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Create an automatic scrolling message box. Enter your message in the text box, then click "Convert to Script" to create the script. See the demo.


  1. Enter the message body in the main text box.
  2. Click "Convert to Script" to create the script.
  3. Copy and paste the generated script into your page!
How many columns:
How many rows:
Scroll Rate:

If you want to preview your script, click the "Go to Preview" button after converting your message to JavaScript. At the "Developer Help >> Basic HTML Filter" page you should click on "Preview" once it has finished loading. Your script will automatically be inserted into the "Output HTML Box," and you will be able to copy your script from that page by scrolling down or clicking the quick link (which will be to the right) to get to the HTML box. Make sure you have actually converted your content properly before going to the preview.

The HTML Filter page has a lot of other features for creating/editing HTML such as auto-links, raw code editing, etc., but you don't need to do anything there except click "Preview" to see the effect. You might want to check out the other features too!

Feel free to mess with the settings to get what works best with your special message. The columns setting specifies with width (in characters) of your text box (the demo was set to 60, and that entry box has 40), and the rows setting changes the numbers of lines. Scroll rate can be set from 1-10 (slower to faster), and the granularity indicates how choppy the scrolling should be. A value of 1 will update the position one character per update, a maximum value of 10 will scroll 10 characters at once.


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“MyersDaily” created by Joseph K. Myers 1999-2000. Free hosting by Angelfire!!
Note: This site's URL is:   Site Updated On: October 6, 2000