Anyway, if I became a Christian because I thought Christian metal was great, then I would have quit a long time ago...

- A Fan

Christian Rock Defense

"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15

The Book:

Chapter 1 - This link will take you to the theological part of the site, defending the music itself (Christian rock) directly from Scripture. Although a lot of this site is specific to Seventh Day Adventists, this chapter can apply to and be used by all denominations as a reference and a study guide. Other musical styles and instruments themselves are defended below. More will always be added.

Chapter 2 - Here is a true and ongoing account concerning worship and praise music (hymns etc.) in a church setting. This is a true story and there has been some debate regarding the necessity of this kind of information. However, due to the nature of the situation I believe it can be very helpful to those out there who feel they are alone and that nobody can relate to their situation and/or maybe they are even starting to question their own God given talents as being scripturally sound. That is why I find that the internet is such a great tool and a resource for some of life's most difficult questions because it obliterates the boundaries of communication and distance. I have made NO attempt to name names or the church name, or even church titles for that matter. I did record the whole situation keeping this text in mind, "Do everything in love." 1 Corinthians 16:14.

Resource List:

Article - Here is a great article entitled "How should we worship?" Written specifically for the Seventh-day Adventist church, it is a great resource and discusses the Biblical position on worship as well as those of our church pioneers.

Quotes - Here are many quotes from Ellen G. White on the issue of musical instruments and worship.

Messenger and Review Articles - Excerpts from many great articles on worship and music that I have collected and compiled over the years.

Articles from Andrews - Here are some great articles on Christian rock. The controversy at Andrews was started when Pastor Dwight Nelson said that Christian rock music is an oxymoron in his sermon at the Pioneer Memorial Church.

Three Strikes in the Attack On Christian Music - An enlightening article taken from the 70x7 music web site.

Questions and Answers - Here are answers to some questions I have received. Please do not email me questions before reading this to make sure your question isn't already answered. Thanks.

Book - Here is a great book on Christian rock that is authored by a Pastor who once rejected it. I found it very useful and informative.

Links - Here are some very good links to further your research on Christian rock and musical styles. These sites represent a variety of denominations and are a tremendous help.


NOTE: In order to make this site as realistic and as accurate as possible from a Christian and non-Christian perspective, I do not delete any forum or guestbook entries unless there are direct obscenities such as swearing or something of a similar nature.

One popular argument against Christian rock is that it is 'worldly.' Well, by reading a few of these entries you will see what 'worldly' people think of Christian rock...they do not like it! So how can it be 'worldy' if the world does not embrace it!

P.S. Please ignore any secular banner ads. I have no control over them. Thanks.

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