Ekat's Fanfictions
These are just a few of Ekat's stories, short and amusing vignettes.
Summary: Saturday morning - Methos style
It all started with aremark about our mailing list being Smurfs friendly. No, don't even ask....... just read it...
Summary: instant chat with the ROG
What if you hooked up with the Old Man online? Hmmmm....
Summary: Methos' view on Quickenings
Could it be one of the reasons why he hates to fight?
Replies to Ramblings to an Old Man
Summary: Duncans reaction to Methos idea of a Quickening.
Seems that Kilt-Boy ain't all "goody-goody" as we thought....
Ekat is a member of the Methos Scrolls, an HL-based mailing list dedicated to our all-time favorite Oldest Immortal. Why don't you join us?
Ekat's Fan fictions are a collection from