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Navy Exchange (NEX)

The NEX here is very small compared to one on a fairly large base stateside. The brands and sizes of clothing available at any one time can vary. As with any Navy military exchange our prices tend to be higher than commercial/discount stores located in the U.S., such at Wal-Mart, K-Mart, etc. It's a good idea to bring catalogs with you, and to have someone stateside that can ship you an item if it can not be found locally. The exchange carries basically the same brands and types of merchandise as stateside, but in limited quantities. There is a medium size electronics section, with various product lines available, and usually staffed by manufacturers representatives. Located in the lobby are: Local vendors that change every couple of weeks or once a month, and there is also a T-shirt shop, film developing, small flower shop and framing shop located in the lobby. The tailor shop, small fabric & sewing crafts shop, and uniform shop are located upstairs in the same building.

The NEX has a music/video store located on base. They have a good supply of CD's and cassette tapes. Most CD's are released here about one week after they are released in the states. The same holds true for videos.

There is a video rental shop located on base. The "new" videos are released here after they are done with their first run in the U.S. theaters. A movie that was a big hit in the U.S. usually has about 15 copies to be rented here. Unfortunately it's first come first served, and it can take several weeks to get ahold of a particular movie. New releases are rented for $3.50 per day, releases that have been out for a little while are $2.50 per day, and releases that have been out for a long time range in rental price from $0.50 to $1.50 per day. If you rent a movie on Friday, it's not due back until Monday and you will be charged for only one days rental.