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Dharma and Disciples

Ten Non-Virtuous Actions

    The ten non-virtuous actions are divided into three broad areas and are related to the mode (door) through which the actions are committed: (1) bodily actions, (2) verbal actions, and (3) mental actions. If these non-virtuous actions are completed, we realize the full result of the action, producing negative karma and the potential for rebirth in the lower realms. Completion occurs when the object is correctly identified, intention is present, preparation has occurred, and the action has been completed. Depending on the circumstances, if the action is incomplete, we may incur no negative karma or we may incur some degree of negative karma, but not the full impact that would be realized were it a completed action. (See also Ten Virtuous Actions.)

An example will help clarify the concept of completion. Let's say, for example, that Phil becomes incensed with John. Phil correctly identifies John (the object) and intends to kill John out of mailice (intetnion). Normally, one of the root delusions (anger, attachment or ignorance) motivates killing. Phil decides when, where and how John will be killed (preparation). Phil then follows through and kills John (completion). This is an example of a completed action and it would carry heavy negative karma.

What would happen if Phil misidentified Steven as John and accidentally took Steven's life? This would be an example of an incomplete action since the object (Steven) would be incorrect (not John). However, the action, although incomplete, would generate a great deal of negative karma but not as much as the completed action described above.

One also might kill another person with compassion as the intention rather than one of the root delsuions. For example, a person might determine someone is about to explode a bomb that would kill many people. This might motivate killing of the would be bomber in order to prevent the the suffering of others. In this case, the completed action would likely carry the least amount of negative karma since the act of killing would be motivated by compassion rather than delusion.

The ten non-virtuous actions (and their associated doors) are as follows:

Bodily Actions
(1) Killing
(2) Stealing
(3) Sexual Misconduct

Verbal Actions
(4) Lying
(5) Divisive Speech
(6) Abusive Speech
(7) Idle Speech

Mental Actions
(8) Covetousness
(9) Harmful Intent
(10) Holding Wrong Views

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