This bit is still under construction, but will include a library of links that I think you might find usefull or entertaining.
- FASA Corp. Homepage - Links and so on for all their current main releases.
- Crimson Skies Official Homepage - Bits and pieces specific to the game, including the home of the Crimson Skies web-ring.
- Conspiracy X Homepage - Contains a full on-line catalogue, as well as game recourses and a vague release schedule.
- Planet K - A technically Goth chat site, and damn good fun.
- SG-1 Net - A brilliant fan site for the Stargate TV series, with message forums, a chat room, episode listings and a wealth of background info.
- Winamp Homepage - Download the latest version, and hordes of skins for free.
- UK by Night Main Page - Home of the national level Vampire LARP I'm involved in.
- MK Domain Homepage - A website devoted to the Domain of Buckinghamshire, the specific UK by Night game I'm in.