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No Regretz

I was disgusted and furious with the way that Brian had weasled his way into becoming friends with the girls. How would we get them off the tour, if Brian was on their side? Now they'd never leave. Although, I wasn't only mad... I was jealous. Not like I'd ever admit it, but if it wasn't for the pact of staying away, I would have loved to be friends with the No Regretz women. Especially Dru... I shook my head roughly, what was I thinking? Dru? Drucinda? I laughed at the ridiculous name.
"What are you smiling about?" grumbled Dru as she walked into the kitchen.
Speak of the devil... Ignoring her I went back to reading my comic.
But, unable to resist, I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye as she poured a glass of pop.
She turned around to put the pop bottle back into the fridge and noticed me staring at her.
"What are you staring at Carter?" She snapped me out of LaLaLand pretty damn quick and I jumped up out of the chair, dissapearing into the living room.

As I walked into the entertainment room, I saw Tilly and Kelby look up from playing my Nintendo, and Brian and Kassia look up from their rapid conversation.
I guess I had entered pretty loudly, but how could I help it when Dru had caught me staring at her?
"What's wrong Nick?" Brian asked me.
I mumbled a response and plopped onto the couch, to read my comic, hopefully, in peace. But no, of course not, because Dru came in.

After I caught Nick staring at me (ugh how creepy) I decided to go watch TV. I guess I forgot that he had hurriedly took off into the entertainmet room too. I walked in and he immediatly looked up from his comic. I thought about turning around and going back to the kitchen, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.
"Move your ass, you don't get the whole damn couch," I said and stood in front of him.
He looked startled. He hadn't expected me to sit right next to him after he'd openly gawked at me.
"I-Uh- NO!"
Trying not to grin at how uncomfortable he looked, I rolled my eyes, "Well I'm not sitting on the floor dumbass, so move over!"
He slowly sat up, and pushed himself up into the very corner of the couch. Gosh, he acted like he was scared of me... damn right, I sure put him into his place.

I couldn't understand what Dru and Nick found so interesting in these video games, all you did was move some buttons and watch these little things run around the screen.
I sighed and hit the start/pause button, "Till, let's watch a movie or something, this game is so boring."
She rolled her eyes, "I'd rather play this boring games than watch some stupid Italian movie that I can't even understand."
'Well of course you can't stupid, you don't know Italian' I growled silently. I was about to unpause the game but I noticed Nick and Dru arguing on the couch about who was taking up the most room.
"You're taking up TWO cushions and I'm only taking up ONE!" yelled Nick.
"Well you were the one who scrunched yourself up into the little corner! It's not my fault you gave me the oppurtunity to take up two cushions!" Dru yelled back.
"Well I was in here FIRST! Why did you have to come in here anyway? Why couldn't you have stayed in the kitchen?"
"Well I was on my way in here in the first place, but you had to stare at me and then take off into hiding!"
I think that's about the time my mouth fell open. Nick turned redder than red and I think Dru actually bit her toungue in regret.
I glanced over at Kassia and Brian and they both looked a little amused. And then I glanced at Tilly. She looked like she was about to explode in giggles. Then suddenly, she did. She laughed and laughed and laughed and then finally managed to gasp out, "You were STARING at her? AHAHAHAH!"
Nick jumped off of the couch and tried to think of something to say. Obviously he was still speachless and he stormed off.

***Two Weeks Later***

So, we were two weeks into the tour, and still nothing had been settled between the ten of us. Well, other than Brian of course, who was too sweet to be like the rest of the Bastard Boys. Dru and Nick still attacked each other with crazy insults at the site of the other ones face. Kevin, AJ and Howie still refused to accept the fact that we had any talent.

Our first show had been a blast, and the crowd had loved us. We got so pumped when we were out in front of all those people, it was amazing. But after two straight weeks, it was also really tiring. We were all looking forward to a weekend away from each other.

I was laying in bed, in a hotel room, on Friday night, watching Much Music, when Kassia came into my room.
Looking away from the TV, I smiled, "Hey Kass, 'Sup?"
"You wanna come watch some movies with me and the girls?"
Sounded good to me, we hadn't had a girls night since we'd left TO.

One down, four to go. Everything was going well so far, and one by one I got the girls into my hotel room, for a suposed 'Girls Night'.

I led all the guys into the room, distracting them from the fact that that it wasn't mine. I opened the door, and they all walked straight into the perfect trap.

I quickly used the key that Kass had given me, and locked the four boys and four girls into the bedroom. Since the door had to be opened with a key on either side and Kass only had one, they were stuck.

I went down to the lobby and joined Kass in the coffee shop, as we rejoiced in a mission accomplished.

When I realized that I had walked into a room with Dru I turned around to leave, but then I heard the door shut... and lock. Damn Brian!
I started banging on the door, but AJ stopped me, "He's gone man. "
I sighed and nodded, and then we focused our attention on the girls.
"What... the... hell?!?!" shouted Tilly.
Then Dessa groaned when she realized how horribly she'd been fooled.
I sighed and sat down near the door, and the rest of the guys did the same.
Dru was avoiding my eyes and I wondered how long it would take before she started a fight.
Not too long apparently.
She noticed me looking at her, AGAIN. Why couldn't I just keep my eyes on the floor?
She glared at me feircly, "Great, now I have to spend all night with Mr.Wandering eyes over there!"
I know I turned red, "I WASN'T EVEN LOOKING AT YOU!"
"Like hell you weren't! What is your problem anyway? Don't you have anything better to do? Is your only goddamn pleasure in life gawking at me?"
I rolled my eyes, "You're awfully fucking sure of your self Andrews! You seem to think you're the hottest damn thing around, well get off your high horse, cause you're no Britney Spears!"
She scoffed, "You're damn right I'm not, I'm ten times better than that hoe bag! But then again, you seem to have a thing for blond ass bimbos who can't sing worth SHIT!"
She always resorted to the Willa arguement...
Then Kevin stood up, and so did Dessa.
"Shut up! Why can't you go five minutes without breaking into an immature arguement?" she shouted mainly at Dru, but meant me too.
But Dru was in an arguing mood, "You know what Dessa? You're not my mother and you're not in charge of me! You can't tell me or anyone else what to do, I am so sick of you acting like the almighty around here!"
I didn't say anything, and Kevin seemed to change his mind about starting a lecture, probably because he knew I would have done the same thing to him that Dru did to Dessa.

"You guys, please, let's not all turn on each other. Kass and Brian put us in here so we would all stop this crazy bickering. And she had the right idea, this is crazy and it can't go on for another 4 months!"
I couldn't stand to see two of our own girls fighting with each other, so I had to say something.
Dessa and Kevin nodded.
"She's right, this is stupid, we could all get along fine if we tried hard enough," mumbled Howie.
AJ rolled his eyes, "No! No no no, you guys, remember what we said? These are talentless Spi-"
Kevin cut him off, "No, AJ, they have tons of talent and I think we just refused to see that."
And with that, everyone, suddenly started talking, and amazingly, getting along. All except Dru and Nick, of course.

Chapter 4
Chapter Index