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Energies of the Woods and Trees

Deep within the Ancient Forests Dwelt and still Dwell many Energies that are there to help and release Our Pain...

These Energies are as Large as the Largest Redwood or as Small as the Smallest piece of dirt...
They do exist and we still use their healing powers today in Herb and Medicine...

Dryads are the Nymphs of the Woods...
The Satyrs and Pan are well known...
They are the Divine Essence deep within the Tree...
They are the Green Man...
The Original Robin Hood...
They contain the living Energy of Earth and Tree... Are Fresh and Green and musty and Old...
For they are Old and Yet Young...
Fed by the decay of Living matter...
They Rejoice in Sun and Shade and Grow in LOVE!!!


Energies of the Fountains and Streams Energies of the Air and Wind Energies of the Woods and Trees
Energies of Fire and Fireplaces Energies of the Earth and Subterranea Other Energies...

Small Faeries