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View of Lighthouse from Bay of Pozzuoli
Driving in Naples:
This can take some getting used to!!!! Rules of the road are basically the same as stateside, but the Italians have no clue that they are supposed to follow them. Headlights are always used in tunnels and on autostradas, they are also normally flashed by a car that is planning to pass you (you better move over or he will be in your trunk!!). Horns are used frequently, especially when stopped at a red light, the second the light turns green they are on their horns. Horns are also used as a courtesy, if they are afraid you may pull out in front of them, or they are passing they will give you a little toot, basically to say "I'm here." There are speed limits on all roads, but one would never know it. The Italians tend to drive at whatever speed they wish, whether it be fast or slow. They tend to just stop wherever they want to for a chat, or a cafe. Be warned, if you hit a parked car it is your fault, no matter where it's parked. This all sounds horrible I know, but believe me, there really is a method to their madness, and after a while it all makes sense and you'll have no trouble. When we first arrived in Naples I said no way was I going to drive here. We had been here two weeks when our car arrived, and I was the one that drove it away from the base. After a short time I drove it anywhere I wanted to go, and have had no problems.
Driver's License:
To drive in Italy you will need an Italian translation of your valid stateside driver's license. During Area Orientation you will given a test on International Road Signs. It is mandatory that all military members and family members pass this test. Make sure that your stateside license is not going to expire during your tour in Italy. International Driver's Licenses are not required in Italy, however, if you desire to obtain one from the AAA in the United States, you are still required to maintain a valid stateside driver's license for AFI plate registration and documentation. International Licenses are generally valid for only one year.  Young adults (under 18) are not allowed to drive in Italy.
Automobile Registration:
Every automobile must be registered through the NSA Motor Vehicle Registration Office (MVRO) before Allied Forces Italy (AFI) plates will be issued. You must pay a one time registration fee of 6 Euro and a plate fee of $5.00. If more than one car is registered you are subject to payment of Italian Road Tax yearly, on the second car, and based on the size of the engine or cubic centimeters and base engine horsepower.  This tax ranges from 25-100 Euro on gasoline engines, on diesel engines, the cost is tripled.   Each year one month prior to the anniversary date of the registration of the vehicle these payments are due. During the initial first car registration you will be issued "white" AFI plates, this is the car that your gas ration is calculated on. The second and third registered car will be given "black" plates. Technically, you are not permitted to use your ration coupons for gas or oil, in any vehicle other than the white plated one. The base issues coupons if a car is rented for the purpose of government travel or your personal vehicle is authorized for use for TAD or TDY. Upon the payment of the above fees you will be issued your plates and your ration information put into the system at NEX.
Catalytic Converter:
Do not remove your catalytic converter. Unleaded gas is plentiful, and costs less than Leaded Super. The Italian Government has required catalytic converters on all new cars within Italy since 1993. Cars without converters are frequently restricted as to where they may drive during smog reduction days. On these days, older cars, or those without the converter are prohibited from driving in Downtown Naples, and other heavy traffic areas.
Gasoline & Oil:
Gasoline and oil are available to DOD personnel in Italy on a tax-free basis - which amounts to a substantial discount from the local market prices.  The ration amount and fuel type, depends on the primary vehicle's engine size, engine base horsepower and fuel requirement.  100 or  200 (engine over 600cc), 300 (engine over 1200cc), or 400 (engine over 2900cc) liters per month.   Motorcycles will not exceed 200 liters per month. The ration coupons may be purchased on a monthly basis from NEX in amounts of 100 liters up to your allotted amount. You may accumulate your months gas ration during the year, but they must be resold to NEX once per year. All ration coupons expire on 30 September of the following year.  Gas coupons are only authorized at AGIP, IP, and some ESSO stations.  The Fina station located near the Support Site is also authorized to accept coupons.
Cancellation of insurance or any other failure to maintain required coverage will be sufficient grounds for immediate termination of all registration and driving privileges.
Vehicle Rental:
If you plan to rent a car while waiting for your vehicle to arrive from the US you are eligible to obtain temporary gasoline ration coupons through MVRO.
Buying a vehicle:
You are able to purchase American vehicles, as well as foreign models from various sources both on and off base.  Automobiles, other than Italian makes, when bought in Italy, are imported duty free and deliveries can be made here in Naples.  When buying an Italian car you are exempt from paying the IVA (Italian Excise Tax).  It is very easy to buy a new car on the economy, we purchased a new VW Caddy, with no problem.  Car lots here though are nothing like they are in the US, here you need to go track down a salesman...imagine!!!