
Questions and Answers:


I do have a couple of questions. Do the early rock and roll stars claim that they used their music purposely to change the minds of those who listened to rebel against authority? Did they also use it purposely for Satan?


You could look at this from a variety of angles. 1. The rock and roll stars vs. the rock and roll star (the individual). 2. The "industry" of rock and roll vs. the evolution of music. Let me explain.

To start with example 1, there are many who were sincere (but to me as I study the Bible they appear to be sincerely wrong) and then you have the downright deceitful.

Let us look at who most would call the founder of rock, Elvis. He grew up on primarily gospel music, went to church etc., while on the other hand would sing songs promoting adultery etc.

Now when confronted with some of these issues (namely his "pelvic thrusts") he broke down and cried stating that he would not do anything in public that he wouldn't do in front of his mother. Now how do we justify this. I believe we cannot. But we must ask ourselves based on his reactions...was this style of music and everything surrounding it created for the soul purpose of rebellion? Some would say no, and some would say yes. Based on this example alone, we would tend to lean more towards a no.

On the other hand we have Jerry Lee Lewis. Although he didn't create rock and roll in the way you would say Elvis did, he was a lot more candid concerning his intentions. As you say, rebellion, post-war, having a good time. Without stating any specifics of his personal life which would not be hard, you can see what I'm getting at. We would tend to lean more towards a yes since he could definitely be considered a founder of this type of music.

Now let us look at the same examples while using illustration 2. The industry of rock vs. the evolution of music. Let us take Elvis again. Nobody "knew" what kind of music he was going to create or where any of this was going, at least in the physical realm. He was just playing what was considered "exciting" stuff for that time. Now, I say evolution of music because what he was playing wasn't as raw a form of music (by far in some cases) as what we know today. As you listen to it (especially his earlier recordings) some would consider it almost country. This being so due to rock coming from a combination of country, gospel and blues. Why would this mixture create this sound? Who knows? But it happened. Let me try and elaborate further.

Music is an art form. What comes out of your mouth (or your fingers) comes from your heart. The Bible says this plainly (mouth only). Now because he was at the wrong place at the wrong time (from a Christian perspective) he played a big role in creating this music. But even though what was coming from his heart might not have been "okay" to the Bible believing Christian, the development of music (in terms of sound) happened to be at that point. What I am trying to say is it is not the music itself (the style), but the performer in question.

Here's an example. If there is a plane full of people with only 1 Canadian passenger and the Canadian passenger says something nasty, guess what? All Canadians get painted with the same brush. You could take that as the "industry" of rock and roll per se.

Even though the music has a "beat" (which all music does), it is what the beat was written for and why. Secular rock is fast, why? Because you get excited and passionate for women, alcohol etc. and the artist writing about it is excited. Christian rock is fast, why? Because the artist is happy in a much different way, that they know God.

Continuing with the evolution of music, as early as the late 60's Christian rock was coming on the scene (which many are not aware of) with bands like Agape. They were mostly underground but they were there. Their music also sounded different than today's rock. Why? Because it was also evolving. Whether Christian or non-Christian one thing remained, the music itself was developing.

Another example is blues. It sounds sad, why? To the secular artist it is because their girl left them. To the Christian it is because they are backsliding. Blues also evolved. It came from the negro-spirituals etc. They were experiencing slavery and used music as an art form to express that.

P.S. Here is a good link to an essay on the history of rock music. http://www.mindspring.com/~brucec/history.htm


Why do people play hard rock during worship services?


Actually, it depends on the people doing it and the people who are listening to it. The first thing we should ask ourselves is, "Will it cause my brother to stumble?" If the answer is yes I believe we should not do this. Many people, unfortunately do not take this into account.

On the other hand, there are people out there no matter how careful you are who are ready, willing and able to shut music ministries down. I know that from personal experience and we were not even playing rock but country/gospel. We were more doing it to use our spiritual talents and to edify God's church.

Music is a very personal thing. It seems the controversy over this issue as of late has become a rather large one. This area requires a LOT of prayer before any actions are taken, especially in dealing with young people, who are the future of the church. They should be encouraged to use their gifts.

A lot of it has to do with a generational clash particularly where a change in culture is concerned. Fifty or one-hundred years from now things might be different as they were fifty or one-hundred years ago.

A good chapter to read on this is Romans 14 dealing with the weak and the strong. While dealing more specifically with food, the same can be said for music.


...I wanted a sooner response to a question. I've been studying on biblical principles of music, and I can't help but find it clear that there is a right type of music and a wrong type of music. Notice how I say "music" and not the words. I was just wondering how you reason out the Bedlam of Noise statement Sister White states in Selected Messages, book 2, (2SM) pages 36-38, and also in Messages to Young People, (MYP) pages 295-6.

Also, just to add on to that, I'd like to bring up a couple of verses just for you to dwell on: 1 Samuel 16:23- we can see that David plays his harp, no words, just the music, and it has the power to cast out demons. In 2SM 37- it says that demons are attracted to these services where the wrong type of music is played.

Deuteronomy 12:28-32- pretty much the goal of Christian Rock is to bring the worldly into the church by using music that relates to them. (I used to lead out in Christian Rock praise bands) But it clearly says in these verses to take heed that you don't worship God the way other people worship their gods. So we took this music from the world- even now there is a list of bands that have a similar sound to secular groups. "If you like ______ who is secular, you will like ______ Christian Rock band." Obviously these Christian Rock groups had to listen to these secular bands to get a similar sound, and get an influence from them, I don't think they would get similar sounds just by chance.

As a music major, I know the power of music, through just the scientific evidence that is out today, and the emotionalism that it has caused in my life and many others to think they were truly converted.

If you're gonna bag on how people think the instruments themselves are bad, save it... I know that there is nothing wrong with the instruments themselves... I just believe that there is a something wrong with how they are being played.

I ask that you please try to refrain from criticizing people and just answer my questions if you can. Thanks =)


I do agree with you that there is a right type of music and a wrong kind of music. They are called secular and Christian respectively. I will elaborate.

The Essence of Noise

Amos 5:21-24 (NIV) "I hate, I despise your religious feasts; I cannot stand your assemblies. Even though you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them. Though you bring choice fellowship offerings, I will have no regard for them. Away with the noise of your songs! I will not listen to the music of your harps. But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!"

In this particular passage it is clear that God won't accept their music and in fact calls it noise. Even the same style of music that David played to calm Saul (See Amos 6:5). Why was God calling it noise?

It had to do with the attitude of the people rather than the style itself. This clearly shows the first characteristic of what God defines as 'noise.'

Secondly, many who quote 1 Samuel 16:23 fail to bring up the following verses only 2 chapters further.

1 Samuel 18:10-11 (NIV) "The next day an evil (or injurious) spirit from God came forcefully upon Saul. He was prophesying in his house, while David was playing the harp, as he usually did. Saul had a spear in his hand and he hurled it, saying to himself, "I'll pin David to the wall." But David eluded him twice."

Quick question, when did Saul hurl the spear? While David was playing his harp. Again, this shows the spiritual nature of the situation was composed of more than just the question of musical style. More on David later.

Thirdly, it also has to do with how the music is played, regardless of the type or style. In Messages To Young People Ellen White uses the phrase 'frivolous ditty.' In other words, simple songs not worthy of attention. The context also appears to be focussing on gathering places rather than instructions for worship.

She then goes on to say how music can be an idol if not used properly, as the blessing that it should be. Lastly, she goes on to mention the employment of music in a worship setting. She then discusses how it loses its power on the heart because of the way it is practiced. Again, nothing is mentioned of a certain musical style.

In Selected Messages the context appears to be speaking of volume or how they were played. When I say this I'm not speaking of style but rather of quality. I've heard hymns that can move me (excellently played) and some rock that sounds just like the above mentioned, noise. Why? Because the musicians weren't as polished as others. I won't say untalented because if it is from the heart God will work with them to get better. Everyone starting out deserves a chance.

When studying the Spirit of Prophecy we must also look at the whole picture to inform our decision rather than a few quotes. Comparatively, and as you probably know, the same applies to Scripture.

Ellen White agrees with the Bible that shouting is part of worship. "I saw," she said, that "singing to the glory of God often drove [out] the enemy, and shouting would beat him back and give us the victory" (Letter 8, 1850).

You see? This speaks of what would appear to be the opposite. Louder music and the driving away of evil forces. There are plenty more quotes along those lines. Again, noise not only has to do with the style but also the quality of the musicianship.

Deuteronomy 12:28-32

If you study the different kinds of music used in the occult, you will find everything from classical to rock. If we believe that a musical style can be satanic - then you would have to say that all music is satanic. We shouldn't limit God.

Even though a lot of Bible verses apply for us we must also learn not to generalize things too much. The style of music we play is a far cry from passing children through the fire. We must look elsewhere in the Bible for answers. God was specific stating he hated those things and music could apply but we must also get His view on music before we apply it to other verses. The Scriptures from Amos are a good example.

A lot of it has to do with culture, whether we like it or not. My brother asked Jack Sequeira at camp meeting and he said the same thing. They have 2 services. The church has always reflected the music of the times. The Bible itself reflected the music of that time. Note the introductions to the 10 Psalms said to be sung to secular tunes. Psalm 9: "To the tune of The Death of a Son.'" Psalm 22: "To the tune of The Doe of the Morning.'" Psalms 45 and 69: "To the tune of Lilies.'" Psalm 56: "To the tune of A Dove on Distant Oaks.'" Psalms 57, 58 and 75: "To the tune of Do not Destroy.'" Psalm 60 and 80: "To the tune of The Lily of the Covenants.'"

No one who comes to church just for the music stays. They are more likely to stay with secular music. Finding and setting a worship style you like is more for the believers than anything else. It is we who are subjected to it week after week. If I had only went for the music (whether rock or traditional) I would have been gone along time ago.

On the other hand Ellen White wanted church services to be attractive to unbelievers. "It is the duty of those connected with the church to feel an individual responsibility to... make the meetings so interesting that outsiders or unbelievers will be attracted to your meetings" (EGW Manuscript 13, 1885 -- Manuscript Releases vol. 3 page 1).

Leo Schreven is also big on that. We are kidding ourselves if we think otherwise. Any genuine conversion is a result of the message (sermons etc.) not the music. The Bible says to let the wheat grow with tares, He'll take care of it.

What about "Christian" television? They use the same equipment, the same lighting, the same stage designs. Only one thing is different, the message! We reject one medium and declare God can use everything else? Christian magazines, Christian movies, Christian radio. Now Christian television is everywhere in Adventism, this was not so as little as 25 years ago.

On the topic of music and idolatry from Messages to Young People, let us say you have 2 people who wear suits. They both look the same, dress the same, have the same hairstyle, but one is a pastor and one is a worldly business man who worships money. Are we as a church too worldly because of that fact?

As far as 'taking music from the world' we do it every Saturday, it's called a hymnal! A study on music and the reformation would reveal this. It is not as simple as the world makes music and the church takes it. The church are individuals too and grow within culture.

Continuing with the evolution of music, as early as the late 60's Christian rock was coming on the scene (which many are not aware of) with bands like Agape. They were mostly underground but they were there. Their music also sounded different than today's rock. Why? Because it was also evolving. Whether Christian or non-Christian one thing remained, the music itself was developing.

As far as a lot of Christian bands not having their own sound I agree with you. If we supported these groups more it wouldn't always be the case. There would be more room for growth. There are some exceptions of bands who have their own sound. I have recommended these bands to secular friends and they didn't instantly become Christians, some never did. And some just plain don't like the music. And the ones that did, it was because of the witnessing itself. This is relative based on my personal experience as is yours (leading of Christian Rock praise bands).

Before we begin any study we should leave our degrees at the door (see 1 Corinthians 2:14). Spiritual wisdom and human wisdom are 2 different things.

Regarding science I think it is a great tool but we must be careful. Sometimes the more we discover the more erroneous we become. Look at creationism versus evloution for example. Studying science should actually convince us of a Greater Power with design and purpose, instead some believe in evolution.

(See also 2 Timothy 3:7)

An automatic give away should be that how come the musicians themselves are never affected by any of these symptoms? Are they somehow magically immune to them? The only thing scientifically sound in that area is hearing loss. And yes, we should be careful. And no, this doesn't just apply to rock music.

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