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No Regretz

We thought it'd be just a regular day, Dru and Nick playing Nintendo, AJ and Tilly planning on going shopping, Kass and Brian playing basketball, Howie, Dessa, Kel and I trying to figure out how to cook something good for supper. But then we got called over to Jeanna's office for a meeting. No one thought it was anything big, maybe just a change in a few tour dates. Oh, if only that had of been it.

"Hi everyone," Jeanna greeted us and gestured for everyone to have a seat. She started into it right away, "I've got good news, bad news and worse news."
We were all a little iffy abut the worse news.
Brian laughed, "Tell us the bad news."
Jeanne nodded, "Well, we're changing the entrie tour around and extending it."
A loud groan from everyone.
"What do you mean changing it around?"
"Well, I think this is a great idea, we're going to take about 5 acts from Jive Records and they're all going to tour together."
"Jeanna! You can't be serious, this is our tour!" I tried to sound stern, but this seemed non-debatable.
"Kevin, there's no debate in this, it's official, tickets are being sold."
"Tell me not Nsync, just tell me, NOT Nsync," Nick was ready to pound his head into the desk if she said Nsync.
And yes, you guessed it, she said NSync. Dru placed her hand where Nick was banging his head and he growled at her.
I decided we'd better see just how much worse, the worse news was.
"The worse news?"
Jeanna hesitated, looking at Nick.
Dru laughed, "Don't worry, there's not much for him to bang outta that head anyway!"
She fell into a fit of giggles over her own joke while Nick just grinned, "Ha Ha."

Kev was getting impatient, I could tell by looking at him, so I urged Jeanna on, "Just tell us, I mean, how much worse could it get?"
"Willa's joining us as well."
Nick and Dru immediatly stopped laughing.
Nick flew up out of his chair, which in turn sent it flying backwards. "No, there's no way she's coming on this tour."
"I'm sorry Nick, she's coming, no 'if's', 'ands' or 'buts'."
Now Dru stood up, "Then I quit."
Jeanna was taken aback, "Excuse me? Dru, what's your problem with all of this?"
"I hate that, that, that- BEAST!"
"I quit too," announced Nick.
"Nick, you're being really drastic, just sit down and think about this," I tried to coax him back into the chair, and more importantly, back into the tour.
I think they both saw how ridiculous quiting would be, so Dru sat back down and mumbled, "Just keep her the hell away from me."
Nick turned around, picking his chair back up and plopping down into it.
I looked back at Jeanna, "OK, who else is coming?"
"Well, there'll be you ten plus Nsync, Britney, Aaron, Mystikal, Steps and R. Kelly."
Kassia looked a little upset now too, "Britney, as in Spears?"
A nod from Jeanna.
Kass just shook her head sadly, as if her whole tour was now ruined. Then I remembered, the good news!
"OK, so, how about the GOOD news?" Now Jeanna smiled again, happy to be off the other topic.
"Well, I know how much you all wanted to bring along you're family on the tour, and since we sprang all this bad news on you, we thought it'd be alright if you flew in your girlfriends for the tour."
"Hell yes!" shouted Nick and AJ together.
Kevin and I smiled at each other and Howie grinned.

Oh Lordy. Only Dru was smiling out of the five of us, "So I can bring Ryan!?" Jeanna smiled and nodded, "Oh and of course you girls can bring along your boyfriends."

***A Week Later***

"Nick!" I heard someone call his name and we both turned around. Running towards us was a blond girl, who was obviously, Tiffany.
He smiled happily and did the huggy kissy thing, then turned to introduce us.
"Tiff, this is Dru, she's from No Regretz, Dru, my girlfriend Tiffany."
Tiffany smiled, "Hi Dru, that's an interesting name, I've never met a girl named Dru!"
I shrugged, "Oh."
Oh yeah, definetely a smart one... "Cakes?" I spun around to see my Ryan.
I threw myself into his arms, "Oh Ry, I missed you so much!"
He laughed and I heard him breath in my scent, "Mmm, my cutie cakes, I missed you too."
I was all smiles and I took his hand leading him over to where Nick and Tiffany had gone.
"Nick, this is Ryan, Ryan, Nick and his girlfriend Tiffany."
Ryan smiled, "Hey."
We got back to the hotel and everyone was crowded into Brians room.
My girls all gave Ryan a hug, telling him they'd missed him. Then it was time to meet, 'the girlfriends'.
First we met Kristin, Kevin's lovely blond girlfriend, then Leighanne, Brians, lovely, also blonde, girlfriend. On to Claudia, Howie's beautiful, Canadian, model girlfriend. And finally, Sarah, AJ's, well, AJ's girlfriend.
I'd already met Tiffany, so I got to know Claudia, who seemed like to most normal one, while everyone was introduced to the wonderful Tiff.

* * *

I sighed as Tiffany once again put on her country music CD.
She took the sigh as a sign that I liked it and turned it up louder.
I waited until she turned her back for a few seconds and took off out of the hotel room.
Tiff and I used to get along so great, used to love the same things. Or so it seemed.
Now, she was doing these things that drove me nuts!
Maybe what I saw before wasn't the real her, and now it was shining through. I didn't know, but one thing I did know, was that I wasn't liking this new her. Country music, constant clinginess, constant giggliness. Sure, this could be fun, if that was the kind of thing you liked.
I preferred... Drops of Jupiter?
Dru was listening to Drops of Jupiter, by Train, I could hear it through her door.
Now that was the kind of music I liked.
The best part of the tour used to be hanging out with Dru, she's not clingy, or giggly, but now I was with Tiff all the time.
I decided that it wouldn't be a crime to hang out with my friend for a little while, so I walked into Dru's room.

I looked up as my door opened and saw Nick.
I smiled, "Hey Carter, how come you're not with Tiffany?"
He rolled his eyes, "Well, I'm not going to sit there and listen to people complaining about their dogs, wives and houses and then call it music."
I laughed, "Tiff's listening to country again?"
He nodded and plopped down next to me.
"Wanna play some 64?" I asked, since we hadn't played in over a week.
He nodded again and we turned on Mario Kart.
At first we didn't say anything, just concentrated on the game.
Then, as I beat him for about the fifth time, he sighed.
"I've missed hanging out with you Dru."
I grinned, "It's only been a week Nick!"
He grinned back, "But you're so irresistable Drucinda!"
Then like he always did when he said my real name, he burst out laughing.
I pounced on him and started to pinch him like crazy.
"Oww, oww!" he managed somehow to laugh and whine at the same time, like only he could.
Suddenly I stopped.
He looked at me with a puzzled expresion, "What's wrong?"
His eyes, oh, I'd gotten caught in them. He had such beautiful eyes. "Dru? You alright?"
This wasn't what jolted me out of my trance, but the fact that my song was on the radio.
At once we both turned our heads toward it.
I squealed and jumped up, grabbing his hands and pulling him up.
He raced over and turned up the radio.
Then everyone was there in my room, listening to 'Last Dream' play.
When it was over, all us girls hugged.
"I can't believe OUR song is on the radio! Ahhh!" Tilly was shreaking.
We all talked for a while longer and decided to go out celebrating later.
I sighed happily and sat on the edge of the bed and Nick sat next to me.
"So how does it feel to be a full fledged celebrity?" he asked.
I smiled, "We've still got a long way to go."
I saw him hesitate, then look at me, "Dru, what happened to you earlier, you were pinching the hell outta me, then you just went into a daze."
I was sure I was blushing, so I laughed a little, "Nothing, I just tuned out, I do that sometimes..."
He didn't believe me, I could tell.
"Dru, people just don't tune out in the middle of killing someone."
"I wasn't killing you!" Maybe a change of the subject would get me out of the woods.
"Dru, why won't you just tell me what happened?"
Well, I might as well, he sure wasn't gonna drop it.
"Your eyes."
He looked at me strangely, "What about them?"
"I... You've got such pretty eyes, I just sort of, lost myself in them."
Now it was his turn to blush.

Chapter 7
Chapter Index