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No Regretz

A/N: Ok, first off, I am in no way associated with the Backstreet Boys, nor their g/f's. So keep that in mind. Also, I have no idea who Howie, AJ and Nick and actually seeing right now, but I picked Tiffany, Sarah and Claudia because they're the names I see the most. (I know Claudia and Howie broke up, but I can't think of anyone else he's been with). And in this story, Brian and Kevin haven't married Leigh or Kristin. When you see someones name at the beginning of a paragraph, it's their POV.
Oh, and *** basically means new subject, but, if you see a large space between paragraphs, it's a little while later (Hope it's not too confusing for ya!).

"Kass! Your most favorite person E-VER, is on the TV!!" I heard Dessa shout from the living room.
I looked at Kelby, and we both stood wondering who she was talking about for a minute.
"BRIAN!" I suddenly squealed.
Quickly dropping the bag of cookies into Kelby's hands I dashed into the living room, planting myself squarly in front of the TV.
"Where?? Where?? I don't see him!"
Dessa laughed, "Just wait a minute, it's a commercial."
I sat down, relaxing in front of the TV. "Is it a live concert?"
Dessa shook her head, "No, it's an interview."
Suddenly the boys flashed onto the screen with a small woman sitting next to them holding a microphone.
"Hello and welcome back to Live with the Backstreet Boys, I'm Lindsey Buckam-"
I rolled my eyes, "Yeah yeah lady, get on with it, lemme see Brian!"
"-ok, this-" said interwiewer, holding a small card up to her face, "-is a question from a fan."
As she mentioned fans you could hear a loud scream rise up from the large crowd outside of the building.
The guys all laughed and waited for Lindsey to continue.
"Alright, the question is, 'How do you find your opening acts that you have tour with you?'"asked Lindsey, with what was obviously very little interest.
"Well, we usually have our manegment gather up some talented artists from whatever city we happen to start our tour in, and we audition them, and choose the best one."
Lindsey nodded and smiled.
"Actually, we're auditioning some acts tonight, here in Toronto, where we're kicking off the tour, so if your interested in per-"
A.J. was cut off when I let out a shrill scream, "OH MY GAWD YOU GUYS!! We can audition!!! I mean, we're really good, and they're right here in Toronto, Oh gosh, Oh gosh," I was out of breath from getting so excited.
Kelby smiled from the kitchen door way, "You know, we should seriously think about it, we are pretty good."
We looked at Dessa who was jotting something down, when she realized we were looking at her she looked up from the paper, "Well, we could but becuase of Kassia's little outburst, she cut off A.J. telling us where the auditions are taking place."
I was ready to cry, "Oh I'm jus kiddin Kass, I wrote it down, we'll go!" said Dessa with a sly grin.
Dessa and Kelby plugged their ears as I squealed again (Hey, it's a habit!). "So I'll call Tilly and Dru and you guys go get ready," said Dessa as Kelby and I raced of for the shower.

* * *

"Guys, I am so nervous, what if the Backstreet Boys are REALLY there??" I sat in the back seat blabbering on and on as I always did when I got nervous (another habit).
"Oh Kass, will you shut up, they won't be there, trust me, they're too busy for something like this," mumbled Dru who had raced over to our house as soon as she heard the news.
Kelby raised her eyebrows, "Well, you never know Dru."
I gasped, "Oh gosh!! I'm not ready to meet the Backstreet Boys!! I mean... what if..." I gulped, "What if Brian sees me??"
Tilly laughed, "Get used to it, we'll be touring with them for four months if we win!"

* * *

We quietly slipped into the studio eyeing the two little girls on the stage.
"Are they trying out for the tour?" Kelby whispered to Dessa.
Dessa nodded, "It's for all ages."
'Holy, they're only about ten years old! If we lose to 10 year olds we'll never live it down!!' I thought to myself.
We went back stage and warmed up for our dance routine.

* * *

"OK, and our next act are five girls, who live right here in Toronto, Kassia, Kelby, Dessa, Dru and Tilly, make up a group called No ReGretZ!"
The bands who had previously preformed and whoever was judging, all clapped as we stepped out onto the small stage.
I quickly ran over the dance steps in my mind as the music slowly started up. I raised my head to start, and squarly met the eyes of none other then Brian Littrell. The Boys had just walked in, in time to catch the last preformances.
"Oh God, Oh God, I forget the steps!" I hissed at Dessa.
I saw that Dessa herself was partly in a daze, but she managed to reply, "Come on Kass, we can do this!"
I guess I was reassured, because I got through it.

* * *

We got through the whole routine and sang our song, 'Last Dream' prefectly, then happily dashed off of the stage.
"Oh gosh, I can't believe they were here! It totally threw me!" exclaimed Dru breathlessly as we changed into our normal clothes.
Kassia looked at her sadly, "You were fine Dru, but I blew it, I ruined it for you guys!"
I watched as Dru gave Kassia a tight hug, "You were fine, don't worry about it!"
So we gathered up our things and left the dressing area to go out and watch the last performance.

* * *

"Kass, I swear, Brian is staring at you!" Kelby said with a giggle.
Kassia smiled broadly, "Well, I do believe your little Kevvy Wevvy has shot you a few glances as well."
< Kelby giggled again and turned to me, "Dessss? You in there? Helloooo?" she called waving a hand in front of my face.
I blinked and then nodded, whispering, "I can see them all discussing it over there, they're gunna decide!"
After a few more minutes the judge stood up and cleared his throught, "Eh ehm, well, you were all very wonderful, but of course we can only choose one act. It was a tough decision and a very close one, but in the end we chose..."
The girls all sat hand in hand, holding their breath.
"No ReGretZ!"
Kassia squealed and Kelby, Dru and Tilly jumped up and hugged, hopping up and down happily.
I just sat there and drifted off into a day dream.

* * *

"Oh gawd, I don't know what to pack! Four months, I need to pack everything I own, and all into this insy winsy suit case!" Kassia was throwing everything she could find into the small suit case on her bed, while muttering to herself as I walked passed the doorway.
I chuckling to myself.
"KASSIA, WHERE ARE MY WHITE SHORTS????" Kelby screamed from her bed room, where she also raced around grabbing all her belongings.
I watched as Kassia sighed harshly and dug through a pile of dirty laundery in the corner of her room.
Kelby came and stood in the doorway next to me placing her hands on her hips and tapping her foot impatiently.
Kassia ripped the shorts out of the pile and thrust them into Kelby's hands shoving her out the door. "I don't have time to worry about where your clothes are!" she complained.

* * *

"Alright, I've got everything!" shouted Kassia as she squeezed the suit case closed and zipped up the zipper.
Knowing her better then that, I walked into her room and scanned it slowly, "Do you have your make up?"
Kassia nodded.
"Tooth Brush?"
"Hmmmm, you don't have your hair brush or any pajama's."
Kassia stood in horror, it was obvious that she wasn't getting one more thing in her suitcase.
I groaned, wishing I hadn't even mentioned it, "Alright, you can put them in mine. Althought that just leaves me less room!"
Kassia grinned happily and grabbed what she had left out, bringing it into my room.

As Kassia threw all the luggage into the trunk, Kelby and I locked up the house and sat on the porch waiting for Tilly and Dru.

* * *

"Helloooo?" Kelby shouted into the studio as we arrived.
A small mouse like woman with thick glasses game out from an office room and looked us over.
"No ReGretZ?"
We nodded.
"Hello, I'm Jeanna, I'm your manager, follow me please."
So we picked our suitcases back up and followed Jeanna out the back door of the studio.

I heard Kassia let out a loud gasp when she saw the huge tour bus which was parked behind the studio.
"I-is that OUR bus??" whispered Dru.
Jeanna nodded, "Yes, well, mostly, you'll being sharing it with the Boys of course."
I got ready to drop my luggage to catch one of the other girls, who looked like they were ready to faint at any moment.

* * *

Chapter 2
Chapter Index