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N.C. State's Michael Foushee
  • N.C. State's Michael Foushee 87 TE, clutches a rifled bullet pass. The Wolf Pack upset the Syracuse Orangemen 38-17.
  • Analog Passing

    Analog Passing is one of the many new additions to this year's EA NCAA Football title. In its design, it allows "you" to control where the ball can be thrown on the field - within limits of a QB's agility ,throwing power, and throwing accuracy. This enables the human player to lead receivers as much or as little as you wish, rather than surrendering to a computer QB's arm and eye. Passing game control freaks should drool over this newest feature.

    space gifThe Function

    With a analog equipped controller, you are presented a extra couple of small joysticks. Using the right joystick, you control the blue on-field cursor during pass plays. After positioning the cursor at the spot you want the ball to be thrown to, you click down on the joystick (tap for a lob, hold for a bullet). The QB throws the ball to the precise spot, allowing you to lead your receivers as much as you want, or throw it short for "comeback" routes. The left joystick controls the QB's scrambling. It takes a little getting used to since you are trying to do two things at once, but one can work on perfecting the art in practice mode.

  • Front View of Analog Controller
  • space gifMy Opinion

    I really do think the Analog passing feature is a great asset this this year's new title. It is a step forward in the evolution of EA's sports game simulations. How can one condemn those efforts? Anything that makes the sports game experience closer to a simulation...well, "I am all for it".

    I will not leave it without some criticism though. Analog passing can be a very difficult thing to control when coupled with all the other things to control as a QB. When you're out scrambling with your QB, there are so many things to be aware of (defensive rush, blitzing linebackers, receivers, etc.). I find it diffult to control a "X" out on the field, as to where I want to through the ball, with all these other responsibilities as QB. I believe it only works best exclusively in certain game situations.

    space gifSituations For Analog Passing

    Here are some situations where Analog Passing can make a difference. With some experimention out on the practice field in these situations, you can make Analog Passing the difference in your wins / losses column. Situations for Analog Passing are:

  • When you're sold on passing to one receiver on a comeback route.
  • When you need to get the ball into the end zone for a score. (Two minute drives, game winning touchdowns, etc.)
  • Short passes to the TE on routes that are within the immediate field of vision.
  • Deep lobbing passes to the middle of the field shortly after the snap of the ball.
  • System Options,the calibration screen.

  • space gifAnalog Calibration

    The Analog Calibration screen is within the System Options menu. It is here you can calibrate or "tweak" your controller to fine-tuned perfection. If you plan to use analog passing, you better visit this setup.

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