The page title you enter in the Page Title box will be displayed at the top of your finished HTML page as
well as above the page content. Enter the page background color e.g. white, yellow, or red into the Page Color box.
You can also enter a hexidecimal value.
The font face entered in the Font Face box will set the font of the page's text, and the Font Color & Size
boxes change the text color and size. The size can be set from 1 to 7.
Keep in mind you can instantly preview your new pages with the Preview button.
The format of the page can be changed with the three checkboxes -- Center Text, Autowrap Text, and Show Linebreaks.
Checking Center Text changes the page alignment from being aligned left to being aligned center. Checking Autowrap
Text (default) lets the page's wrapping accomodate to different window sizes. You cannot use Autowrap when the Show
Linebreaks option is being used. With HTML, text linebreaks are ignored by default. Checking Show Linebreaks overrides
this, however, and shows your text just as typed.
You can choose not to have your page's URLs and email addresses automatically converted to links by unchecking
the Auto-Insert Links checkbox. When this box is checked you can specify your page's link color in the Link Color box.
Note that adding these <> around <email> addresses or <links> is unnecessary and not recommended,
especially with links.