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No Regretz

I started mumbling about how this was all my fault, over and over until I was yelling it, yelling so someone could yell back, so I could be blamed. I made her leave, made her drive away.
Tilly put her arm around my shoulder, "It's not your fault Nick, we don't even know what happened yet, calm down."
"She left because of me."
No one said anything so I shut up and we all walked into the hospital waiting room.

We sat and waiting for over an hour before someone finally came to see us.
As the other girls attacked the doctor hysterically, Dessa asked him calmly, "Is she alive?"
At even the thought of the possibility that Dru could not be alive, silence came over all of them.
Thankfully, the doctor nodded, "Yes, she's alive."
I spoke up, "What happened?"
"She was on the highway and a drunk driver was in the wrong lane, she must have been in some sort of daze to not have seen it right away, she didn't swerve fast enough to avoid the crash entirely. The car hit the passengers side, luckily. She's got some deep cuts and bruises, but that's about all." A sigh of relief escaped us all.
Tilly stepped forward, "Can we see her?"
The doctor nodded, "Mmmhmm, and she should only need to stay overnight, she'll be on her way out tomorrow."
I stayed behind in the waiting room while everyone went and visited her. I was just so relieved that she was alright, I didn't need to see her, not to mention that she probably never wanted to see me again.
After about fifteen minutes, everyone came back out.
I stood up ready to leave, but Tilly stopped me, "She wants to see you."

I smiled- even though it made me feel like my face would explode- when everyone came in. They'd all been so concerned. I looked for Nick, but he didn't come in, so I guessed he hadn't come along.
We all talked and they kept saying how glad they were that I was OK.
Finally, Tilly brought up just the subject I was yearning to talk about.
"Nick thinks it's his fault."
Dessa stepped in, "Tilly, this isn't the time nor-"
I stopped her by answering Tilly, "He what?"
"He thinks he made you drive away, and therefore get in a car accident."
I shook my head, "Is he here?"
She nodded, "In the waiting room."
I made a decision, "I want to talk to him."
They all said goodbye and that they'd be by to pick me up tomorrow, and cleared out.
I leaned back in the bed, and waiting for him.
I walked into her room quietly and saw her leaning back onto her pillow, eyes closed. I thought maybe she'd already fallen asleep, and turned to leave when she stopped me, "Don't go."
I turned back around and walked over to her bed, sitting in the chair beside it.
"I'm sorry." Both of us said it at the same time, and then I met her eyes, "Dru, I really didn't mean what I said about your boyfriend, I just, lost it, there's nothing wrong with him, and I-"
"Nick, it's alright, I kept at you with the Willa thing and I deserved to get it back."
I shook my head, "But you're right about Willa, she was a bitch, I don't know anything about Ryan."
Dru smiled a little, "It doesn't matter, we're both to blame, and I'm just tired of fighting."
"So am I. No one else is fighting anymore, and we're just going around in circles, it's pointless."
She nodded in agreement and we both sat quietly for a minute.
"Nick, you're not fat," she said, barely above a whisper.
I just shrugged...
She reached over and tilted my chin up, so our eyes met again, "I mean it. I only said that because I'm stupid and I had no other comebacks. Please don't take it personally, last month me and Tilly got into a fight and I called her fat too. I'm not so good at verbal fights."
I smiled, "Coulda fooled me."

Chapter 6
Chapter Index