the contends are useful. At least it is better than Michael Howard and Ralph Blum...

--The Galdrabok, An Icelandic Grimoire translated by Flowers, Stephen E. *
Stephen E. Flowers is the real name of Edred Thorsson.
But this book is traditional and he only translated this one.

-- Rune Magic, Donald Tyson >:-(
Llewellyn Publications, 1988 PO Box 64838 St. Paul, MN 55164-0383,
ISBN 0-87542-826-6 $9.95
(Complete junk! Unless, of course, you like treating Gods as slaves,
drinking ashes, and smearing your blood around.)

-- Fire and Ice by Flowers, S. Edred :-(
Llewellyn pub. St. Paul Minn, 55164-0383, 1989, ISBN 0-87542-776-6, $10
(Information on German secret societies.
The information is possibly not current.)
Not useful to someone in asatru. Maybe useful to a Free-Mason one or a Templar
who want to be introduced into heathenism issue.'.

-- Leaves of Yiggdrasil by Freya Aswynn :-(
Llewellyn pub. St. Paul Minn, 55164-0383, 1989, ISBN 0-87542-024-9, $13 (Runes, Gods, Magic, Feminine Mysteries, Folklore : heavily influenced by Wicca and Crowley and augmented by Ms. Aswynn's inner revelations.)
An Chauvinistical Feminist Dianic Norse Wiccan
who pretend to be Asatruar...

--The Rites of Odin Ed Fitch >:-(
Llewellyn Publications, PO Box 64383 St. Paul MN 55164-0383, 1990,
ISBN: 0-887542-224-1, $12.95
( Bad mythology, Wiccan oriented rituals, some nice ideas, descriptions on
how to make banners, drinking horns, etc. Illustrated by Robin Wood.)

-- NJAL'S SAGA, translated by Magnus Magnusson & Hermann Palsson *
Penguin Books, ISBN 0-14-044103-4, $5 (Probably the best source of information
on Norse pagan society operating at full efficiency.)
If I am not wrong, Magnus Magnusson is a member of the Noorway Foreningen Forn Sedh org
A very studious person.

-- EGIL'S SAGA, translated by Hermann Palsson & Paul Edwards, *
Penguin Books, ISBN 0-14-044321-5, $5 (Adventures of a semilikable
scoundrel in Pagan Norway and Iceland.)

--The Magic of Runes by Michael Howard, The Aquarian Press, 1980. :-(
--The Wisdom of The Runes by Michael Howard, Random Century Group, 1985. :-(
--Myths of the Norsemen H.A.Guerber, Dover Books, 1992.

( A hilarious book. Take a break from the serious stuff and have some
fun with an archaeologist who digs up more than she expected...)

Universitaetsbuchhandlung, Heidelburg. paperbd ISBN 3-533-03080-6, 78 Marks=$50
hardbd ISBN 3-533-03081-4, 100 Marks=$70
(This is in German, but since there is almost nothing here but Old Norse text, it hardly matters.)
-Alas!!! I've heard this is a very good book. But unfortunatelly I don't read any word in German...
IMPORTANT NOTE to those distracted ones
who still unaware. THIS BOOK IS NOT IN ENGLISH!!!

Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-811172-X, $23
(This is an EXCELLENT introduction to Old Norse,
with quite modern approach to the linguistic aspects. It would be especially
comfortable to those with a computer orientation, since it explains grammatical
rules more or less like a computer manual.)

-- Norse Mythology...According to Uncle Einar (humour) by Jane T. Sibley, 2000. **
ISBN 0-7388-4419-5 trade paperback, retail $16
ISBN 0-7388-4418-7 (hardcover) maybe US$ 25 (I am not sure on this one's price)
Very very very recommended book. I know Lady Jane. She is not only bright, but very
studious on the heathenism issue. I am sure if ye are a student of the Lore, ye will take
many good laughs from this book.

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