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Dharma and Disciples

Ten Virtuous Actions

    The ten virtuous actions represent the abandonment of the ten non-virtuous actions. (See Ten Non-Virtuous Actions on the Basic Teachings page to bring this topic into context.)

The ten virtuous actions (categorized according to their associated doors) are as follows:

Bodily Actions
(1) The Abandonment of Killing
(2) The Abandonment of Stealing
(3) The Abandonment of Sexual Misconduct

Verbal Actions
(4) The Abandonment of Lying
(5) The Abandonment of Divisive Speech
(6) The Abandonment of Abusive Speech
(7) The Abandonment of Idle Speech

Mental Actions
(8) The Abandonment of Covetousness
(9) The Abandonment of Harmful Intent
(10) The Abandonment of Wrong Views

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