MajorT's Footlocker

New Players








1.) OK, you have the current version of WinZip, and would like to simplify this process a bit by using the CheckOut feature.  Close the open archive, copy it into the Zeppo Directory you previously made, and double click on it again, now you will again see the open archive. Click on the CheckOut button now. You will see a screen such as below.

2.) In the box named Group name: that is the name it will place in your start menu, you can edit that to say whatever you want. Otherwise just click ok, and the CheckOut feature will unzip all files to the Zeppo Directory, as well as place a group in your start menu, and place shortcuts there to the program.

3.) Now there is one thing left to do to make the install complete. Using Explorer, browse to the Program Files\Zeppo Directory. Now Right click, select new, then Folder. Name this folder Plugins.


4.) Now you should have all of the following files inside your Zeppo directory. If it looks like this, then your install is complete, ready to put some plugins in and run.

Back to the start page

On to Installing Plugins