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1) Re: Meta Tags: As time permits, be sure to include your meta tags on ALL your web pages, not just your home page. IMPORTANT: Each of your web pages should have a slightly different meta tag so it can be picked up as a different page within the search engine. Mix up your Titles, Descriptions, and Keywords on each separate web page with information related to that particular page and/or keyword. Those search engines who read meta tags will come back to spider these pages at a later date.

Webmaster's Tips #1

2) Re: Web page construction and search engines: the HEADING tag is important. Headings are the larger print, or subtitles on a page. Headings come in a variety sizes represented by the HTML tags <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, etc., where <H1> is larger than <H2>. Some engines evaluate keywords within heading tags and assign more value Vs. words in the body text. Headings provide a summary of the page therefore, your most important keywords should be repeated in the heading tags just as you would in the <TITLE> tag.
You will receive far better results when performing this task by hand, individually verifying and re-submitting only when necessary.

SPECIAL NOTE: do not attempt to verify and re-submit your URL using automated software.


3) Re: Verification and re-submission: With popular engines receiving up to 10,000 submission request's per day and limited database size, it has become very important to go back each month to verify your URL remains in their database. Excite is the worst engine in terms of dropping pages at random. We were happy to read a recent CNN report indicating Excite is expanding the size of their database from 50 million pages to 250 - 300 million. Staying listed in Excite and other popular databases is a maintenance issue.